Hi everybody,
this is a reminder for the next meeting of the MSLUG that will take place this Thursday at 7pm at Université de Montréal.
--- What: Montreal Scheme/Lisp User Group Meeting -- Scheme for the Novice and Beyond
Where: Room 3195, André-Aisenstadt Building, Université de Montréal, 2920 chemin de la Tour (you can find a plan of the UdeM campus here: http://www.stcum.qc.ca/metro/images/c56.pdf)
When: *Thursday* March 27th 7pm
Marc Feeley will give a presentation titled "Scheme for the Novice and Beyond". This is intended as a tutorial on Scheme that will also expand on more advanced uses of the language and of the Gambit-C implementation of Scheme. ---
As always, the meeting is open to everybody and after the presentation we'll go down to the pub for beer & discussion.
See you on Thursday!