On Oct 8, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Aycan iRiCAN wrote:
What is the meaning of '=> symbol used in cond forms?
Standards documents are your friends. From <http://schemers.org/ Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-2.html#%25_toc_%25_sec_4.2.1>:
If the selected <clause> uses the => alternate form, then the <expression> is evaluated. Its value must be a procedure that accepts one argument; this procedure is then called on the value of the <test> and the value(s) returned by this procedure is(are) returned by the cond expression. If all <test>s evaluate to false values, and there is no else clause, then the result of the conditional expression is unspecified; if there is an else clause, then its <expression>s are evaluated, and the value(s) of the last one is(are) returned.
Regards, Ed