Hey, everyone. I'm one of the coordinators of a grass-roots "unconference" for local Montreal technology people. It's called BarCamp, which is probably best explained on the Wikipedia article of the same name:
BarCampMontreal3 is coming up on 3 November, next Saturday. It's open to anyone to attend, and free of charge. It'll be at the great Société des arts technologiques (SAT) space on St. Laurent. More details here:
I would _love_ to see some presentations or lightning talks about the blossoming Scheme scene here in Montreal: different functional language projects, Snow, and other things going on around town.
We ask that everyone register (= put your name on a list) so that we know how many people will be there, how much coffee and food to get, etc. The registration page is here:
I hope that some of you can find the time to attend and spread the word about Scheme in Montreal.
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