Here are the notes I took at today's meeting to which I added a few details.
- Benchmarks + profiling => Alex + Bruno - identify JS features missing from Tachyon and implement them 1) benchmarks: Dromaeo/SunSpider/V8 2) find other relevant programs (envjs, jQuery, ...) - identify performance bottlenecks in the compiler and generated code 1) develop the profiling tools (statistical, execution frequency, ...) 2) extend current benchmarking infrastructure 3) test against SpiderMonkey, V8 and IE
- Stdlib => Olivier + Maxime - RegExp - Date in JS, what can we steal? - Math
- Floating point => Eric + Erick - Basic - parse FP numbers - encoding of x87 FPU instructions - flonum representation - add float type and primitives to IR - Advanced - encoding of SSE instructions - SSE register allocation
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