Maxime, when I run Tachyon using js2scm, I get the error 'the first input must be a pointer' in this function in ir/instructions:
var LoadInstr = instrMaker( 'load', function (typeParams, inputVals, branchTargets) { instrMaker.validNumParams(typeParams, 1, 1); instrMaker.validNumInputs(inputVals, 2, 2); assert ( inputVals[0].type.isPtr(), 'the first input must be a pointer' ); instrMaker.validType(inputVals[1], IRType.pint);
this.type = typeParams[0]; } );
When running with v8 that error does not happen. Do you have an idea where this might come from? It could be a bug in js2scm, or a bug in Tachyon. Have you seen this problem before?
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