On 2/11/10, James Long longster@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:56 PM, REPLeffect repleffect@gmail.com wrote:
James (and Marc),
I've looked and I don't see anything about licensing on the Gambit Scheme backend. I believe James said he started with Marc's code and fleshed it out from there, so I'll direct the question to both of you. What are the license terms for using this code? Does it fall under the same licenses as Gambit itself?
Yes, that's probably appropriate. Honestly, I haven't have much experience with licenses. I know Gambit is release under a dual LGPL and Apache 2 license. Do I just need to add those two license files in the root of the project?
- James
You should probably coordinate with Marc, since you started with his code. One simple way to do it would be to add a comment to the code similar to what Gambit's docs have:
"The Gambit-C system release v4.6.0 is Copyright 1994-2009 by Marc Feeley, all rights reserved. The Gambit-C system release v4.6.0 is licensed under two licenses: the Apache License, Version 2.0, and the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2.1. You have the option to choose which of these two licenses to abide by. The licenses are copied below."
Instead of saying "The licenses are copied below", you could say something like "see the files LICENSE-2.0.txt and LGPL.txt which should have been included with this file for the details of each license." -- those are the two files that are currently included with Gambit that contain the information for each license.
Again, I would suggest getting with Marc and getting his approval, since you started with his code, and the two of you can work out the copyright wording.
And, of course, you *should* include the two license files (the root of the project seems a logical place for them to me).