On Jun 26, 2005, at 12:03 AM, Bradley Lucier wrote:
Consider the following code:
(declare (standard-bindings)(extended-bindings)(block))
(define (expt1 a b) (define (square x) (* x x)) (cond ((= b 0) 1) ((even? b) (square (expt1 a (quotient b 2)))) (else (* a (square (expt1 a (quotient b 2)))))))
(declare (inlining-limit 100000))
(define a (expt1 2 20))
(define b (expt1 2 40))
(define c (expt1 2 80))
When compiled, this gives
(define expt1 (lambda (a b) (if (if (##fixnum? b) (##fixnum.= b 0) (= b 0)) 1 (if (even? b) (let ((x (expt1 a (if (and (##fixnum? b) #t) (##fixnum.quotient b 2) (quotient b 2))))) (if (and (##fixnum? x) (##fixnum? x)) (if (##fixnum.= x 0) 0 (let ((temp (if (##fixnum.= x -1) (##fixnum.-? x) (##fixnum.*? x x)))) (if temp temp (* x x)))) (* x x))) (let ((temp (let ((x (expt1 a (if (and (##fixnum? b) #t) (##fixnum.quotient b 2) (quotient b 2))))) (if (and (##fixnum? x) (##fixnum? x)) (if (##fixnum.= x 0) 0 (let ((temp (if (##fixnum.= x -1) (##fixnum.-? x) (##fixnum.*? x x)))) (if temp temp (* x x)))) (* x x))))) (if (and (##fixnum? temp) (##fixnum? a)) (if (##fixnum.= temp 0) 0 (let ((temp#1 (if (##fixnum.= temp -1) (##fixnum.-? a) (##fixnum.*? a temp)))) (if temp#1 temp#1 (* a temp)))) (* a temp)))))))
(define a 1048576)
(define b (let ((temp (##fixnum.*? 1048576 1048576))) (if temp temp 1099511627776)))
(define c (let ((x (let ((temp (##fixnum.*? 1048576 1048576))) (if temp temp 1099511627776)))) (if (and (##fixnum? x) (##fixnum? x)) (if (##fixnum.= x 0) 0 (let ((temp (if (##fixnum.= x -1) (##fixnum.-? x) (##fixnum.*? x x)))) (if temp temp (* x x)))) (* x x))))
So the problem noticed for beta13 is still there---you need to do partial evaluation/constant propagation *before* specializing the functions for fixnum values.
Some other comments about the generated code:
1. (even? b) and (odd? b) can be specialized for fixnum.
2. The following don't look very good:
(let ((temp (let ((x (expt1 a (if (and (##fixnum? b) #t) ;;; <<<<<<<<<<< (##fixnum.quotient b 2) (quotient b 2))))) (if (and (##fixnum? x) (##fixnum? x)) ;;; <<<<<<<<<<< ...
I guess the first happens because (quotient x y) is expanded to
(let ((temp y)) (if (and (##fixnum? temp) (and (##fixnum? x) (##not (##fixnum.= temp 0)))) (if (##fixnum.= temp -1) (or (##fixnum.-? x) (quotient x temp)) (##fixnum.quotient x temp)) (quotient x temp)))
and when temp=2, (##fixnum? temp) and (##not (##fixnum.= temp 0)) both evaluate to #t and (##fixnum.= temp -1) evaluates to #f.
And unfortunately, the adjacent fixnum tests do appear in the C code. (Perhaps gcc eliminates them, I didn't check the assembly.)
3. The code goes on to
(if (##fixnum.= x 0) 0 (let ((temp (if (##fixnum.= x -1) (##fixnum.-? x) ;;; <<<<<<<<< (##fixnum.*? x x))))
Here it should just return 1. (This happens with (* x x))
But overall, very nice.