Are we meeting tomorrow, in addition to Thursdays?
Also, Erick, I wanted to ask if you would be in the lab tomorrow at all. I
would like to implement a Tachyon driver for the benchmarking framework,
so we can hopefully show it to the Mozilla people on Friday. For this, we
would ideally need to discuss/fix/refactor some issues with calling into
Tachyon code from V8.
I would like to be able to call any IRFunction in a given compiled file
(so I can lookup a given global function by name), and, if possible, be
able to pass it one or two integer arguments. This would make it possible
to get rid of the global return, which is not valid JavaScript, and
currently prevents our benchmarks from running in V8 as-is. It would mean
we could run the same benchmarks, in essentially the same way, on both
Tachyon and V8.
- Maxime