Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 12:45:59 -0700 From: "D.McClain"
Okay, you have my attention... let's see that isomorphism in practice.
I leave that as an exercise for the reader.
I have seen my own measurements, and invariably they produce code that is 30% slower for CPS form than direct form. Perhaps the compilers producing the actual native code have been tuned to look for common human idioms and not CPS traits?
The way you say that suggests to me that you are using the *same* compiler to compare a direct-style program with the same program converted to continuation-passing style. Unless the compiler is extremely clever, it will probably generate worse code for the CPS form of the program, for the reason I explained in my first message.
That's a very different question, however, from the question of how the use of a CPS intermediate representation affects the code that a compiler generates.