Le 2012-11-07 à 2:13 PM, Bradley Lucier lucier@math.purdue.edu a écrit :
I removed the Racket users list from this CC.
Viewable html files containing the results can be found at
Thank you Brad and Matthew for running the benchmarks. There are some discrepancies between your results (on 64 bits) which are worrisome. The discrepancies may be due to a difference in compiler options or declarations that one of you is using that the other is not using. For example, these are the numbers you reported (R/G is the execution time ratio between Racket and Gambit):
benchmark Brad says Matthew says
dynamic R/G = 1.33 R/G = 0.48 (that's almost a factor of 3 difference!)
ctak R/G = 63.67 R/G = 30.44
puzzle R/G = 2.60 R/G = 1.32
paraffins R/G = 1.89 R/G = 1.38
peval R/G = 1.49 R/G = 1.13
Given that Brad has a better knowledge of Gambit, and Matthew has a better knowledge of Racket, it wouldn't be surprizing that they used Gambit and Racket differently.
I wonder if these discrepancies are due to
- different assumptions (perhaps Brad used declarations which assume that global variables will not be mutated if they are not set!, which Matthew is not using)
- different hardware (perhaps memory access is relatively faster on one of these machines)
- different heap sizes
- different C compilers
It would be interesting to know where these differences come from, so that we know for future benchmarking experiments.