The next meeting of the Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group will be next Thursday, April 19, 2007.
Title : How (and why) I implemented the MSLUG website in Erlang
In this talk, I will present how I implemented the MSLUG website in Erlang. We will see how, in about 1K lines of Erlang code, one can implement a high-performance, fully-dynamic website with RSS feeds, database support, and more. The talk will cover the basic aspects of Erlang (its syntax, the read-eval-print loop, etc.) as well as more advanced features: Mnesia, the concurrent distributed database, the high performance web server Yaws, and OTP.
Note that this will be a very informal meeting, with lots of code. The goal is to show why I consider Erlang to be mostly a member of the Lisp family, even with its Prolog-like syntax ;-)
Dominique Boucher is a senior developer and consultant at Nü Echo, a company that specializes in the development of speech-enabled applications for large call centers.
For more information:
Dominique Boucher
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