Marc, I think my time/background-job bug didn't get fixed in beta 13. In lieu of a fix, I would accept information: how do you get time info on compiled background jobs? Here a new version of my bug report:
% export GAMBCOPT=d-
% cat six.scm (define outport (open-output-file "six")) (time (pretty-print 6 outport)) (close-output-port outport)
% gsi six.scm > time-out
% cat six 6
% cat time-out (time (pretty-print 6 outport)) 0 ms real time 0 ms cpu time (0 user, 0 system) no collections 104 bytes allocated no minor faults 6 major faults
So gsi works fine. But I lose the `time' info with gsc/gcc:
% gsc six % gcc -O2 -L. -I. six.c six_.c -lgambc % ./a.out > time-out
% cat six 6 % cat time-out
% ls -l time-out -rw-r--r-- 1 richter users 0 May 21 20:54 time-out