Hi everybody,
this is the final announce for the MSLUG meeting that will take place this week.
What: Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group Meeting -- Dirty Hacks Night When: *Wednesday* July 23rd 7pm Where: Room 3195, André-Aisenstadt Building, Université de Montréal, 2920 chemin de la Tour (you can find a plan of the UdeM campus here: http://www.stcum.qc.ca/metro/images/c56.pdf )
Please note that the MSLUG meetings are free and open to everybody.
For this meeting, there will be 4 short presentations:
**************************************** - Paul Khuong: Discriminating without asking too many questions
A common pitfall of Lisp programming is that 'case' compares keys with 'eql' ('eqv?'), and not 'equal' ('equal?'). The need for a more ``lenient'' case is particularly frequent for string keys. I will present a simple macro that implements a portable efficient 'string=' case.
**************************************** - Adrien Pierard: How to make unhygienic macroexpansion aware of Snow
A dirty hack to generate portable code when macros want to use some Snow code. I will show how this can lead to an even more portable Mobit.
**************************************** - Guillaume Germain: Using Chicken's debugging output to generate bindings for Gambit-C
I'll show how to cheat and easily generate bindings to C libraries for Gambit-C by using Chicken's "easyffi" debugging output.
**************************************** - Pierre-Alexandre Fournier: Working with Scheme in a C/C++ environment
How to write dynamic libraries in Scheme that will be used by C/C++ programmers and lessons learned from experience doing so.
We'll go at the pub after the presentations.
See you there!
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