On 9-Apr-07, at 5:49 AM, Phil Dawes wrote:
Hi Marc, Gambit list,
As I've been learning gambit, I've been making notes about how some of the internals work (e.g. ports, memory management).
I was wondering - is there a wiki that I could put this stuff in so that others can read (and correct!) it and maybe add their own notes?
If not, should I set one up? (the content could be moved elsewhere later if required)
Actually I started setting up a wiki and a darcs repository for Gambit last year, but never went "public". It is accessible here:
It is currently completely editable (no edit restrictions). The main pages will become read-only when the content and structure has stabilized. If you have any organizational ideas, please discuss them on the Gambit list and implement them if there is agreement. I'm not sure where the user editable pages should go. Should we just leave everything editable and deal with vandalism if/when it happens?
Note that the information on the wiki is a bit out of date. The darcs repository is not yet online.