Hello Gambit developers-
I have successfully built, packaged and installed gambit on cygwin. The build system I used - cygport - defaults to an out-of-source build, which is supported by gambit's configure (or so it claims). It very quickly became apparent that out-of-source builds are broken, but I stubbornly patched the makefiles until it worked. What I've got now is a bit kludged, but should be fairly simple to maintain as long as the future gambit build system doesn't change drastically.
However, having come this far... I would be willing to further my work on patching configure.ac and the makefile.in's so gambit supports out-of-source builds and DESTDIR style installs. I can test on cygwin, RHEL, debian and solaris. I figure I'm about 1/3rd of the way there and I don't want to chew up any more of my time unless you are interested in accepting patches. Are you?
regards, Nate T
BTW, I haven't installed mercurial yet, so I haven't looked at the source repository, only the v4.2.8 release source.