Hi everybody,
This is an announce for the next meeting of the Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group.
What: Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group Meeting -- The Design of VLAM Compyle : a tower of languages from Python to C++ using Scheme When: *Thursday* February 26th 7pm Where: Room 3195, André-Aisenstadt Building, Université de Montréal, 2920 chemin de la Tour (you can find a plan of the UdeM campus here: http://www.stcum.qc.ca/metro/images/c56.pdf)
Marc-Antoine Desroches will give a presentation about the design choices made while building VLAM Compyle, a just-in-time compiler for Python. Benefits and challenges associated with a language-based design will be discussed.
``VLAM Compyle makes it possible to combine the expressive power of dynamic programming languages with the high performance of the best C++ compilers by transforming python code into optimized dynamically linked libraries.''
As usual, we'll go to the pub after the presentation.
See you there!