En parlant à Erick hier, j'ai réalisé que la description du projet que nous faisons avec Mozilla n'a pas été diffusée à tout le groupe DLT. Donc la voici. J'espère que cela pourra nous aider dans la direction des activités du groupe.
The JavaScript Research VM project, started in spring 2010 at the Université de Montréal, aims to improve the quality and performance of virtual machines (VM) for the JavaScript (JS) programming language. Our work will build a family of VMs specifically designed to make it easy to explore various approaches to the implementation of JS. Our VMs will become leading ``research VMs'' for JavaScript to prototype new ideas. Our aim is for these VMs to achieve substantial performance improvements over current VMs by designing novel compilation approaches including: self hosting, object representation and garbage collection, run time profiling, optimistic optimizations, browser integration, program adaptation persistence and contextualization. We also plan to use our VMs as test beds for developer tools targeting the needs of a growing number of large JS systems. For example, we aim to develop debuggers, visualization tools, as well as code analysis and transformation tools that leverage the VM infrastructure.