On 2011-08-08, at 7:59 PM, Marc Feeley wrote:
On 2011-08-08, at 11:27 AM, Bruno Dufour wrote:
Seems like it will have to be "dlteam", sorry. I talked to both Bernard and Mohamed, and they said "dlt" has a high probability of being a subset of another account name, and therefore break their scripts. If nobody objects, I can fill out the required form and submit it tomorrow. I think we can ask to have 'dlt.iro.umontreal.ca' as an alias for the website though, as a compromise. However, Bernard mentioned that "dlteam" might show up in URLS from time to time, I'm not sure what he meant by that.
OK for dlteam then.
Done. I'll get the password this afternoon. Who should I give it to?