Of course! Thanks for noticing.
The October meeting willl take place on 100 Sherbrooke West, not 10.
Tu as posté 10 Sherbrooke ouest et non
100 Sherbrooke ouest.
On 8-Oct-07, at 9:57 AM, schemeway@sympatico.ca schemeway@sympatico.ca wrote:
The MSLUG October meeting will take place during the OOPSLA 2007 conference. For this special event, the MSLUG invited two well-known speakers: Manuel Serrano and Pascal Costanza. Don't miss this exceptional event!
Where: UQAM, 10 Sherbrooke West, Room SU-1550 When: October 22nd, 2007 at 7h30PM
Manuel Serrano
Manuel Serrano holds a Ph.D. degree from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France, and works at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis as a research director. Most of his research activities are based, or use, the functional programming language Scheme. He is well-known for his highly-optimizing Scheme compiler, Bigloo. Manuel Serrano served on several international conferences: ICFP, JFLA, Scheme workshops, and more.
Title: Programming Multimedia Applications on the Web with HOP
Hop is a language dedicated to programming reactive and dynamic applications for the web, such as web agendas, web galleries, web mail clients, etc. In this presentation, we highlight the linguistic novelties introduced by Hop and its execution environment by describing Hop's user libraries, its extensions to the HTML-based standards, and its execution platform, the Hop web broker. The presentation will focus on presenting the development on multimedia applications with Hop. There will be several live demonstrations during the presentation.
Pascal Costanza, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Pascal Costanza has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Bonn, Germany, and works as a research assistant at the Programming Technology Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. His past involvements include specification and implementation of the languages Gilgul and Lava, and the design and application of the JMangler framework for load-time transformation of Java class files. He has also implemented ContextL, the first programming language extension for Context-oriented Programming based on CLOS, and aspect-oriented extensions for CLOS. He has also co-organized numerous workshops on Unanticipated Software Evolution, Aspect-Oriented Programming, Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence, Lisp, and redefinition of computing.
TITLE: Context-oriented Programming in ContextL
There is an increased need for context-aware applications that can dynamically adjust their behavior to the context of their use. Two years ago, we have introduced ContextL, our first programming language extension that explicitly supports Context-oriented Programming (COP), based on the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). In COP, programs consist of partial class and method definitions that can be selected and combined at runtime as needed. Employing runtime adaptations to class and method definitions, COP does not only allow expressing context-aware behavior, but encourages continually adjusting behavior of programs according to their context.
In my presentation, I will show and discuss the following.
- The basic language constructs of ContextL.
- The development of non-trivial examples.
- The current state of the art in COP: language extensions, example
applications and support for the various stages in software development.
- Future work: promising next steps that several researchers in our
own groups and elsewhere are currently undertaking.
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MSLUG mailing list MSLUG@iro.umontreal.ca https://webmail.iro.umontreal.ca/mailman/listinfo/mslug