The UdeM-McGill-MITACS machine learning seminar series is continuing its
fall schedule. *Friday*'s seminar:
Tale of a Neural Network: From Part-Of-Speech to Parsing.
by Ronan Collobert
NEC Labs
Location: Pavillon André-Aisenstadt (UdeM), room AA-3195
Time: *Friday, October 29, 14:30*
Abstract: We will present a single architecture which excels in performance
on various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Instead of hand-crafting
task-specific features, generic word representations are *learnt* from large
unlabeled corpuses. We will demonstrate how our architecture naturally
applies to a wide range of tasks, from simple tasks like Part-Of-Speech, to
complex tasks like Parsing. Analysis and comparison with existing NLP
approaches will be given. The presentation will end with the introduction of
a simple standalone software, implementing all these tasks with blazing
execution speed.