Should a correct program compiled with gambit-c always show zero lost bytes (memory leaks) under valgrind? The reason I ask is that "dynamic languages" sometimes show funny under valgrind (AFAIR).
I am using gambit-c with cairo bindings (version 2 from dumping grounds), the program is currently short and simple, and calls cairo destroy functions when I think it should.
What it currently does: it reads (in sequence) pairs of .png images from a directory full of .png images, does xor on them and then releases resources (currently it does not write results).
It is quite possible that the bug is at the front of the keyboard ;-), but would you have any pointers on how to start tracking this down? When I run:
valgrind --leak-check=full ./my-program
It gives me some hex numbers (function addresses?), but what do I do with these?
Also, I have tested this under 2 different versions of 64 bit linux and libcairo, both show a leak, but not the same size.
Kind regards,
because it reverses the logical flow of conversation + it is hard to follow.
why not?
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