I've got a vector of length 262,144, each element of which is supposed to be a length 4 f64vector.
Well, I get a interrupt in my program when it hits one of these elements that is only of length 2.
Further investigation shows that only two elements of the whole vector have length 2:
1> (Array-for-each (lambda (p) (if (not (= (f64vector-length p) 4)) (pp p))) p) #f64(-.7079566418808501 -.2467907960478973) #f64(-.6672517342403924 -.31362141535348953)
This presents a very interesting debugging problem. Eventually, I changed the code storing an array to check whether all the f64vectors are the same length when the Array is built:
(set! make-Array-base (lambda (domain ;; an Interval getter ;; (lambda (i_0 ... i_n-1) ...) returns a value for (i_0,...,i_n-1) in (Array-domain a) ;; Part of mutable arrays setter ;; (lambda (v i_0 ... i_n-1) ...) sets a value for (i_0,...,i_n-1) in (Array-domain a) ;; Part of Fixed arrays manipulators ;; a Fixed-array-manipulator body ;; the backing store for this array indexer ;; see below affine ;; A list that says in which coordiantes the indexer is affine. safe? ;; do we check whether bounds (in getters and setters) and values (in setters) are valid ) (if (and body (vector? body) (< 0 (vector-length body)) (let ((element (vector-ref body 0))) (and (f64vector? element) (let ((l (f64vector-length element))) (not (every (lambda (p) (= (f64vector-length p) l)) (vector-
list body)))))))
(error "Bzzt, thank you for playing") (original-make-Array-base domain ;; an Interval getter ;; (lambda (i_0 ... i_n-1) ...)
returns a value for (i_0,...,i_n-1) in (Array-domain a) ;; Part of mutable arrays setter ;; (lambda (v i_0 ... i_n-1) ...) sets a value for (i_0,...,i_n-1) in (Array-domain a) ;; Part of Fixed arrays manipulators ;; a Fixed-array-manipulator body ;; the backing store for this array indexer ;; see below affine ;; A list that says in which coordiantes the indexer is affine. safe? ;; do we check whether bounds (in getters and setters) and values (in setters) are valid ))))
and everything passed. The code works and is exercised:
1> (make-Array-base #f #f #f #f (vector '#f64(0.0) '#f64(0. 0.)) #f #f #f) *** ERROR IN (console)@8.1 -- Bzzt, thank you for playing
I'm only human, so I want to blame the system rather than my own code. It makes me wonder whether there is still a gc bug in beta 22, whether that bug has been fixed for the upcoming beta 23, etc.
Any suggestions?