The 2010 Scheme Workshop will be held in Montreal in less than 4 days from now.
If you are planning to attend the workshop ***PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE ASAP***. By going through the online registration process we will get vital information for the workshop (badge data, dietary restrictions, T-shirt size, and proceedings preference). You can register on-site saturday morning but in that case we will not be able to take your information into consideration and planning the food for lunch will be difficult (i.e. we may not be able to provide lunch for you and a complimentary T-shirt).
Please register online by ***THURSDAY AUGUST 18 AT 8 AM EDT***
To register online visit:
Marc Feeley
2010 Scheme Workshop chair
Scheme used in live coding performance.…
(Mais c'est pas une nouvelle chose. Il y a plusieurs systèmes du genre,
dont plusieurs en Scheme, et j'en ai vu un dans un festival il y a 5 ans,
et ça veut pas dire que c'était nouveau dans ce temps-là !)
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
| Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801
As you probably all know by my many postings to the MSLUG mailing list, I'm organizing the 2010 Scheme Workshop in 2 weeks at the Université de Montréal. Although this is not an MSLUG meeting I hope that all the MSLUG members will be able to come to this special event. There will be talks by Schemers from around the world, and also our very own Guillaume Cartier will present his work on JazzScheme.
Please register by August 9 (**2 days from now**) to take advantage of the early registration price.
To register, visit
Hope to see you there!