Here's a simple way to use srfi-63 (arrays) when you don't have SLIB installed.
Create a file named srfi-9.scm. At the top of the file paste the bottom-layer code from starting with the comment ; This implements a record abstraction that is identical to vectors,
At the bottom of the file paste the middle-layer code that begins with ; We define the following procedures: ; ; (make-record-type <type-name <field-names>) -> <record-type>
The top layer (2 macros) isn't needed.
Save the reference implementation of srfi-63 from in a file named srfi-63-reference.scm. Create a file named srfi-63.scm and paste this into it:
(define (require sym) #t) (define slib:error error) (include "srfi-63-reference.scm")
Now when you want to use srfi-63, just include srfi-9.scm and srfi-63.scm.