Hi Schemers,
I have a very simple macro question. I am trying to add a new syntax to scheme in the context of a object system (for object oriented programming using scheme). Basically, I want to be able to do the following:
(defclass Window MyObject) ; this declares a new class Window with superclass MyObject
and then be able to write
(Window <expr>) ; here <expr> mean any s-expression
where <expr> will be evaluated with two additional local bindings available: ContextClass and ContextSuperClass, like if there was a
(let ((ContextClass 'Window) (ContextSuperClass 'MyObject)) <expr>)
For example:
(Window (+ 1 1)) --> 2
(Window ContextSuperClass) --> MyObject
I found a way of doing it with hygienic macros but I don't like it (seems much too long for such a simple thing) :
(define-syntax defclass (syntax-rules () ((defclass className superClass) (do-defclass (quote className) (quote superClass))) ((defclass className) (do-defclass (quote className) 'Object))))
(define (do-defclass className superClass) (eval `(define-syntax ,className (syntax-rules (ContextClass ContextSuperClass) ((className <expr> ...) (eval (quote (let ((ContextClass (quote ,className)) (ContextSuperClass (quote ,superClass)))
<expr> ...))))))))
Can someone more experimented point me to that (one line) aesthetic implementation?
Thank you, Francois Magnan