The following two AISTATS 2010 papers will be presented on March 24th, starting at 10h30, in room Z-205 of Pavillon at U. Montreal, by their first authors, respectively Guillaume Desjardins and Xavier Glorot:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guillaume Desjardins (with Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Vincent, Olivier Delalleau)
Parallel Tempering for Training of Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Alternating Gibbs sampling between visible and latent units is the most common scheme used for sampling from Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM), a crucial component in deep architectures such as Deep Belief Networks. However, we find that it often does a very poor job of rendering the diversity of modes captured by the trained model. We suspect that this property hinders RBM training methods such as the Persistent Contrastive Divergence algorithm that rely on Gibbs sampling to approximate the likelihood gradient. To alleviate this problem, we explore the use of tempered Markov Chain Monte-Carlo for sampling in RBMs. We find both through visualization of samples and measures of likelihood on a toy dataset that it helps both sampling and learning.
Xavier Glorot (with Yoshua Bengio)
Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks
Whereas before 2006 it appears that deep multi-layer neural networks were not successfully trained, since then several algorithms have been shown to successfully train them, with experimental results showing the superiority of deeper vs less deep architectures. All these experimental results were obtained with new initialization or training mechanisms. Our objective here is to understand better why standard gradient descent from random initialization is doing so poorly with deep neural networks, to better understand these recent relative successes and help design better algorithms in the future. We first observe the influence of the non-linear activations functions. We find that the logistic sigmoid activation is unsuited for deep networks with random initialization because of its mean value, which can drive especially the top hidden layer into saturation. Surprisingly, we find that saturated units can move out of saturation by themselves, albeit slowly, and explaining the plateaus sometimes seen when training neural networks. We find that a new non-linearity that saturates less can often be beneficial. Finally, we study how activations and gradients vary across layers and during training, with the idea that training may be more difficult when the singular values of the Jacobian associated with each layer are far from 1. Based on these considerations, we propose a new initialization scheme that brings substantially faster convergence.
-- Yoshua