On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 01:32:55AM +0000, schemeway@sympatico.ca wrote :
First, I propose to hold our next meeting Wednesday, August 29th. We could simply meet in a nice pub and a have a good time. I will let you propose cool places and reach consensus. (I will be in vacation for the next 3 weeks, so don't expect me to participate in these discussions. Your choice will be mine.)
Provided there not a lot of loud music, and that it is cheaper than our usual place, I think that it's a great idea.
presentation, I think it would be great if several people could just give a short demo (15 mins) of things they are working on. A DemoCamp like event. Let's call it a SchemeCamp. What do you think? Is it a good idea? Something worth considering?
Though I might not have the opportunity to attend any meeting unless it happens at the very beginning of September, I find this idea great. Maybe some lispy talk (opposed to some schemy talk) could also be welcome. So far, I haven't been introduced to much Lisp, but I'm quite new here...
What do you think?
That I need a shorter haircut :)