OOPSLA 2007 ( will take place in Montreal in October. A few events will certainly be of interest to members of our group: the Dynamic Languages Symposium and a keynote by John McCarthy, the father of Lisp.
Richard Gabriel (the Common Lisp/CLOS guy, chair of the conference) contacted me personally to tell me that :
- it is possible to attend OOPSLA for just one day; - if there is enough interest, make some group arrangements for us; and - Richard Gabriel and Guy Steele will be reprising their HOPL (History of Programming Languages) 3 keynote and, if there is enough interest, can make the event available for the public.
So please tell me if you are interested in attending any of these events, so I can organize some arrangement with him.
Also, I intend to organize a meeting of the MSLUG somewhere around OOPSLA, since many people of the Scheme/Lisp community will be in Montreal.
Cheers, Dominique Boucher