On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 09:16:14 +0000, Joel Reymont joelr@well.com wrote:
I realized after a couple more days of reasearch that I'm confused. What I really want to do is code state machine with call/cc since I have an event-driven application. I couldn't figure out how to do this, though.
Yes, you are confused. This is the wrong way to do it. You want to use tail-called closures, I expect. A lot depends on just how much you need dynamic extent versus what you can arrange to have in lexical scope. If you're building the software from scratch, you will have a much easier task without call/cc. If you have a significant piece of 3rd-party software that isn't event driven in the first place, *then* it can make sense to use call/cc to convert it to an event-driven model.
david rush