~/testing$ cat test.scm (define-macro (foo x) `(list ,x ,x)) ~/testing$ gsc Gambit v4.4.2
(include "test.scm") (foo 2)
(2 2)
*** EOF again to exit ~/testing$ gsc -:dar -e '(load "~~/lib/modules/build")' -
(include "test.scm") (foo 2)
*** ERROR IN (console)@2.2 -- Unbound variable: ~#foo 1>
(define-macro (foo x) `(list ,x ,x)) (foo 2)
(2 2)
*** EOF again to exit ~/testing$
okay ... so under gsc, my macro works under bsc, it does not yet if I manually type it into bsc, it works
what's going on here? :-)