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From: "Jon Harrop" jon@ffconsultancy.com Subject: [gclist] Simple worked examples Date: 4 March, 2012 11:52:24 AM EST To: gclist@iecc.com
For anyone who is interested, I recently published an article about my implementation of the Very Concurrent Garbage Collector (VCGC) in F#:
http://fsharpnews.blogspot.com/2012/02/very-concurrent-garbage-collector.htm l
The idea of prototyping GCs using high-level languages this way seems to be quite novel. I adopted an allocationless style of programming where the (preallocated) heap is represented as a value type array so it is completely unboxed and, consequently, the results will be much more representative of a production GC implementation. Note that the heap is specialized for the n-queens solver but the GC algorithm itself is generic.
Regarding the algorithm, the complete VCGC implementation is under 300 lines of F# code and it achieves submillisecond pause times and throughput comparable to .NET itself. I instrumented the code with time stamping in order to visualize the phases the mutator and GC thread were going through, which proved invaluable when debugging performance issues.
The exchange of information between the mutator and GC threads proved interesting. My first solutions used message passing but this proved to be too inefficient. So I replaced this with pairs of collections and the exchange at barriers would swap over collections in each pair. For example, there are two free lists with the mutator popping heap blocks off one while the GC pushes heap blocks onto the other. There are two newly-allocated collections that the mutator pushes freshly allocated heap blocks onto one while the GC copies heap blocks from the other newly-allocated collection (obtained from the mutator at the last synchronization) to its local collection of allocated heap blocks. Now, the only collection that gets copied at synchronization is the stack and performance is great.
Here is the source code for the GC:
module VCGC
let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
[<Struct>] type Coord = val x : int val y : int new(x, y) = {x=x; y=y}
[<Measure>] type IsRefn
type Refn = int<IsRefn>
let Null = -1<IsRefn>
let isNull r = r = -1<IsRefn>
let derefn (n: Refn) = int n
let refn (n: int) : Refn = 1<_> * n
[<Struct>] type HeapBlock = val x : Coord val xs : Refn new (x, xs) = {x=x; xs=xs}
type Refns() = let mutable n = 0 let mutable xs : Refn [] = Array.zeroCreate 1000000
member __.Item with get i = xs.[i]
member this.CopyFrom (ys: Refn []) m = if n+m < xs.Length then for i=0 to m-1 do xs.[n+i] <- ys.[i] n <- n + m else for i=0 to m-1 do this.Push ys.[i]
member private this.SetIndexAndCopyFrom (epoch: sbyte<_> []) age (ys: Refn []) m = if n+m < xs.Length then for i=0 to m-1 do let y = ys.[i] epoch.[derefn y] <- age xs.[n+i] <- y n <- n + m else for i=0 to m-1 do let y = ys.[i] epoch.[derefn y] <- age this.Push y
member this.SetIndexAndMoveTo epoch age (ys: Refns) = ys.SetIndexAndCopyFrom epoch age xs n this.Count <- 0
static member Range(i0, i1) = let xs = Refns() for i=i0 to i1-1 do xs.Push (refn i) xs
member this.Push x = if n=xs.Length then xs <- Array.append xs xs xs.[n] <- x n <- n + 1
member __.Pop() = if n = 0 then failwith "Attempt to pop from empty extensible array" n <- n - 1 xs.[n]
member __.Count with get() = n and set n' = n <- n'
member __.SetIndex (ys: int []) y = for i=0 to n-1 do ys.[derefn xs.[i]] <- y
member this.FilterTo (epoch: sbyte<_> []) dead (freeList: Refns) = let rec loop src dst = if src = n then n <- dst else let x = xs.[src] if epoch.[derefn x] = dead then freeList.Push x loop (src+1) dst else xs.[dst] <- x loop (src+1) (dst+1) loop 0 0
[<Struct>] type MutatorToGC = val stack : Refns val newlyAllocated : Refns new(stack, newlyAllocated) = {stack=stack; newlyAllocated=newlyAllocated}
[<Struct>] type GCToMutator = val freeList : Refns new(freeList) = {freeList=freeList}
[<Measure>] type Epoch
type age = sbyte<Epoch>
type Heap() = let mutable quota = 1000
let gcMarkAndYoungify (heap: HeapBlock []) young (stack: Refns) (epoch: age []) = let old = young - 1y<Epoch> let rec mark (blk: Refn) = if epoch.[derefn blk] = old then epoch.[derefn blk] <- young // Youngify as we mark let blk = heap.[derefn blk].xs if not(isNull blk) then mark blk for i=0 to stack.Count - 1 do let blk = stack.[i] if not(isNull blk) then mark blk
let gcSweep young (allocated: Refns) (gcFreeList: Refns) (epoch: age []) = let dead = young - 2y<Epoch> allocated.FilterTo epoch dead gcFreeList
let heapSize = 1000000 let mutable mutatorToGC = MutatorToGC(Refns(), Refns()) let mkGCFreeList() = Refns.Range(heapSize/2, heapSize) let mutable mutatorFreeList = Refns.Range(0, heapSize/2)
let gcSend oldFreeList = let newFreeList = mutatorFreeList mutatorFreeList <- oldFreeList newFreeList
let gcReceive young (allocated: Refns) (epoch: age []) = let old = young - 1y<Epoch> mutatorToGC.newlyAllocated.SetIndexAndMoveTo epoch old allocated if mutatorToGC.newlyAllocated.Count>0 then printfn "%d" mutatorToGC.newlyAllocated.Count mutatorToGC.stack
let startBarrier = new System.Threading.Barrier(2) let finishBarrier = new System.Threading.Barrier(2) let heap = Array.create heapSize Unchecked.defaultof<HeapBlock>
let rec gcLoop young (allocated: Refns) (freeList: Refns) (epoch: sbyte<_> []) () = gcPhase GCWaiting startBarrier.SignalAndWait() gcPhase GCPreparing let freeList = gcSend freeList let young = young + 1y<Epoch> finishBarrier.SignalAndWait() let stack = gcReceive young allocated epoch gcPhase GCMarking gcMarkAndYoungify heap young stack epoch gcPhase GCSweeping let oldHeapSize = allocated.Count gcSweep young allocated freeList epoch quota <- oldHeapSize - allocated.Count |> max 1000 |> min 1000 gcLoop young allocated freeList epoch ()
let gcThread = let allocated = Refns() let epoch = Array.create heap.Length 0y<Epoch> System.Threading.Thread(gcLoop 2y<Epoch> allocated (mkGCFreeList()) epoch)
do gcThread.IsBackground <- true gcThread.Start()
let mutatorSend (stack: Refn []) sp (newlyAllocated: Refns) = mutatorToGC.stack.Count <- 0 mutatorToGC.stack.CopyFrom stack sp let msg = MutatorToGC(mutatorToGC.stack, newlyAllocated) let newlyAllocated = mutatorToGC.newlyAllocated mutatorToGC <- msg newlyAllocated
let mutable mutatorNewlyAllocated = Refns()
member __.Item with get i = heap.[derefn i]
member __.Alloc(h, t) = let blk = mutatorFreeList.Pop() heap.[derefn blk] <- HeapBlock(h, t) mutatorNewlyAllocated.Push blk blk
member __.GCReady = mutatorNewlyAllocated.Count > quota
member __.GC (stack: Refn []) (sp: int) = mutatorPhase MutatorWaiting startBarrier.SignalAndWait() mutatorPhase MutatorSnapshotting mutatorNewlyAllocated <- mutatorSend stack sp mutatorNewlyAllocated finishBarrier.SignalAndWait() mutatorPhase MutatorRunning
let heap = Heap()
let stack = Array.create 1000 Null
let mutable sp = 0
module List = let empty = Null
let cons x xs : Refn = heap.Alloc(x, xs)
let isEmpty xs = xs=empty
let safe (q0: Coord) (q1: Coord) = q0.x<>q1.x && q0.y<>q1.y && q0.x-q0.y<>q1.x-q1.y && q0.x+q0.y<>q1.x+q1.y
let rec filter q xs = if List.isEmpty xs then List.empty else let blk = heap.[xs] if safe q blk.x then List.cons blk.x (filter q blk.xs) else filter q blk.xs
let rec search n nqs qs ps a = if List.isEmpty ps then if nqs=n then a+1 else a else let osp = sp stack.[sp] <- qs stack.[sp+1] <- ps sp <- sp + 2 if heap.GCReady then heap.GC stack sp let blk = heap.[ps] let q, ps = blk.x, blk.xs let qs' = List.cons q qs let ps' = filter q ps let a = search n (nqs+1) qs' ps' a sp <- osp search n nqs qs ps a
let ps n = let mutable list = List.empty for i in 1..n do for j in 1..n do list <- List.cons (Coord(i, j)) list list
let solve n = let sols = search n 0 List.empty (ps n) 0 heap.GC [||] 0 heap.GC [||] 0 sols
let main n = printfn "Very Concurrent Garbage Collector" printfn "Warming up..." for i=1 to 1000 do heap.GC [||] 0 printfn "Running..." printfn "%d gen-0, %d gen-1, %d gen-2" (System.GC.CollectionCount 0) (System.GC.CollectionCount 1) (System.GC.CollectionCount 2) let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew() try printfn "%d solutions to the %d-queens problem" (solve n) n with _ -> printfn "ERROR" printfn "Took %fs" timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds printfn "%d gen-0, %d gen-1, %d gen-2" (System.GC.CollectionCount 0) (System.GC.CollectionCount 1) (System.GC.CollectionCount 2) mutatorTimes, gcTimes
-- Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd. http://www.ffconsultancy.com
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