The room has been confirmed. Is AA 3195.
Best, Razvan
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:46 PM, Razvan Pascanu r.pascanu@gmail.comwrote:
Hi everyone,
We've change the speaker for this tea talk. Hal is going to give a talk instead. The room remains TBD, but same time 15:00 Friday.
Hope to see many of you there. Thanks.
title: A picture is worth 13.6 words (on average)
abstract: I'll discuss some recent work I've been involved in that ties language processing (which I know something about) and computer vision (which I do not). Technically I'll focus on problems related to caption generation. I'll highlight some of the challenges, discuss some successes (and more failures) and discuss what I think the interesting problems are moving forward. This talk is very informal, and feedback his highly appreciated! This will include ideas and results that evolved from joint work with Yiannis Aloimonos, Alex Berg, Tamara Berg, Jesse Dodge, Aleks Ecins, Cornelia Fermuller, Amit Goyal, Xufeng Han, Alyssa Mensch, Margaret Mitchell, Karl Stratos, Ching Lik Teo, Kota Yamaguchi and Yezhou Yang.
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