Hi everybody,
This is a reminder for the next meeting of the Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group, which takes place this week.
What: Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group Meeting -- Jazz Night When: This *Thursday* November 27th 7pm Where: Room 3195, André-Aisenstadt Building, Université de Montréal, 2920 chemin de la Tour (you can find a plan of the UdeM campus here: http://www.stcum.qc.ca/metro/images/c56.pdf)
As some of you know, Guillaume Cartier has been working for the past 12 years on his Jazz Scheme system. It is a powerful and complete development environment for Scheme applications. You can read about it here: http://www.jazzscheme.org
A couple of years ago, he decided to port the whole Jazz kernel to Gambit-C Scheme and to eventually release Jazz under an Open Source License. With the near completion of X11 support, the time to do a full public release is coming very close.
In order to help spot and iron out the remaining issues for a full public release, Guillaume will be doing a "Closed Beta" release to the participants of the MSLUG. The release will take place at the MSLUG meeting on November 27th. You are encouraged to bring your own laptop, as Guillaume will walk us through the installation of Jazz and the creation of a simple application. Note that Jazz should run on Windows *and* on systems featuring an X11 server.
Thanks to Marc Feeley, WiFi Internet access will be available at the meeting, which should help with the whole process.
Once everybody is up and going with the system, we'll merrily go down the mountain to the pub and celebrate the release.
Everybody is welcome. Please spread the news around and invite friends and colleagues.
See you there!
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