At 14:46 Uhr -0500 25.08.2005, Bradley Lucier wrote:
(compile-file "all.scm")
*** ERROR IN #<procedure #2> -- Unbound variable: ##ld-cmd
and there's no ##ld-cmd in gambc40b14, either.
How can I set things up to link all dynamically loaded files against
I run c#cf and the gsc-cc-o command directly to be able to specify linking options. Below is the my-compile-file function from chjmodule.scm.
(define c-cf (defined-and-true 'c#cf))
(define (my-compile-file sourcefilepath opts cfilepath objectfilepath #!key cc-opts ld-opts) (if (not c-cf) (error "the gambit binary you're running doesn't have compilation ability (c#cf is missing)")) (and (c-cf sourcefilepath #f opts cfilepath (path-strip-directory objectfilepath)) (let* ((gambcdir (path-expand "~~")) (gambcdir-bin (parameterize ((current-directory (path-expand "bin" gambcdir))) (current-directory))) (exit-status (shell-command (string-append gambcdir-bin "gsc-cc-o " gambcdir " " objectfilepath " " cfilepath " " (or cc-opts "") " " (or ld-opts ""))))) (if (= exit-status 0) #t (error "my-compile-file" 'compile-file (list sourcefilepath opts cfilepath objectfilepath cc-opts ld-opts))))))