Hello everyone.
For the next meeting of the MSLUG, I'd like to find people who would
be willing to talk about their experiences with Scheme or Common Lisp
in a commercial setting.
Each talk would last around 15 minutes, and people would discuss any
aspect of their choice. Some examples of interesting subjects could
- success or failure stories,
- how Scheme or Common Lisp was sold to "management" and to other programmers,
- how does your program interact with other programs/libraries written
in other languages,
- did you have to do it in secret :)
- etc.
If you wish to volunteer yourself (or somebody else ;) ), please let
me know. I'll contact some of you that I know might have stuff to
tell, but I'd be very interested to hear from other people.
I'm currently thinking that the meeting would take place on November
28th, but I will confirm this date later on.
See you soon,