Hi all.
INSTALL.txt: "--enable-single-host
This option is not used by default because compilation is much longer and requires much more RAM. In fact some platforms may not have enough resources to build the system this way. With --enable-single-host the build takes roughly 500 megabytes and 20 minutes on a 1.2 GHz Athlon Linux machine with the GCC 3.1 compiler instead of 100 megabytes and 2 minutes when --enable-single-host is not used."
This warning might be a little dated. On a Pentium M 1600, "make" (with gcc 3.4.4) takes less than 150MB and around 103 seconds. (Gambit Version 4.0 beta 17) And make -j 2 takes only 98 seconds.
Greetings Sven