Is it not possible for a background thread to eventually signal the condition variable?
-- vijay On Jun 11, 2014 4:55 PM, "Mikael" wrote:
There is. Gambit just detected for you that the condition you got into will guaranteedly never fix and therefore it told you it's a deadlock.
2014-06-11 6:13 GMT+02:00 Vijay Mathew
Why is the following error happening in the REPL?
(define c (make-condition-variable)) (define m (make-mutex)) (mutex-unlock! m c)
*** ERROR IN ##thread-deadlock-action! -- Deadlock detected
If I do call mutex-unlock! from a thread, it does not raise this error:
(thread-start! (make-thread (lambda () (mutex-unlock! m c) (println
"ok")))) #<thread #2> 1> (condition-variable-broadcast! c) => ok
Is there a way to invoke mutex-unlock! from the top-level without raising the deadlock error?
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