I did not find someone to give a presentation, and I don't have time to prepare a talk for next thursday. But I'm willing to give it a try in 3 weeks. So...
The next meeting will be at the Université de Montréal at 7:00 pm on Thursday November 24. Marc Feeley will give a presentation on the development of Gambit REPL, a version of the Gambit Scheme programming system for iOS and Android devices. Marc will also demonstrate a distributed computing application on iPhones written in a few lines of Scheme code. If you bring your iPhone/iPad or notebook computer, you can participate in the demo!
Gambit's web site: http://gambit.iro.umontreal.ca
The meeting will be held at the usual place, room 3195 of the Pavillon André-Aisenstadt of the Université de Montréal Campus (building 20 on this map: http://www.umontreal.ca/plancampus/documents/carte-campus.pdf). I hope we can share some beer or meal after the presentation at one of the local restaurants!
If you haven't signed up on the MSLUG meetup site, please do so. Moreover, it would be nice if you could RSVP on the meetup site so that we know who is planing to come. Please tell your friends and coworkers about the meeting! The meetup site is at this url: http://www.meetup.com/Montreal-Scheme-Lisp-Users-Group
See you on the 24th!
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Don't forget the MSLUG meeting tonight, 7PM!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca Subject: [MSLUG] Next meeting: Gambit REPL Date: 3 November, 2011 9:56:39 PM EDT To: Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group mslug@iro.umontreal.ca
I did not find someone to give a presentation, and I don't have time to prepare a talk for next thursday. But I'm willing to give it a try in 3 weeks. So...
The next meeting will be at the Université de Montréal at 7:00 pm on Thursday November 24. Marc Feeley will give a presentation on the development of Gambit REPL, a version of the Gambit Scheme programming system for iOS and Android devices. Marc will also demonstrate a distributed computing application on iPhones written in a few lines of Scheme code. If you bring your iPhone/iPad or notebook computer, you can participate in the demo!
Gambit's web site: http://gambit.iro.umontreal.ca
The meeting will be held at the usual place, room 3195 of the Pavillon André-Aisenstadt of the Université de Montréal Campus (building 20 on this map: http://www.umontreal.ca/plancampus/documents/carte-campus.pdf). I hope we can share some beer or meal after the presentation at one of the local restaurants!
If you haven't signed up on the MSLUG meetup site, please do so. Moreover, it would be nice if you could RSVP on the meetup site so that we know who is planing to come. Please tell your friends and coworkers about the meeting! The meetup site is at this url: http://www.meetup.com/Montreal-Scheme-Lisp-Users-Group
See you on the 24th!
On 2011-11-24, at 8:18 AM, Marc Feeley wrote:
Don't forget the MSLUG meeting tonight, 7PM!
Let me add that the code for the distributed computing demo I will be presenting this evening is available here:
Please grab a copy and install it on your notebook (or iPhone/iPad) if you want to take part in the demo. You can try to run it yourself on two computers on the same LAN to see what it does.
See you soon!
Note that this makes the local Gambit instance run any code that is being sent to it, without restriction. So, either trust that noone with access to your IP will abuse this, or run Gambit under an unprivileged user account.