Does (or will) Gambit v4 have native support for shift/reset or splitter/abort/call/pc? And if so, can the resulting partial continuations be serialized?
I read your paper on 'A Better API for First-Class Continuations" (, and I see that Gambit v4 does have continuation-graft. But that paper doesn't mention partial continuations.
Rationale: I am eager to make use of Oleg Kiselyov's 'Zipper In Scheme':
Interestingly, at the end of that article, Oleg says "It doesn't matter which particular delimited continuation operator (shift, control, shift0, splitter, cupto, etc) is supported -- all of them are equally expressible", and cites a paper by Chung-chieh Shan which I haven't read yet. However, Christian Queinnec seems to make a good case that his own splitter operator is less dangerous/confusing than shift/reset when nested:
There's a discussion thread here: