Alice de Berny pushed to branch alice at Stefan / Typer
ff5ad4d5 by irradiee at 2020-05-30T13:45:44-04:00
add lexp_lexp' for genericity
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ let debug_lexp_decls decls =
) decls
-let print_hc_table = WHC.iter (fun e -> print_int (Hashtbl.hash e);
+(* let print_hc_table table = WHC.iter (fun e -> print_int (Hashtbl.hash e);
print_string "\t";
lexp_print e;
- print_string "\n") hc_table
+ print_string "\n") table *)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let sform_default_ectx = ref empty_elab_context
* to errors in the user's code). *)
let elab_check_sort (ctx : elab_context) lsort var ltp =
- let (lp, h) = (try OL.lexp_whnf lsort (ectx_to_lctx ctx)
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (try OL.lexp_whnf lsort (ectx_to_lctx ctx)
with e ->
info ~print_action:(fun _ -> lexp_print lsort; print_newline ())
~loc:(lexp_location lsort)
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ let rec meta_to_var ids (e : lexp) =
(* `o` is the binding depth at which we are relative to the "root"
* of the expression (i.e. where the new vars will be inserted). *)
and loop o e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel SLz -> e
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ and infer (p : sexp) (ctx : elab_context): lexp * ltype =
and elab_special_form ctx f args ot =
let loc = lexp_location f in
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf f (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf f (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Builtin ((_, name), _, _) ->
(* Special form. *)
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ and get_implicit_arg ctx loc oname t =
(* Build the list of implicit arguments to instantiate. *)
and instantiate_implicit e t ctx =
let rec instantiate t args =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Arrow ((Aerasable | Aimplicit) as ak, (_, v), t1, _, t2)
-> let arg = get_implicit_arg ctx (lexp_location e) v t1 in
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ and infer_type pexp ectx var =
* Sort (?s), but in most cases the metavar would be allocated
* unnecessarily. *)
let t, s = infer pexp ectx in
- (let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf s (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ (let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf s (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lp with
| Sort (_, _) -> () (* All clear! *)
(* FIXME: We could automatically coerce Type levels to Sorts, so we
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ and check (p : sexp) (t : ltype) (ctx : elab_context): lexp =
* do lots of other things. *)
and check_inferred ctx e inferred_t t =
let (e, inferred_t) =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Arrow ((Aerasable | Aimplicit), _, _, _, _)
-> (e, inferred_t)
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
| [] -> () in
(cs, args)
| None
- -> let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf it' (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ -> let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf it' (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors)
-> let (s, targs) = List.fold_left
@@ -774,13 +774,13 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
it_cs_as := Some (it', cs, args);
(cs, args)
| _ -> let call_split e =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Call (f, args) -> (f, args)
| _ -> (e,[]) in
let (it, targs) = call_split tltp in
let constructors =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf it (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf it (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors)
-> assert (List.length fargs = List.length targs);
@@ -806,16 +806,16 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
let loc = sexp_location pctor in
let lctor, ct = infer pctor ctx in
let rec inst_args ctx e =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
- match lp with
+ let lp = OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lexp_lexp' lp with
| Lambda (Aerasable, v, t, body)
-> let arg = newMetavar (ectx_to_lctx ctx) (ectx_to_scope_level ctx)
v t in
let nctx = ctx_extend ctx v Variable t in
let body = inst_args nctx body in
mkSusp body (S.substitute arg)
- | e -> (e, h) in
- let (lp, h') = nosusp (inst_args ctx lctor) in
+ | e -> lp in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (nosusp (inst_args ctx lctor)) in
match lp with
| Cons (it', (_, cons_name))
-> let _ = check_uniqueness pat cons_name lbranches in
@@ -927,8 +927,8 @@ and elab_call ctx (func, ltp) (sargs: sexp list) =
let loc = lexp_location func in
let rec handle_fun_args largs sargs pending ltp =
- let (ltp', h) = OL.lexp_whnf ltp (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
- match sargs, ltp' with
+ let ltp' = OL.lexp_whnf ltp (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match sargs, lexp_lexp' ltp' with
| _, Arrow (ak, (_, Some aname), arg_type, _, ret_type)
when SMap.mem aname pending
-> let sarg = SMap.find aname pending in
@@ -982,12 +982,12 @@ and elab_call ctx (func, ltp) (sargs: sexp list) =
^ "` have no matching formal args"));
largs, ltp
- | sarg :: sargs, _
- -> let (arg_type, ret_type) = match ltp' with
+ | sarg :: sargs, _ (* verifier ltp' *)
+ -> let (arg_type, ret_type) = match lexp_lexp' ltp' with
| Arrow (ak, _, arg_type, _, ret_type)
-> assert (ak = Anormal); (arg_type, ret_type)
| _ -> unify_with_arrow ctx (sexp_location sarg)
- (ltp', h) Anormal (dloc, None) None in
+ ltp' Anormal (dloc, None) None in
let larg = check sarg arg_type ctx in
handle_fun_args ((Anormal, larg) :: largs) sargs pending
(L.mkSusp ret_type (S.substitute larg)) in
@@ -1010,22 +1010,20 @@ and lexp_parse_inductive ctors ctx =
* things like `fv` and `meta_to_var`. *)
let altacc = List.fold_right
(fun (ak, n, t) aa
- -> let lp =
- Arrow (ak, n, t, dummy_location, aa)
- in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
+ ->
+ hc (Arrow (ak, n, t, dummy_location, aa)))
acc impossible in
let g = generalize nctx altacc in
let altacc' = g (fun _ne vname t l e
- -> let lp =
- Arrow (Aerasable, vname, t, l, e)
- in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
+ ->
+ hc (Arrow (Aerasable, vname, t, l, e)))
altacc in
if altacc' == altacc
then acc (* No generalization! *)
(* Convert the Lexp back into a list of fields. *)
let rec loop e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Arrow (ak, n, t, _, e) -> (ak, n, t)::(loop e)
| _ -> assert (e = impossible); [] in
@@ -1180,11 +1178,10 @@ and infer_and_generalize_type (ctx : elab_context) se name =
* But we don't bother trying to catch all cases currently.
let rec strip_rettype t =
- let (t', h) = t in
+ let t' = lexp_lexp' t in
match t' with
| Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, t2)
- -> let lp = Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, strip_rettype t2)
- in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
+ -> hc (Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, strip_rettype t2))
| Sort _ | Metavar _ -> type0 (* Abritrary closed constant. *)
| _ -> t in
let g = generalize nctx (strip_rettype t) in
@@ -1368,7 +1365,7 @@ and sform_add_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
| _ -> fatal ~loc "add-attribute expects 3 arguments (table; var; attr)" in
let map, attr_type =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map, attr_type
| _ -> fatal ~loc "add-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
@@ -1386,7 +1383,7 @@ and get_attribute ctx loc largs =
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects 2 arguments (table; var)" in
let map =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let lp = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx)) in
match lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
@@ -1406,10 +1403,10 @@ and sform_has_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects 2 arguments (table; var)" in
let map, attr_type =
- let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
- match lp with
+ let lp = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lexp_lexp' lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map, attr_type
- | lxp -> lexp_fatal loc (lxp, h)
+ | lxp -> lexp_fatal loc lp
"get-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
(BI.o2l_bool ctx (AttributeMap.mem var map), Lazy)
@@ -1614,7 +1611,7 @@ let sform_identifier ctx loc sargs ot =
let mv = newMetavar octx sl (loc, Some name) t in
(if not (name = "") then
let idx =
- let (mv', h) = mv in
+ let mv' = lexp_lexp' mv in
match mv' with
| Metavar (idx, _, _) -> idx
| _ -> fatal ~loc "newMetavar returned a non-Metavar" in
@@ -1670,8 +1667,8 @@ let rec sform_lambda kind ctx loc sargs ot =
(* Read var type from the provided type *)
| Some t
- -> let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
- match lp with
+ -> let lp = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lexp_lexp' lp with
| Arrow (ak2, _, lt1, _, lt2) when ak2 = kind
-> (match olt1 with
| None -> ()
@@ -1699,7 +1696,7 @@ let rec sform_lambda kind ctx loc sargs ot =
| _ -> alt)
| lt
- -> let (lt1, lt2) = unify_with_arrow ctx loc (lt, h) kind arg olt1
+ -> let (lt1, lt2) = unify_with_arrow ctx loc lp kind arg olt1
in mklam lt1 (Some lt2))
| _ -> sexp_error loc ("##lambda_"^(match kind with Anormal -> "->"
@@ -738,8 +738,8 @@ let constructor_p name ectx =
(* Use `lexp_whnf` so that `name` can be indirectly
* defined as a constructor
* (e.g. as in `let foo = cons in case foo x xs | ...` *)
- let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons _ -> true (* It's indeed a constructor! *)
| _ -> false
@@ -754,8 +754,8 @@ let erasable_p name nth ectx =
else false
| _ -> false in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
| Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
@@ -775,8 +775,8 @@ let erasable_p2 t name ectx =
| _ -> false in
try let idx = senv_lookup t ectx in
- let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some t), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some t), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
| Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
@@ -794,8 +794,8 @@ let nth_ctor_arg name nth ectx =
| exception (Failure _) -> "_" )
| _ -> "_" in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
| Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
@@ -816,8 +816,8 @@ let ctor_arg_pos name arg ectx =
| Some n -> n )
| _ -> (-1) in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx)) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
| Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ let transfo (s: Lexp.subst) : substIR option =
let rec transfo (s: Lexp.subst) (off_acc: int) (idx: int) (imp_cnt : int)
: substIR option =
let indexOf (v: lexp): int = (* Helper : return the index of a variabble *)
- let (v', h) = v in
+ let v' = lexp_lexp' v in
match v' with
| Var (_, v) -> v
| _ -> assert false
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let inverse (s: Lexp.subst) : Lexp.subst option =
let rec invertible (s: subst) : bool = match s with
| S.Identity _ -> true
| S.Cons (e, s, _)
- -> (let (e', h) = e in
+ -> (let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible)
&& invertible s
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ let rec lookup_inv_subst (i : db_index) (s : subst) : db_index
with Not_invertible -> 0)
| S.Cons (e, s, o)
-> assert
- (let (e', h) = e in
+ (let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible);
1 + lookup_inv_subst (i - o) s
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ let rec compose_inv_subst (s' : subst) (s : subst) = match s' with
* This can be used like mkSusp/push_susp, but it's not lazy.
* This is because it can signal errors Not_invertible or Ambiguous. *)
and apply_inv_subst (e : lexp) (s : subst) : lexp =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
@@ -176,15 +176,21 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
* try Hashtbl.find hc_table e
* with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add hc_table e e; e *)
let lexp_hash (e, h) = h
- let lexp_to_lexp' (e, h) = e
+(* == depends on implementation when it involves non mutable types
+ * do not use (e, h) directly to "construct" a lexp ?
+ * in this case we had: ref lexp1' = ref lexp2' but not lexp1' == lexp2' ... *)
+ let lexp_lexp' (e, h) = e
let rec apply_lxor (map : int list) : int =
match map with
| [] -> 0
| e :: l -> e lxor (apply_lxor l)
+let combine_hash e1 e2 = e1 lxor e2
(* Hashtbl.hash for not lexp types
- * TODO: find something else *)
+ * TODO: - find something else
+ * - extract the first arg of 2 arg types ? (SMap)*)
let lexp'_hash (expr : lexp') =
match expr with
| Imm s -> Hashtbl.hash s
@@ -192,9 +198,9 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
-> (match l with
| SLz -> Hashtbl.hash l
| SLsucc lp -> lexp_hash lp
- | SLlub (lp1, lp2) -> (lexp_hash lp1) lxor (lexp_hash lp2))
+ | SLlub (lp1, lp2) -> combine_hash (lexp_hash lp1) (lexp_hash lp2))
| Sort (l, s)
- -> (Hashtbl.hash l) lxor
+ -> combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash l)
(match s with
| Stype lp -> lexp_hash lp
| StypeOmega -> Hashtbl.hash s
@@ -202,49 +208,56 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
| Builtin (v, t, m) as e -> Hashtbl.hash e
| Var v -> Hashtbl.hash v
| Let (l, ds, e)
- -> (Hashtbl.hash l) lxor
- ((apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (n, lp, lt) = e in
- ((Hashtbl.hash n) lxor ((lexp_hash lp) lxor (lexp_hash lt))))
- ds)) lxor (lexp_hash e))
+ -> combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash l)
+ (combine_hash (apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (n, lp, lt) = e in
+ (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash n) (combine_hash (lexp_hash lp) (lexp_hash lt))))
+ ds)) (lexp_hash e))
| Arrow (k, v, t1, l, t2)
- -> ((Hashtbl.hash k) lxor (Hashtbl.hash v)) lxor
- ((lexp_hash t1) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (lexp_hash t2)))
+ -> combine_hash (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash k) (Hashtbl.hash v))
+ (combine_hash (lexp_hash t1) (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash l) (lexp_hash t2)))
| Lambda (k, v, t, e)
- -> ((Hashtbl.hash k) lxor (Hashtbl.hash v)) lxor
- ((lexp_hash t) lxor (lexp_hash e))
+ -> combine_hash (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash k) (Hashtbl.hash v))
+ (combine_hash (lexp_hash t) (lexp_hash e))
| Inductive (l, n, a, cs)
- -> ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (Hashtbl.hash n)) lxor
- ((apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, n, lt) = e in
- ((Hashtbl.hash ak) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash n) lxor (lexp_hash lt)))) a))
- lxor Hashtbl.hash cs)
- | Cons (t, n) -> (lexp_hash t) lxor (Hashtbl.hash n)
+ -> combine_hash (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash l) (Hashtbl.hash n))
+ (combine_hash (apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, n, lt) = e in
+ (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash ak)
+ (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash n) (lexp_hash lt)))) a))
+ (Hashtbl.hash cs)) (* here *)
+ | Cons (t, n) -> combine_hash (lexp_hash t) (Hashtbl.hash n)
| Case (l, e, rt, bs, d)
- -> ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (lexp_hash e)) lxor
- ((lexp_hash rt) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash bs) lxor
+ -> combine_hash (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash l) (lexp_hash e))
+ (combine_hash (lexp_hash rt) (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash bs)
(match d with
- | Some (n, lp) -> (Hashtbl.hash n) lxor (lexp_hash lp)
+ | Some (n, lp) -> combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash n) (lexp_hash lp)
| _ -> 0)))
| Metavar (id, s, v)
-> Hashtbl.hash expr
- | Call (e, args) -> (lexp_hash e) lxor
+ | Call (e, args) -> combine_hash (lexp_hash e)
(apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, lp) = e in
- ((Hashtbl.hash ak) lxor (lexp_hash lp))) args))
- | Susp (lp, subst) -> (lexp_hash lp) lxor (Hashtbl.hash subst)
+ (combine_hash (Hashtbl.hash ak) (lexp_hash lp))) args))
+ | Susp (lp, subst) -> combine_hash (lexp_hash lp) (Hashtbl.hash subst)
let impossible = (let imp = Imm Sexp.dummy_epsilon in (imp, dummy_hash))
+let compare_hash x y =
+ let (x', h1) = x in
+ let (y', h2) = y in
+ compare h1 h2 = 0
+(* May be a tree ? *)
module WHC = Weak.Make (struct type t = lexp
(* Using (=) instead of `compare` results
* in an *enormous* slowdown. Apparently
* `compare` checks == before recursing
* but (=) doesn't? *)
- let equal x y = (compare x y = 0)
+ let equal x y = (compare (lexp_lexp' x) (lexp_lexp' y) = 0)
let hash = lexp_hash
-(* TODO: maybe just a table ? *)
let hc_table : WHC.t = WHC.create 1000
-let hc (e : lexp') : lexp = let h = lexp'_hash e in WHC.merge hc_table (e, h)
+let hc (e : lexp') : lexp =
+let lp = (e, lexp'_hash e) in WHC.merge hc_table lp
let mkImm s = hc (Imm s)
let mkSortLevel l = hc (SortLevel l)
@@ -259,14 +272,14 @@ let mkCons (t, n) = hc (Cons (t, n))
let mkCase (l, e, rt, bs, d) = hc (Case (l, e, rt, bs, d))
let mkMetavar (n, s, v) = hc (Metavar (n, s, v))
let mkCall (f, es)
- = let (f', h) = f in
+ = let f' = lexp_lexp' f in
match f', es with
| Call (f'', es'), _ -> hc (Call (f'', es' @ es))
| _, [] -> f
| _ -> hc (Call (f, es))
and lexp_head e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm s -> if e = impossible then "impossible" else "Imm" ^ sexp_string s
| Var _ -> "Var"
@@ -285,8 +298,8 @@ and lexp_head e =
| SortLevel _ -> "SortLevel"
let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) =
- let (e1', h1) = e1 in
- let (e2', h2) = e2 in
+ let e1' = lexp_lexp' e1 in
+ let e2' = lexp_lexp' e2 in
match (e1', e2') with
(* FIXME: This first case should be handled by calling `mkSLlub` instead! *)
| (SortLevel SLz, SortLevel l) | (SortLevel l, SortLevel SLz) -> l
@@ -301,7 +314,7 @@ let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) =
("SLlub of non-level: " ^ lexp_head e1 ^ " ∪ " ^ lexp_head e2)
let mkSLsucc e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _
-> SLsucc e
@@ -338,11 +351,8 @@ let hcs_table : ((lexp * subst), lexp) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000
* ...
-(* let mkSusp e s = let susp = mkSusp_aux e s in (susp, lexp'_hash susp) *)
-(* argh *)
let rec mkSusp e s =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
if S.identity_p s then e else
(* We apply the substitution eagerly to some terms.
* There's no deep technical rason for that:
@@ -409,7 +419,7 @@ let _ = assert (S.identity_p (scompose (S.shift 5) (sunshift 5)))
let rec lexp_location e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Sort (l,_) -> l
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> lexp_location e
@@ -437,7 +447,7 @@ let maybename n = match n with None -> "<anon>" | Some v -> v
let sname (l,n) = (l, maybename n)
let rec push_susp e s = (* Push a suspension one level down. *)
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
@@ -497,7 +507,7 @@ let rec push_susp e s = (* Push a suspension one level down. *)
| (Var _ | Metavar _) -> nosusp (mkSusp e s)
and nosusp e = (* Return `e` with no outermost `Susp`. *)
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Susp(e, s) -> push_susp e s
| _ -> e
@@ -506,7 +516,7 @@ and nosusp e = (* Return `e` with no outermost `Susp`. *)
(* Get rid of `Susp`ensions and instantiated `Metavar`s. *)
let clean e =
let rec clean s e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
@@ -544,7 +554,7 @@ let clean e =
L.rev ncase)
cases in
mkInductive (l, label, nargs, ncases)
- | Cons (it, name) -> (let lp = Cons (clean s it, name) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
+ | Cons (it, name) -> hc (Cons (clean s it, name))
| Case (l, e, ret, cases, default)
-> mkCase (l, clean s e, clean s ret, (fun (l, cargs, e)
@@ -571,9 +581,9 @@ let stypecons = Symbol (U.dummy_location, "##typecons")
(* ugly printing (sexp_print (pexp_unparse (lexp_unparse e))) *)
let rec lexp_unparse lxp =
- let (lxp', h) = lxp in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match lxp' with
- | Susp _ as e -> lexp_unparse (nosusp (e, lexp'_hash e))
+ | Susp _ as e -> lexp_unparse (nosusp (hc e))
| Imm (sexp) -> sexp
| Builtin ((l,name), _, _) -> Symbol (l, "##" ^ name)
(* FIXME: Add a Sexp syntax for debindex references. *)
@@ -703,7 +713,7 @@ and subst_string s = match s with
-> "(↑"^ string_of_int o ^ " " ^ subst_string (S.cons l s) ^ ")"
and lexp_name e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> lexp_string e
| Var _ -> lexp_string e
@@ -794,7 +804,7 @@ let get_binary_op_name name =
let rec get_precedence expr ctx =
let lkp name = SMap.find name (pp_grammar ctx) in
- let (e', h) = expr in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' expr in
match e' with
| Lambda _ -> lkp "lambda"
| Case _ -> lkp "case"
@@ -864,7 +874,7 @@ and lexp_str ctx (exp : lexp) : string =
| Anormal -> ":" | Aimplicit -> "::" | Aerasable -> ":::" in
let get_name fname =
- let (fn, h) = fname in
+ let fn = lexp_lexp' fname in
match fn with
| Builtin ((_, name), _, _) -> name, 0
| Var((_, Some name), idx) -> name, idx
@@ -872,7 +882,7 @@ and lexp_str ctx (exp : lexp) : string =
| Cons _ -> "__", 0
| _ -> "__", -1 in
- let (e', h) = exp in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' exp in
match e' with
| Imm(value) -> (match value with
| String (_, s) -> tval ("\"" ^ s ^ "\"")
@@ -1029,59 +1039,54 @@ and lexp_str_decls ctx decls =
(** Syntactic equality (i.e. without β). *******)
-let eq (e1 : lexp) (e2 : lexp) : bool =
- let (e1', h1) = e1 in
- let (e2', h2) = e2 in
- compare h1 h2 == 0
-let rec eq' e1 e2 =
- e1 == e2 ||
- match (e1, e2) with
+let rec eq e1 e2 =
+ let e1' = lexp_lexp' e1 in
+ let e2' = lexp_lexp' e2 in
+ e1' == e2' ||
+ match (e1', e2') with
| (Imm (Integer (_, i1)), Imm (Integer (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
| (Imm (Float (_, x1)), Imm (Float (_, x2))) -> x1 = x2
| (Imm (String (_, s1)), Imm (String (_, s2))) -> s1 = s2
| (Imm s1, Imm s2) -> s1 = s2
| (SortLevel SLz, SortLevel SLz) -> true
- | (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
+ | (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2)) -> eq e1 e2
| (SortLevel (SLlub (e11, e21)), SortLevel (SLlub (e12, e22)))
- -> eq' e11 e12 && eq' e21 e22
+ -> eq e11 e12 && eq e21 e22
| (Sort (_, StypeOmega), Sort (_, StypeOmega)) -> true
| (Sort (_, StypeLevel), Sort (_, StypeLevel)) -> true
- | (Sort (_, Stype e1), Sort (_, Stype e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
+ | (Sort (_, Stype e1), Sort (_, Stype e2)) -> eq e1 e2
| (Builtin ((_, name1), _, _), Builtin ((_, name2), _, _)) -> name1 = name2
| (Var (_, i1), Var (_, i2)) -> i1 = i2
- | (Susp (e1, s1), e2) -> eq' (push_susp e1 s1) e2
- | (e1, Susp (e2, s2)) -> eq' e1 (push_susp e2 s2)
+ | (Susp (e1, s1), _) -> eq (push_susp e1 s1) e2
+ | (_, Susp (e2, s2)) -> eq e1 (push_susp e2 s2)
| (Let (_, defs1, e1), Let (_, defs2, e2))
- -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (_, e1, t1) (_, e2, t2)
- -> eq' t1 t2 && eq' e1 e2)
+ -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (_, e1, t1) (_, e2, t2)
+ -> eq t1 t2 && eq e1 e2)
defs1 defs2
| (Arrow (ak1, _, t11, _, t21), Arrow (ak2, _, t12, _, t22))
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' t11 t12 && eq' t21 t22
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq t11 t12 && eq t21 t22
| (Lambda (ak1, _, t1, e1), Lambda (ak2, _, t2, e2))
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' t1 t2 && eq' e1 e2
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq t1 t2 && eq e1 e2
| (Call (e1, as1), Call (e2, as2))
- -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, e1) (ak2, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2)
+ -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, e1) (ak2, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2)
as1 as2
| (Inductive (_, l1, as1, cases1), Inductive (_, l2, as2, cases2))
-> l1 = l2
- && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2)
+ && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2)
as1 as2
&& SMap.equal (List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2)
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2))
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2))
cases1 cases2
- | (Cons (t1, (_, l1)), Cons (t2, (_, l2))) -> eq' t1 t2 && l1 = l2
+ | (Cons (t1, (_, l1)), Cons (t2, (_, l2))) -> eq t1 t2 && l1 = l2
| (Case (_, e1, r1, cases1, def1), Case (_, e2, r2, cases2, def2))
- -> eq' e1 e2 && eq' r1 r2
+ -> eq e1 e2 && eq r1 r2
&& SMap.equal (fun (_, fields1, e1) (_, fields2, e2)
- -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _) (ak2, _)
+ -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _) (ak2, _)
-> ak1 = ak2)
fields1 fields2)
cases1 cases2
&& (match (def1, def2) with
- | (Some (_, e1), Some (_, e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
+ | (Some (_, e1), Some (_, e2)) -> eq e1 e2
| _ -> def1 = def2)
| (Metavar (i1, s1, _), Metavar (i2, s2, _))
-> i1 = i2 && subst_eq s1 s2
@@ -1093,15 +1098,13 @@ and subst_eq s1 s2 =
| (S.Identity o1, S.Identity o2) -> o1 = o2
| (S.Cons (e1, s1, o1), S.Cons (e2, s2, o2))
-> if o1 = o2 then
- eq' e1 e2 && subst_eq s1 s2
+ eq e1 e2 && subst_eq s1 s2
else if o1 > o2 then
let o = o1 - o2 in
- eq' (mkSusp e1 (S.shift o)) e2
+ eq (mkSusp e1 (S.shift o)) e2
&& subst_eq (S.mkShift s1 o) s2
let o = o2 - o1 in
- eq' e1 (mkSusp e2 (S.shift o))
+ eq e1 (mkSusp e2 (S.shift o))
&& subst_eq s1 (S.mkShift s2 o)
| _ -> false
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ let lexp_close lctx e =
* call-by-name behavior. *)
let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
let rec lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
- let (le', h) = e in
+ let le' = lexp_lexp' e in
match le' with
| Var v -> (match lookup_value ctx v with
| None -> e
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
| Susp (e, s) -> lexp_whnf (push_susp e s) ctx
| Call (e, []) -> lexp_whnf e ctx
| Call (f, (((_, arg)::args) as xs)) ->
- (let (lwhnf', h) = lexp_whnf f ctx in
+ (let lwhnf' = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf f ctx) in
match lwhnf' with
| Lambda (_, _, _, body) ->
(* Here we apply whnf to the arg eagerly to kind of stay closer
@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
("Unhandled constructor " ^
name ^ "in case expression");
mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default) in
- (let (e'', h) = e' in
+ (let e'' = lexp_lexp' e' in
match e'' with
| Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name []
| Call (f, aargs) ->
- (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf f ctx in
+ (let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf f ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name aargs
| _ -> mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default))
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
| Let (l, defs, body)
-> lexp_whnf (push_susp body (lexp_defs_subst l S.identity defs)) ctx
- | e -> (e, h)
+ | elem -> e
in lexp_whnf e ctx
@@ -205,10 +205,8 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
type set_plexp = (lexp * lexp) list
let set_empty : set_plexp = []
let set_member_p (s : set_plexp) (e1 : lexp) (e2 : lexp) : bool
- = lexp_print e2 ; print_string "\n" ;
- lexp_print (Lexp.hc (let (e2', h) = e2 in e2'));
- assert (lexp_hash e1 == lexp_hash (Lexp.hc (let (e1', h) = e1 in e1')));
- assert (lexp_hash e2 == lexp_hash (Lexp.hc (let (e2', h) = e2 in e2')));
+ = assert (lexp_lexp' e1 == lexp_lexp' (Lexp.hc (lexp_lexp' e1)));
+ assert (lexp_lexp' e2 == lexp_lexp' (Lexp.hc (lexp_lexp' e2)));
try let _ = List.find (fun (e1', e2')
-> L.eq e1 e1' && L.eq e2 e2')
@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ let level_canon e =
if o < d then (c, IMap.add v d m) else acc in
let rec canon e d ((c,m) as acc) =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| SortLevel SLz -> if c < d then (d, m) else acc
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> canon e (d + 1) acc
@@ -262,13 +260,13 @@ let level_leq (c1, m1) (c2, m2) =
let rec conv_p' (ctx : DB.lexp_context) (vs : set_plexp) e1 e2 : bool =
let e1' = lexp_whnf e1 ctx in
let e2' = lexp_whnf e2 ctx in
- e1' == e2' ||
- let changed = not (e1 == e1' && e2 == e2') in
+ let e1''= lexp_lexp' e1' in
+ let e2'' = lexp_lexp' e2' in
+ e1'' == e2'' ||
+ let changed = not (lexp_lexp' e1 == e1'' && lexp_lexp' e2 == e2'') in
if changed && set_member_p vs e1' e2' then true else
let vs' = if changed then set_add vs e1' e2' else vs in
let conv_p = conv_p' ctx vs' in
- let (e1'', h1) = e1' in
- let (e2'', h1) = e2' in
match (e1'', e2'') with
| (Imm (Integer (_, i1)), Imm (Integer (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
| (Imm (Float (_, i1)), Imm (Float (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
@@ -342,16 +340,16 @@ let conv_p (ctx : DB.lexp_context) e1 e2
(********* Testing if a lexp is properly typed *********)
let rec mkSLlub ctx e1 e2 =
- let (lwhnf1, h1) = lexp_whnf e1 ctx in
- let (lwhnf2, h2) = lexp_whnf e2 ctx in
- match (lwhnf1, lwhnf2) with
+ let lwhnf1 = lexp_whnf e1 ctx in
+ let lwhnf2 = lexp_whnf e2 ctx in
+ match (lexp_lexp' lwhnf1, lexp_lexp' lwhnf2) with
| (SortLevel SLz, _) -> e2
| (_, SortLevel SLz) -> e1
| (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2))
-> mkSortLevel (SLsucc (mkSLlub ctx e1 e2))
| (e1', e2')
- -> let ce1 = level_canon (e1', h1) in
- let ce2 = level_canon (e2', h2) in
+ -> let ce1 = level_canon lwhnf1 in
+ let ce2 = level_canon lwhnf2 in
if level_leq ce1 ce2 then e2
else if level_leq ce2 ce1 then e1
else mkSortLevel (mkSLlub' (e1, e2)) (* FIXME: Could be more canonical *)
@@ -365,8 +363,8 @@ type sort_compose_result
let sort_compose ctx1 ctx2 l ak k1 k2 =
(* BEWARE! Technically `k2` can refer to `v`, but this should only happen
* if `v` is a TypeLevel. *)
- let (lwhnf1, h1) = lexp_whnf k1 ctx1 in
- let (lwhnf2, h2) = lexp_whnf k2 ctx2 in
+ let lwhnf1 = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf k1 ctx1) in
+ let lwhnf2 = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf k2 ctx2) in
match (lwhnf1, lwhnf2) with
| (Sort (_, s1), Sort (_, s2))
-> (match s1, s2 with
@@ -422,7 +420,7 @@ let nerased_let defs erased =
* will be non-erasable, so in `let x = z; y = x ...`
* where `z` is erasable, `x` will be found
* to be erasable, but not `y`. *)
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with Var (_, idx) -> DB.set_mem idx nerased
| _ -> false)
defs in
@@ -445,14 +443,14 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
(* Log.internal_error "Type mismatch" *)) in
let check_type erased ctx t =
let s = check erased ctx t in
- (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf s ctx in
+ (let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf s ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Sort _ -> ()
| _ -> error_tc ~loc:(lexp_location t)
("Not a proper type: " ^ lexp_string t));
(* FIXME: return the `sort` rather than the surrounding `lexp`! *)
s in
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm (Float (_, _)) -> DB.type_float
| Imm (Integer (_, _)) -> DB.type_int
@@ -544,7 +542,7 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
(fun ft (ak,arg)
-> let at = check (if ak = P.Aerasable then DB.set_empty else erased)
ctx arg in
- let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf ft ctx in
+ let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf ft ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Arrow (ak', v, t1, l, t2)
-> if not (ak == ak') then
@@ -568,9 +566,8 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
let (level, _, _, _) =
(fun (level, ictx, erased, n) (ak, v, t) ->
- ((let (lwhnf, h) =
- lexp_whnf (check_type erased ictx t) ictx in
- match lwhnf with
+ ((let lwhnf = lexp_whnf (check_type erased ictx t) ictx in
+ match lexp_lexp' lwhnf with
| Sort (_, Stype _)
when ak == P.Aerasable && impredicative_erase
-> level
@@ -588,7 +585,7 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
("Field type "
^ lexp_string t
^ " is not a Type! ("
- ^ lexp_string (tt, h) ^")");
+ ^ lexp_string lwhnf ^")");
DB.lctx_extend ictx v Variable t,
DB.set_sink 1 erased,
@@ -609,13 +606,13 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
| Case (l, e, ret, branches, default)
(* FIXME: Check that the return type isn't TypeLevel. *)
-> let call_split e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Call (f, args) -> (f, args)
| _ -> (e,[]) in
let etype = lexp_whnf (check erased ctx e) ctx in
let it, aargs = call_split etype in
- (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf it ctx in
+ (let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf it ctx) in
match lwhnf, aargs with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors), aargs ->
let rec mksubst s fargs aargs =
@@ -665,7 +662,7 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
| _,_ -> error_tc ~loc:l "Case on a non-inductive type!");
| Cons (t, (l, name))
- -> (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf t ctx in
+ -> (let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf t ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Inductive (l, _, fargs, constructors)
-> (try
@@ -755,7 +752,7 @@ let fv_erase (fvs, mvs) = (fvs, mv_set_erase mvs)
let rec fv (e : lexp) : (DB.set * mv_set) =
let fv' e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> fv_empty
| SortLevel SLz -> fv_empty
@@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ let rec fv (e : lexp) : (DB.set * mv_set) =
(* This should never signal any warning/error. *)
let rec get_type ctx e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm (Float (_, _)) -> DB.type_float
| Imm (Integer (_, _)) -> DB.type_int
@@ -863,7 +860,7 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
-> let ft = get_type ctx f in
(fun ft (ak,arg)
- -> let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf ft ctx in
+ -> let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf ft ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Arrow (ak', v, t1, l, t2)
-> mkSusp t2 (S.substitute arg)
@@ -880,7 +877,7 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
let (level, _, _) =
(fun (level, ictx, n) (ak, v, t) ->
- ((let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf (get_type ictx t) ictx in
+ ((let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf (get_type ictx t) ictx) in
match lwhnf with
| Sort (_, Stype _)
when ak == P.Aerasable && impredicative_erase
@@ -905,7 +902,7 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
| Case (l, e, ret, branches, default) -> ret
| Cons (t, (l, name))
- -> (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf t ctx in
+ -> (let lwhnf = lexp_lexp' (lexp_whnf t ctx) in
match lwhnf with
| Inductive (l, _, fargs, constructors)
-> (try
@@ -940,7 +937,7 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
(*********** Type erasure, before evaluation. *****************)
let rec erase_type (lxp: L.lexp): E.elexp =
- let (lxp', h) = lxp in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match lxp' with
| L.Imm(s) -> E.Imm(s)
| L.Builtin(v, _, _) -> E.Builtin(v)
@@ -1032,12 +1029,8 @@ let ctx2tup ctx nctx =
let offset = List.length types in
let types = List.rev types in
(*Log.debug_msg ("Building tuple of size " ^ string_of_int offset ^ "\n");*)
- let lexp =
- Call
- ((let lexp' =
- Cons (
- ((let lexp'' =
- Inductive (loc, type_label, [],
+ hc (Call (hc (Cons (hc (Inductive (loc, type_label, [],
SMap.add cons_name
( (fun (oname, t)
-> (P.Aimplicit, oname,
@@ -1051,24 +1044,22 @@ let ctx2tup ctx nctx =
* equivalent and preferable). *)
mkSusp t (S.shift offset)))
- SMap.empty) in (lexp'', lexp'_hash lexp'')),
- cons_label)) in (lexp', lexp'_hash lexp')),
+ SMap.empty)),
+ cons_label)),
List.mapi (fun i (oname, t)
-> (P.Aimplicit, mkVar (oname, offset - i - 1)))
- types) in (lexp, lexp'_hash lexp)
+ types))
| (DB.CVlet (name, LetDef (_, e), t, _) :: blocs)
- -> let lp =
- Let (loc, [(name, mkSusp e (S.shift 1), t)],
- mk_lets_and_tup blocs ((name, t) :: types)) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
+ -> hc (Let (loc, [(name, mkSusp e (S.shift 1), t)],
+ mk_lets_and_tup blocs ((name, t) :: types)))
| (DB.CVfix (defs, _) :: blocs)
- -> let lp =
- Let (loc, defs,
+ -> hc (Let (loc, defs,
mk_lets_and_tup blocs (List.append
( (fun (oname, _, t)
-> (oname, t))
- types)) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
+ types)))
| _ -> assert false in
mk_lets_and_tup (get_blocs nctx []) []
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let occurs_in (id: meta_id) (e : lexp) : bool = match metavar_lookup id with
"Checking occurrence of an instantiated metavar!!"
| MVar (sl, _, _)
-> let rec oi e =
- let (e', h) = e in
+ let e' = lexp_lexp' e in
match e' with
| Imm _ -> false
| SortLevel SLz -> false
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ and unify' (e1: lexp) (e2: lexp)
let changed = true (* not (e1 == e1' && e2 == e2') *) in
if changed && OL.set_member_p vs e1' e2' then [] else
let vs' = if changed then OL.set_add vs e1' e2' else vs in
- let (e1'', h1) = e1' in
- let (e2'', h2) = e2' in
+ let e1'' = lexp_lexp' e1' in
+ let e2'' = lexp_lexp' e2' in
match (e1'', e2'') with
| ((Imm _, Imm _) | (Cons _, Cons _) | (Builtin _, Builtin _)
| (Var _, Var _))
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ and unify' (e1: lexp) (e2: lexp)
and unify_arrow (arrow: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
: return_type =
- let (arrow', h1) = arrow in
- let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ let arrow' = lexp_lexp' arrow in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match (arrow', lxp') with
| (Arrow (var_kind1, v1, ltype1, _, lexp1),
Arrow (var_kind2, _, ltype2, _, lexp2))
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ and unify_arrow (arrow: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
- Lambda , lexp -> unify lexp lambda subst
and unify_lambda (lambda: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- let (lambda', h1) = lambda in
- let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ let lambda' = lexp_lexp' lambda in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match (lambda', lxp') with
| (Lambda (var_kind1, v1, ltype1, lexp1),
Lambda (var_kind2, _, ltype2, lexp2))
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ and unify_metavar ctx idx s1 (lxp1: lexp) (lxp2: lexp)
^ lexp_string (OL.get_type ctx lxp)
^ "\n" ^ "for " ^ lexp_string lxp ^ "\n");
[(CKresidual, ctx, lxp1, lxp2)] in
- let (lxp2', h) = lxp2 in
+ let lxp2' = lexp_lexp' lxp2 in
match lxp2' with
| Metavar (idx2, s2, name)
-> if idx = idx2 then
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ and unify_metavar ctx idx s1 (lxp1: lexp) (lxp2: lexp)
and unify_call (call: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
: return_type =
- let (call', h1) = call in
- let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ let call' = lexp_lexp' call in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match (call', lxp') with
| (Call (lxp_left, lxp_list1), Call (lxp_right, lxp_list2))
when OL.conv_p ctx lxp_left lxp_right
@@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ and unify_call (call: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
- SortLevel, _ -> ERROR
and unify_sortlvl (sortlvl: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- let (sortlvl', h1) = sortlvl in
- let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ let sortlvl' = lexp_lexp' sortlvl in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match sortlvl', lxp' with
| (SortLevel s, SortLevel s2) -> (match s, s2 with
| SLz, SLz -> []
@@ -469,8 +469,8 @@ and unify_sortlvl (sortlvl: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- Sort, lexp -> ERROR
and unify_sort (sort_: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- let (sort_', h1) = sort_ in
- let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ let sort_' = lexp_lexp' sort_ in
+ let lxp' = lexp_lexp' lxp in
match sort_', lxp' with
| (Sort (_, srt), Sort (_, srt2)) -> (match srt, srt2 with
| Stype lxp1, Stype lxp2 -> unify' lxp1 lxp2 ctx vs
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Alice de Berny pushed to branch alice at Stefan / Typer
63089e95 by irradiee at 2020-05-26T14:53:16-04:00
fix des repercussions du changement des lexp
- - - - -
6 changed files:
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
@@ -121,12 +121,13 @@ let sform_default_ectx = ref empty_elab_context
* to errors in the user's code). *)
let elab_check_sort (ctx : elab_context) lsort var ltp =
- match (try OL.lexp_whnf lsort (ectx_to_lctx ctx)
+ let (lp, h) = (try OL.lexp_whnf lsort (ectx_to_lctx ctx)
with e ->
info ~print_action:(fun _ -> lexp_print lsort; print_newline ())
~loc:(lexp_location lsort)
"Exception during whnf of sort:";
- raise e) with
+ raise e) in
+ match lp with
| Sort (_, _) -> () (* All clear! *)
| _ -> let typestr = lexp_string ltp ^ " : " ^ lexp_string lsort in
match var with
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ let rec meta_to_var ids (e : lexp) =
* into something like
* Γ ⊢ λ x₁…xₙ ≡> e[x₁…xₙ/m₁…mₙ] : τ₁…τₙ ≡> τ
- *
+ *
* The above substitution is not the usual capture-avoiding substitution
* since it replaces metavars with vars rather than vars with terms.
* It's more like *instanciation* of those metavars.
@@ -414,7 +415,9 @@ let rec meta_to_var ids (e : lexp) =
(* `o` is the binding depth at which we are relative to the "root"
* of the expression (i.e. where the new vars will be inserted). *)
- and loop o e = match e with
+ and loop o e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel SLz -> e
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> mkSortLevel (mkSLsucc (loop o e))
@@ -576,7 +579,8 @@ and infer (p : sexp) (ctx : elab_context): lexp * ltype =
and elab_special_form ctx f args ot =
let loc = lexp_location f in
- match OL.lexp_whnf f (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf f (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Builtin ((_, name), _, _) ->
(* Special form. *)
(get_special_form name) ctx loc args ot
@@ -624,7 +628,8 @@ and get_implicit_arg ctx loc oname t =
(* Build the list of implicit arguments to instantiate. *)
and instantiate_implicit e t ctx =
let rec instantiate t args =
- match OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Arrow ((Aerasable | Aimplicit) as ak, (_, v), t1, _, t2)
-> let arg = get_implicit_arg ctx (lexp_location e) v t1 in
instantiate (mkSusp t2 (S.substitute arg)) ((ak, arg)::args)
@@ -636,7 +641,8 @@ and infer_type pexp ectx var =
* Sort (?s), but in most cases the metavar would be allocated
* unnecessarily. *)
let t, s = infer pexp ectx in
- (match OL.lexp_whnf s (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
+ (let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf s (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lp with
| Sort (_, _) -> () (* All clear! *)
(* FIXME: We could automatically coerce Type levels to Sorts, so we
* could write `(a : TypeLevel) -> a -> a` instead of
@@ -698,7 +704,9 @@ and check (p : sexp) (t : ltype) (ctx : elab_context): lexp =
* we use is to instantiate implicit arguments when needed, but we could/should
* do lots of other things. *)
and check_inferred ctx e inferred_t t =
- let (e, inferred_t) = match OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let (e, inferred_t) =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Arrow ((Aerasable | Aimplicit), _, _, _, _)
-> (e, inferred_t)
| _ -> instantiate_implicit e inferred_t ctx in
@@ -749,7 +757,8 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
| [] -> () in
(cs, args)
| None
- -> match OL.lexp_whnf it' (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ -> let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf it' (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors)
-> let (s, targs) = List.fold_left
(fun (s, targs) (ak, name, t)
@@ -764,11 +773,15 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
ltarget := check_inferred ctx tlxp tltp (mkCall (it', args));
it_cs_as := Some (it', cs, args);
(cs, args)
- | _ -> let call_split e = match (OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx))
- with | Call (f, args) -> (f, args)
+ | _ -> let call_split e =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
+ | Call (f, args) -> (f, args)
| _ -> (e,[]) in
let (it, targs) = call_split tltp in
- let constructors = match OL.lexp_whnf it (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let constructors =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf it (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors)
-> assert (List.length fargs = List.length targs);
@@ -792,15 +805,18 @@ and check_case rtype (loc, target, ppatterns) ctx =
let add_branch pctor pargs =
let loc = sexp_location pctor in
let lctor, ct = infer pctor ctx in
- let rec inst_args ctx e = match OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let rec inst_args ctx e =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf e (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Lambda (Aerasable, v, t, body)
-> let arg = newMetavar (ectx_to_lctx ctx) (ectx_to_scope_level ctx)
v t in
let nctx = ctx_extend ctx v Variable t in
let body = inst_args nctx body in
mkSusp body (S.substitute arg)
- | e -> e in
- match nosusp (inst_args ctx lctor) with
+ | e -> (e, h) in
+ let (lp, h') = nosusp (inst_args ctx lctor) in
+ match lp with
| Cons (it', (_, cons_name))
-> let _ = check_uniqueness pat cons_name lbranches in
let (constructors, targs) = get_cs_as it' lctor in
@@ -911,7 +927,7 @@ and elab_call ctx (func, ltp) (sargs: sexp list) =
let loc = lexp_location func in
let rec handle_fun_args largs sargs pending ltp =
- let ltp' = OL.lexp_whnf ltp (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ let (ltp', h) = OL.lexp_whnf ltp (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
match sargs, ltp' with
| _, Arrow (ak, (_, Some aname), arg_type, _, ret_type)
when SMap.mem aname pending
@@ -971,7 +987,7 @@ and elab_call ctx (func, ltp) (sargs: sexp list) =
| Arrow (ak, _, arg_type, _, ret_type)
-> assert (ak = Anormal); (arg_type, ret_type)
| _ -> unify_with_arrow ctx (sexp_location sarg)
- ltp' Anormal (dloc, None) None in
+ (ltp', h) Anormal (dloc, None) None in
let larg = check sarg arg_type ctx in
handle_fun_args ((Anormal, larg) :: largs) sargs pending
(L.mkSusp ret_type (S.substitute larg)) in
@@ -994,17 +1010,23 @@ and lexp_parse_inductive ctors ctx =
* things like `fv` and `meta_to_var`. *)
let altacc = List.fold_right
(fun (ak, n, t) aa
- -> Arrow (ak, n, t, dummy_location, aa))
+ -> let lp =
+ Arrow (ak, n, t, dummy_location, aa)
+ in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
acc impossible in
let g = generalize nctx altacc in
let altacc' = g (fun _ne vname t l e
- -> Arrow (Aerasable, vname, t, l, e))
+ -> let lp =
+ Arrow (Aerasable, vname, t, l, e)
+ in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
altacc in
if altacc' == altacc
then acc (* No generalization! *)
(* Convert the Lexp back into a list of fields. *)
- let rec loop e = match e with
+ let rec loop e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Arrow (ak, n, t, _, e) -> (ak, n, t)::(loop e)
| _ -> assert (e = impossible); [] in
loop altacc'
@@ -1157,8 +1179,12 @@ and infer_and_generalize_type (ctx : elab_context) se name =
* But we don't bother trying to catch all cases currently.
- let rec strip_rettype t = match t with
- | Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, t2) -> Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, strip_rettype t2)
+ let rec strip_rettype t =
+ let (t', h) = t in
+ match t' with
+ | Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, t2)
+ -> let lp = Arrow (ak, v, t1, l, strip_rettype t2)
+ in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
| Sort _ | Metavar _ -> type0 (* Abritrary closed constant. *)
| _ -> t in
let g = generalize nctx (strip_rettype t) in
@@ -1338,10 +1364,12 @@ and sform_new_attribute ctx loc sargs ot =
and sform_add_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
let n = get_size ctx in
let table, var, attr = match (lexp_parse_sexp ctx) sargs with
- | [table; Var((_, Some name), idx); attr] -> table, (n - idx, name), attr
+ | [table; (Var((_, Some name), idx), _); attr] -> table, (n - idx, name), attr
| _ -> fatal ~loc "add-attribute expects 3 arguments (table; var; attr)" in
- let map, attr_type = match OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let map, attr_type =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map, attr_type
| _ -> fatal ~loc "add-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
@@ -1354,10 +1382,12 @@ and sform_add_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
and get_attribute ctx loc largs =
let ctx_n = get_size ctx in
let table, var = match largs with
- | [table; Var((_, Some name), idx)] -> table, (ctx_n - idx, name)
+ | [table; (Var((_, Some name), _), idx)] -> table, (ctx_n - idx, name)
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects 2 arguments (table; var)" in
- let map = match OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let map =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
@@ -1372,19 +1402,21 @@ and sform_get_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
and sform_has_attribute ctx loc (sargs : sexp list) ot =
let n = get_size ctx in
let table, var = match (lexp_parse_sexp ctx) sargs with
- | [table; Var((_, Some name), idx)] -> table, (n - idx, name)
+ | [table; (Var((_, Some name), _), idx)] -> table, (n - idx, name)
| _ -> fatal ~loc "get-attribute expects 2 arguments (table; var)" in
- let map, attr_type = match OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ let map, attr_type =
+ let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf table (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Builtin (_, attr_type, Some map) -> map, attr_type
- | lxp -> lexp_fatal loc lxp
+ | lxp -> lexp_fatal loc (lxp, h)
"get-attribute expects a table as first argument" in
(BI.o2l_bool ctx (AttributeMap.mem var map), Lazy)
and sform_declexpr ctx loc sargs ot =
match (lexp_parse_sexp ctx) sargs with
- | [Var((_, vn), vi)]
+ | [(Var((_, vn), _), vi)]
-> (match DB.env_lookup_expr ctx ((loc, vn), vi) with
| Some lxp -> (lxp, Lazy)
| None -> error ~loc "no expr available";
@@ -1395,7 +1427,7 @@ and sform_declexpr ctx loc sargs ot =
let sform_decltype ctx loc sargs ot =
match (lexp_parse_sexp ctx) sargs with
- | [Var((_, vn), vi)]
+ | [(Var((_, vn), _), vi)]
-> (DB.env_lookup_type ctx ((loc, vn), vi), Lazy)
| _ -> error ~loc "decltype expects one argument";
sform_dummy_ret ctx loc
@@ -1581,7 +1613,9 @@ let sform_identifier ctx loc sargs ot =
-> Inverse_subst.apply_inv_subst t subst in
let mv = newMetavar octx sl (loc, Some name) t in
(if not (name = "") then
- let idx = match mv with
+ let idx =
+ let (mv', h) = mv in
+ match mv' with
| Metavar (idx, _, _) -> idx
| _ -> fatal ~loc "newMetavar returned a non-Metavar" in
rmmap := SMap.add name idx (!rmmap));
@@ -1636,7 +1670,8 @@ let rec sform_lambda kind ctx loc sargs ot =
(* Read var type from the provided type *)
| Some t
- -> match OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) with
+ -> let (lp, h) = OL.lexp_whnf t (ectx_to_lctx ctx) in
+ match lp with
| Arrow (ak2, _, lt1, _, lt2) when ak2 = kind
-> (match olt1 with
| None -> ()
@@ -1664,7 +1699,7 @@ let rec sform_lambda kind ctx loc sargs ot =
| _ -> alt)
| lt
- -> let (lt1, lt2) = unify_with_arrow ctx loc lt kind arg olt1
+ -> let (lt1, lt2) = unify_with_arrow ctx loc (lt, h) kind arg olt1
in mklam lt1 (Some lt2))
| _ -> sexp_error loc ("##lambda_"^(match kind with Anormal -> "->"
@@ -1946,4 +1981,3 @@ let eval_decl_str str lctx rctx =
let elxps = ( OL.clean_decls lxps) in
(EV.eval_decls_toplevel elxps rctx), lctx
with Log.Stop_Compilation s -> (prev_rctx, prev_lctx)
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ and eval_call loc unef i f args =
(* We may call a Vlexp e.g. for "x = Map Int String".
* FIXME: The arg will sometimes be a Vlexp but not always, so this is
* really just broken! *)
- -> Vtype (L.mkCall (e, [(Anormal, Var (vdummy, -1))]))
+ -> Vtype (L.mkCall (e, [(Anormal, (Var (vdummy, -1), dummy_hash))]))
| _ -> value_fatal loc f "Trying to call a non-function!"
and eval_case ctx i loc target pat dflt =
@@ -738,10 +738,11 @@ let constructor_p name ectx =
(* Use `lexp_whnf` so that `name` can be indirectly
* defined as a constructor
* (e.g. as in `let foo = cons in case foo x xs | ...` *)
- match OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
- | Cons _ -> true (* It's indeed a constructor! *)
- | _ -> false
+ let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Cons _ -> true (* It's indeed a constructor! *)
+ | _ -> false
with Senv_Lookup_Fail _ -> false
let erasable_p name nth ectx =
@@ -753,10 +754,11 @@ let erasable_p name nth ectx =
else false
| _ -> false in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- match OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
- | Cons (Var v, _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
- | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors)) ->
+ let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
+ | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
is_erasable ctors
| _ -> false )
| _ -> false
@@ -773,10 +775,11 @@ let erasable_p2 t name ectx =
| _ -> false in
try let idx = senv_lookup t ectx in
- match OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some t), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
- | Cons (Var v, _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
- | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors)) ->
+ let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some t), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
+ | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
is_erasable ctors
| _ -> false )
| _ -> false
@@ -791,10 +794,11 @@ let nth_ctor_arg name nth ectx =
| exception (Failure _) -> "_" )
| _ -> "_" in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- match OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
- | Cons (Var v, _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
- | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors)) ->
+ let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
+ | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
find_nth ctors
| _ -> "_" )
| _ -> "_"
@@ -812,10 +816,11 @@ let ctor_arg_pos name arg ectx =
| Some n -> n )
| _ -> (-1) in
try let idx = senv_lookup name ectx in
- match OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
- (ectx_to_lctx ectx) with
- | Cons (Var v, _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
- | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors)) ->
+ let (lwhnf, h) = OL.lexp_whnf (mkVar ((dummy_location, Some name), idx))
+ (ectx_to_lctx ectx) in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Cons ((Var v, _), _) -> ( match (env_lookup_expr ectx v) with
+ | Some (Inductive (_, _, _, ctors), _) ->
find_arg ctors
| _ -> (-1) )
| _ -> (-1)
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ let transfo (s: Lexp.subst) : substIR option =
let rec transfo (s: Lexp.subst) (off_acc: int) (idx: int) (imp_cnt : int)
: substIR option =
let indexOf (v: lexp): int = (* Helper : return the index of a variabble *)
- match v with
+ let (v', h) = v in
+ match v' with
| Var (_, v) -> v
| _ -> assert false
@@ -68,15 +69,15 @@ let transfo (s: Lexp.subst) : substIR option =
indexOf (mkSusp var (S.shift offset)) (* Helper : shift the index of a var *)
match s with
- | S.Cons (Var _ as v, s, o) ->
+ | S.Cons ((Var _ as v, h), s, o) ->
let off_acc = off_acc + o in
(match transfo s off_acc (idx + 1) imp_cnt with
| Some (tail, off, imp)
- -> let newVar = shiftVar v off_acc
+ -> let newVar = shiftVar (v, h) off_acc
in if newVar >= off then None (* Error *)
- else Some (((shiftVar v off_acc), idx)::tail, off, imp)
+ else Some (((shiftVar (v, h) off_acc), idx)::tail, off, imp)
| None -> None)
- | S.Cons (Imm (Sexp.Symbol (_, "")), s, o)
+ | S.Cons ((Imm (Sexp.Symbol (_, "")), _), s, o)
-> transfo s (o + off_acc) (idx + 1) (imp_cnt + 1)
| S.Identity o -> Some ([], (o + off_acc), imp_cnt)
| _ -> None (* Error *)
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ let fill (l: (int * int) list) (nbVar: int) (shift: int): Lexp.subst option =
let is_identity s =
let rec is_identity s acc =
match s with
- | S.Cons(Var(_, idx), s1, 0) when idx = acc -> is_identity s1 (acc + 1)
+ | S.Cons((Var(_, idx), _), s1, 0) when idx = acc -> is_identity s1 (acc + 1)
| S.Identity o -> acc = o
| _ -> S.identity_p s
in is_identity s 0
@@ -182,7 +183,9 @@ let inverse (s: Lexp.subst) : Lexp.subst option =
* with non-variables, in which case the "inverse" is ambiguous. *)
let rec invertible (s: subst) : bool = match s with
| S.Identity _ -> true
- | S.Cons (e, s, _) -> (match e with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible)
+ | S.Cons (e, s, _)
+ -> (let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible)
&& invertible s
exception Not_invertible
@@ -193,13 +196,15 @@ let rec lookup_inv_subst (i : db_index) (s : subst) : db_index
= match s with
| (S.Identity o | S.Cons (_, _, o)) when i < o -> raise Not_invertible
| S.Identity o -> i - o
- | S.Cons (Var (_, i'), s, o) when i' = i - o
+ | S.Cons ((Var (_, i'), _), s, o) when i' = i - o
-> (try let i'' = lookup_inv_subst i' s in
assert (i'' != 0);
raise Ambiguous
with Not_invertible -> 0)
| S.Cons (e, s, o)
- -> assert (match e with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible);
+ -> assert
+ (let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with Var _ -> true | _ -> e = impossible);
1 + lookup_inv_subst (i - o) s
(* When going under a binder, we have the rule
@@ -248,7 +253,9 @@ let rec compose_inv_subst (s' : subst) (s : subst) = match s' with
* The function presumes that `invertible s` was true.
* This can be used like mkSusp/push_susp, but it's not lazy.
* This is because it can signal errors Not_invertible or Ambiguous. *)
-and apply_inv_subst (e : lexp) (s : subst) : lexp = match e with
+and apply_inv_subst (e : lexp) (s : subst) : lexp =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> mkSortLevel (mkSLsucc (apply_inv_subst e s))
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ type metavar_info =
type meta_subst = metavar_info U.IMap.t
let dummy_scope_level = 0
-let impossible = Imm Sexp.dummy_epsilon
+let dummy_hash = 0
let builtin_size = ref 0
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
* try Hashtbl.find hc_table e
* with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add hc_table e e; e *)
let lexp_hash (e, h) = h
+ let lexp_to_lexp' (e, h) = e
let rec apply_lxor (map : int list) : int =
match map with
@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
(* Hashtbl.hash for not lexp types
* TODO: find something else *)
- let lexp'_hash expr =
+ let lexp'_hash (expr : lexp') =
match expr with
| Imm s -> Hashtbl.hash s
| SortLevel l
@@ -227,7 +229,9 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
| Call (e, args) -> (lexp_hash e) lxor
(apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, lp) = e in
((Hashtbl.hash ak) lxor (lexp_hash lp))) args))
-(* | Susp (lp, subst) -> (lexp_hash lp) lxor (Hashtbl.hash subst) *)
+ | Susp (lp, subst) -> (lexp_hash lp) lxor (Hashtbl.hash subst)
+let impossible = (let imp = Imm Sexp.dummy_epsilon in (imp, dummy_hash))
module WHC = Weak.Make (struct type t = lexp
(* Using (=) instead of `compare` results
@@ -255,13 +259,15 @@ let mkCons (t, n) = hc (Cons (t, n))
let mkCase (l, e, rt, bs, d) = hc (Case (l, e, rt, bs, d))
let mkMetavar (n, s, v) = hc (Metavar (n, s, v))
let mkCall (f, es)
- = match f, es with
- | Call (f', es'), _ -> hc (Call (f', es' @ es))
- | _, [] -> (f, lexp'_hash f)
- | _ -> hc (Call ((f, lexp'_hash f), es))
+ = let (f', h) = f in
+ match f', es with
+ | Call (f'', es'), _ -> hc (Call (f'', es' @ es))
+ | _, [] -> f
+ | _ -> hc (Call (f, es))
and lexp_head e =
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm s -> if e = impossible then "impossible" else "Imm" ^ sexp_string s
| Var _ -> "Var"
| Let _ -> "let"
@@ -278,7 +284,10 @@ and lexp_head e =
| Sort _ -> "Sort"
| SortLevel _ -> "SortLevel"
-let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) = match (e1, e2) with
+let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) =
+ let (e1', h1) = e1 in
+ let (e2', h2) = e2 in
+ match (e1', e2') with
(* FIXME: This first case should be handled by calling `mkSLlub` instead! *)
| (SortLevel SLz, SortLevel l) | (SortLevel l, SortLevel SLz) -> l
| (SortLevel SLz, _) | (_, SortLevel SLz)
@@ -287,14 +296,16 @@ let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) = match (e1, e2) with
-> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal" "lub of two SLsucc"
| ((SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _),
(SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _))
- -> SLlub ((e1, lexp'_hash e1), (e2, lexp'_hash e2))
+ -> SLlub (e1, e2)
| _ -> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal"
("SLlub of non-level: " ^ lexp_head e1 ^ " ∪ " ^ lexp_head e2)
-let mkSLsucc e = match e with
- | SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _
- -> SLsucc (e, lexp'_hash e)
- | _ -> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal" "SLsucc of non-level "
+let mkSLsucc e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
+ | SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _
+ -> SLsucc e
+ | _ -> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal" "SLsucc of non-level "
(********* Helper functions to use the Subst operations *********)
(* This basically "ties the knot" between Subst and Lexp.
@@ -398,7 +409,8 @@ let _ = assert (S.identity_p (scompose (S.shift 5) (sunshift 5)))
let rec lexp_location e =
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Sort (l,_) -> l
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> lexp_location e
| SortLevel (SLlub (e, _)) -> lexp_location e
@@ -425,10 +437,11 @@ let maybename n = match n with None -> "<anon>" | Some v -> v
let sname (l,n) = (l, maybename n)
let rec push_susp e s = (* Push a suspension one level down. *)
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
- | SortLevel (SLsucc e') -> mkSortLevel (mkSLsucc (mkSusp e' s))
+ | SortLevel (SLsucc e'') -> mkSortLevel (mkSLsucc (mkSusp e'' s))
| SortLevel (SLlub (e1, e2))
-> mkSortLevel (mkSLlub' (mkSusp e1 s, mkSusp e2 s))
| Sort (l, Stype e) -> mkSort (l, Stype (mkSusp e s))
@@ -484,14 +497,17 @@ let rec push_susp e s = (* Push a suspension one level down. *)
| (Var _ | Metavar _) -> nosusp (mkSusp e s)
and nosusp e = (* Return `e` with no outermost `Susp`. *)
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Susp(e, s) -> push_susp e s
| _ -> e
(* Get rid of `Susp`ensions and instantiated `Metavar`s. *)
let clean e =
- let rec clean s e = match e with
+ let rec clean s e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| SortLevel (SLz) -> e
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> mkSortLevel (mkSLsucc (clean s e))
@@ -528,7 +544,7 @@ let clean e =
L.rev ncase)
cases in
mkInductive (l, label, nargs, ncases)
- | Cons (it, name) -> Cons (clean s it, name)
+ | Cons (it, name) -> (let lp = Cons (clean s it, name) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp))
| Case (l, e, ret, cases, default)
-> mkCase (l, clean s e, clean s ret, (fun (l, cargs, e)
@@ -555,8 +571,9 @@ let stypecons = Symbol (U.dummy_location, "##typecons")
(* ugly printing (sexp_print (pexp_unparse (lexp_unparse e))) *)
let rec lexp_unparse lxp =
- match lxp with
- | Susp _ as e -> lexp_unparse (nosusp e)
+ let (lxp', h) = lxp in
+ match lxp' with
+ | Susp _ as e -> lexp_unparse (nosusp (e, lexp'_hash e))
| Imm (sexp) -> sexp
| Builtin ((l,name), _, _) -> Symbol (l, "##" ^ name)
(* FIXME: Add a Sexp syntax for debindex references. *)
@@ -686,7 +703,8 @@ and subst_string s = match s with
-> "(↑"^ string_of_int o ^ " " ^ subst_string (S.cons l s) ^ ")"
and lexp_name e =
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> lexp_string e
| Var _ -> lexp_string e
| _ -> lexp_head e
@@ -776,7 +794,8 @@ let get_binary_op_name name =
let rec get_precedence expr ctx =
let lkp name = SMap.find name (pp_grammar ctx) in
- match expr with
+ let (e', h) = expr in
+ match e' with
| Lambda _ -> lkp "lambda"
| Case _ -> lkp "case"
| Let _ -> lkp "let"
@@ -844,14 +863,17 @@ and lexp_str ctx (exp : lexp) : string =
let kindp_str k = match k with
| Anormal -> ":" | Aimplicit -> "::" | Aerasable -> ":::" in
- let get_name fname = match fname with
+ let get_name fname =
+ let (fn, h) = fname in
+ match fn with
| Builtin ((_, name), _, _) -> name, 0
| Var((_, Some name), idx) -> name, idx
| Lambda _ -> "__", 0
| Cons _ -> "__", 0
| _ -> "__", -1 in
- match exp with
+ let (e', h) = exp in
+ match e' with
| Imm(value) -> (match value with
| String (_, s) -> tval ("\"" ^ s ^ "\"")
| Integer(_, s) -> tval (string_of_int s)
@@ -962,8 +984,10 @@ and lexp_str ctx (exp : lexp) : string =
| Builtin ((_, name), _, _) -> "##" ^ name
- | Sort (_, Stype (SortLevel SLz)) -> "##Type"
- | Sort (_, Stype (SortLevel (SLsucc (SortLevel SLz)))) -> "##Type1"
+ | Sort (_, Stype ((SortLevel SLz), _)) -> "##Type"
+ | Sort (_, Stype ((SortLevel
+ (SLsucc
+ (SortLevel SLz, _))), _)) -> "##Type1"
| Sort (_, Stype l) -> "(##Type_ " ^ lexp_string l ^ ")"
| Sort (_, StypeLevel) -> "##TypeLevel.Sort"
| Sort (_, StypeOmega) -> "##Type_ω"
@@ -1005,7 +1029,14 @@ and lexp_str_decls ctx decls =
(** Syntactic equality (i.e. without β). *******)
-let rec eq e1 e2 =
+let eq (e1 : lexp) (e2 : lexp) : bool =
+ let (e1', h1) = e1 in
+ let (e2', h2) = e2 in
+ compare h1 h2 == 0
+let rec eq' e1 e2 =
e1 == e2 ||
match (e1, e2) with
| (Imm (Integer (_, i1)), Imm (Integer (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
@@ -1013,44 +1044,44 @@ let rec eq e1 e2 =
| (Imm (String (_, s1)), Imm (String (_, s2))) -> s1 = s2
| (Imm s1, Imm s2) -> s1 = s2
| (SortLevel SLz, SortLevel SLz) -> true
- | (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2)) -> eq e1 e2
+ | (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
| (SortLevel (SLlub (e11, e21)), SortLevel (SLlub (e12, e22)))
- -> eq e11 e12 && eq e21 e22
+ -> eq' e11 e12 && eq' e21 e22
| (Sort (_, StypeOmega), Sort (_, StypeOmega)) -> true
| (Sort (_, StypeLevel), Sort (_, StypeLevel)) -> true
- | (Sort (_, Stype e1), Sort (_, Stype e2)) -> eq e1 e2
+ | (Sort (_, Stype e1), Sort (_, Stype e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
| (Builtin ((_, name1), _, _), Builtin ((_, name2), _, _)) -> name1 = name2
| (Var (_, i1), Var (_, i2)) -> i1 = i2
- | (Susp (e1, s1), e2) -> eq (push_susp e1 s1) e2
- | (e1, Susp (e2, s2)) -> eq e1 (push_susp e2 s2)
+ | (Susp (e1, s1), e2) -> eq' (push_susp e1 s1) e2
+ | (e1, Susp (e2, s2)) -> eq' e1 (push_susp e2 s2)
| (Let (_, defs1, e1), Let (_, defs2, e2))
- -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (_, e1, t1) (_, e2, t2)
- -> eq t1 t2 && eq e1 e2)
+ -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (_, e1, t1) (_, e2, t2)
+ -> eq' t1 t2 && eq' e1 e2)
defs1 defs2
| (Arrow (ak1, _, t11, _, t21), Arrow (ak2, _, t12, _, t22))
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq t11 t12 && eq t21 t22
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' t11 t12 && eq' t21 t22
| (Lambda (ak1, _, t1, e1), Lambda (ak2, _, t2, e2))
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq t1 t2 && eq e1 e2
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' t1 t2 && eq' e1 e2
| (Call (e1, as1), Call (e2, as2))
- -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, e1) (ak2, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2)
+ -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, e1) (ak2, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2)
as1 as2
| (Inductive (_, l1, as1, cases1), Inductive (_, l2, as2, cases2))
-> l1 = l2
- && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2)
+ && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2) -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2)
as1 as2
&& SMap.equal (List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _, e1) (ak2, _, e2)
- -> ak1 = ak2 && eq e1 e2))
+ -> ak1 = ak2 && eq' e1 e2))
cases1 cases2
- | (Cons (t1, (_, l1)), Cons (t2, (_, l2))) -> eq t1 t2 && l1 = l2
+ | (Cons (t1, (_, l1)), Cons (t2, (_, l2))) -> eq' t1 t2 && l1 = l2
| (Case (_, e1, r1, cases1, def1), Case (_, e2, r2, cases2, def2))
- -> eq e1 e2 && eq r1 r2
+ -> eq' e1 e2 && eq' r1 r2
&& SMap.equal (fun (_, fields1, e1) (_, fields2, e2)
- -> eq e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _) (ak2, _)
+ -> eq' e1 e2 && List.for_all2 (fun (ak1, _) (ak2, _)
-> ak1 = ak2)
fields1 fields2)
cases1 cases2
&& (match (def1, def2) with
- | (Some (_, e1), Some (_, e2)) -> eq e1 e2
+ | (Some (_, e1), Some (_, e2)) -> eq' e1 e2
| _ -> def1 = def2)
| (Metavar (i1, s1, _), Metavar (i2, s2, _))
-> i1 = i2 && subst_eq s1 s2
@@ -1062,13 +1093,15 @@ and subst_eq s1 s2 =
| (S.Identity o1, S.Identity o2) -> o1 = o2
| (S.Cons (e1, s1, o1), S.Cons (e2, s2, o2))
-> if o1 = o2 then
- eq e1 e2 && subst_eq s1 s2
+ eq' e1 e2 && subst_eq s1 s2
else if o1 > o2 then
let o = o1 - o2 in
- eq (mkSusp e1 (S.shift o)) e2
+ eq' (mkSusp e1 (S.shift o)) e2
&& subst_eq (S.mkShift s1 o) s2
let o = o2 - o1 in
- eq e1 (mkSusp e2 (S.shift o))
+ eq' e1 (mkSusp e2 (S.shift o))
&& subst_eq s1 (S.mkShift s2 o)
| _ -> false
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ let lexp_close lctx e =
* call-by-name behavior. *)
let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
let rec lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
- match e with
+ let (le', h) = e in
+ match le' with
| Var v -> (match lookup_value ctx v with
| None -> e
(* We can do this blindly even for recursive definitions!
@@ -144,7 +145,8 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
| Susp (e, s) -> lexp_whnf (push_susp e s) ctx
| Call (e, []) -> lexp_whnf e ctx
| Call (f, (((_, arg)::args) as xs)) ->
- (match lexp_whnf f ctx with
+ (let (lwhnf', h) = lexp_whnf f ctx in
+ match lwhnf' with
| Lambda (_, _, _, body) ->
(* Here we apply whnf to the arg eagerly to kind of stay closer
* to the idea of call-by-value, although in this context
@@ -175,10 +177,12 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
("Unhandled constructor " ^
name ^ "in case expression");
mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default) in
- (match e' with
+ (let (e'', h) = e' in
+ match e'' with
| Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name []
| Call (f, aargs) ->
- (match lexp_whnf f ctx with
+ (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf f ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name aargs
| _ -> mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default))
| _ -> mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default))
@@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
| Let (l, defs, body)
-> lexp_whnf (push_susp body (lexp_defs_subst l S.identity defs)) ctx
- | e -> e
+ | e -> (e, h)
in lexp_whnf e ctx
@@ -201,8 +205,10 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
type set_plexp = (lexp * lexp) list
let set_empty : set_plexp = []
let set_member_p (s : set_plexp) (e1 : lexp) (e2 : lexp) : bool
- = assert (e1 == Lexp.hc e1);
- assert (e2 == Lexp.hc e2);
+ = lexp_print e2 ; print_string "\n" ;
+ lexp_print (Lexp.hc (let (e2', h) = e2 in e2'));
+ assert (lexp_hash e1 == lexp_hash (Lexp.hc (let (e1', h) = e1 in e1')));
+ assert (lexp_hash e2 == lexp_hash (Lexp.hc (let (e2', h) = e2 in e2')));
try let _ = List.find (fun (e1', e2')
-> L.eq e1 e1' && L.eq e2 e2')
@@ -230,7 +236,9 @@ let level_canon e =
let o = try IMap.find v m with Not_found -> -1 in
if o < d then (c, IMap.add v d m) else acc in
- let rec canon e d ((c,m) as acc) = match e with
+ let rec canon e d ((c,m) as acc) =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| SortLevel SLz -> if c < d then (d, m) else acc
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> canon e (d + 1) acc
| SortLevel (SLlub (e1, e2)) -> canon e1 d (canon e2 d acc)
@@ -259,7 +267,9 @@ let rec conv_p' (ctx : DB.lexp_context) (vs : set_plexp) e1 e2 : bool =
if changed && set_member_p vs e1' e2' then true else
let vs' = if changed then set_add vs e1' e2' else vs in
let conv_p = conv_p' ctx vs' in
- match (e1', e2') with
+ let (e1'', h1) = e1' in
+ let (e2'', h1) = e2' in
+ match (e1'', e2'') with
| (Imm (Integer (_, i1)), Imm (Integer (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
| (Imm (Float (_, i1)), Imm (Float (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
| (Imm (String (_, i1)), Imm (String (_, i2))) -> i1 = i2
@@ -332,14 +342,16 @@ let conv_p (ctx : DB.lexp_context) e1 e2
(********* Testing if a lexp is properly typed *********)
let rec mkSLlub ctx e1 e2 =
- match (lexp_whnf e1 ctx, lexp_whnf e2 ctx) with
+ let (lwhnf1, h1) = lexp_whnf e1 ctx in
+ let (lwhnf2, h2) = lexp_whnf e2 ctx in
+ match (lwhnf1, lwhnf2) with
| (SortLevel SLz, _) -> e2
| (_, SortLevel SLz) -> e1
| (SortLevel (SLsucc e1), SortLevel (SLsucc e2))
-> mkSortLevel (SLsucc (mkSLlub ctx e1 e2))
| (e1', e2')
- -> let ce1 = level_canon e1' in
- let ce2 = level_canon e2' in
+ -> let ce1 = level_canon (e1', h1) in
+ let ce2 = level_canon (e2', h2) in
if level_leq ce1 ce2 then e2
else if level_leq ce2 ce1 then e1
else mkSortLevel (mkSLlub' (e1, e2)) (* FIXME: Could be more canonical *)
@@ -353,7 +365,9 @@ type sort_compose_result
let sort_compose ctx1 ctx2 l ak k1 k2 =
(* BEWARE! Technically `k2` can refer to `v`, but this should only happen
* if `v` is a TypeLevel. *)
- match (lexp_whnf k1 ctx1, lexp_whnf k2 ctx2) with
+ let (lwhnf1, h1) = lexp_whnf k1 ctx1 in
+ let (lwhnf2, h2) = lexp_whnf k2 ctx2 in
+ match (lwhnf1, lwhnf2) with
| (Sort (_, s1), Sort (_, s2))
-> (match s1, s2 with
| (Stype l1, Stype l2)
@@ -408,7 +422,8 @@ let nerased_let defs erased =
* will be non-erasable, so in `let x = z; y = x ...`
* where `z` is erasable, `x` will be found
* to be erasable, but not `y`. *)
- match e with Var (_, idx) -> DB.set_mem idx nerased
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with Var (_, idx) -> DB.set_mem idx nerased
| _ -> false)
defs in
if not (List.mem true es) then nerased else
@@ -430,14 +445,15 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
(* Log.internal_error "Type mismatch" *)) in
let check_type erased ctx t =
let s = check erased ctx t in
- (match lexp_whnf s ctx with
- | Sort _ -> ()
- | _ -> error_tc ~loc:(lexp_location t)
- ("Not a proper type: " ^ lexp_string t));
- (* FIXME: return the `sort` rather than the surrounding `lexp`! *)
- s in
- match e with
+ (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf s ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Sort _ -> ()
+ | _ -> error_tc ~loc:(lexp_location t)
+ ("Not a proper type: " ^ lexp_string t));
+ (* FIXME: return the `sort` rather than the surrounding `lexp`! *)
+ s in
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm (Float (_, _)) -> DB.type_float
| Imm (Integer (_, _)) -> DB.type_int
| Imm (String (_, _)) -> DB.type_string
@@ -528,7 +544,8 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
(fun ft (ak,arg)
-> let at = check (if ak = P.Aerasable then DB.set_empty else erased)
ctx arg in
- match lexp_whnf ft ctx with
+ let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf ft ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Arrow (ak', v, t1, l, t2)
-> if not (ak == ak') then
(error_tc ~loc:(lexp_location arg)
@@ -551,8 +568,9 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
let (level, _, _, _) =
(fun (level, ictx, erased, n) (ak, v, t) ->
- ((match lexp_whnf (check_type erased ictx t)
- ictx with
+ ((let (lwhnf, h) =
+ lexp_whnf (check_type erased ictx t) ictx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Sort (_, Stype _)
when ak == P.Aerasable && impredicative_erase
-> level
@@ -570,7 +588,7 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
("Field type "
^ lexp_string t
^ " is not a Type! ("
- ^ lexp_string tt ^")");
+ ^ lexp_string (tt, h) ^")");
DB.lctx_extend ictx v Variable t,
DB.set_sink 1 erased,
@@ -590,12 +608,15 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
| Case (l, e, ret, branches, default)
(* FIXME: Check that the return type isn't TypeLevel. *)
- -> let call_split e = match e with
+ -> let call_split e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Call (f, args) -> (f, args)
| _ -> (e,[]) in
let etype = lexp_whnf (check erased ctx e) ctx in
let it, aargs = call_split etype in
- (match lexp_whnf it ctx, aargs with
+ (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf it ctx in
+ match lwhnf, aargs with
| Inductive (_, _, fargs, constructors), aargs ->
let rec mksubst s fargs aargs =
match fargs, aargs with
@@ -644,8 +665,9 @@ let rec check'' erased ctx e =
| _,_ -> error_tc ~loc:l "Case on a non-inductive type!");
| Cons (t, (l, name))
- -> (match lexp_whnf t ctx with
- | Inductive (l, _, fargs, constructors)
+ -> (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf t ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
+ | Inductive (l, _, fargs, constructors)
-> (try
let fieldtypes = SMap.find name constructors in
let rec indtype fargs start_index =
@@ -732,7 +754,9 @@ let fv_hoist n (fvs, mvs) = (DB.set_hoist n fvs, mvs)
let fv_erase (fvs, mvs) = (fvs, mv_set_erase mvs)
let rec fv (e : lexp) : (DB.set * mv_set) =
- let fv' e = match e with
+ let fv' e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> fv_empty
| SortLevel SLz -> fv_empty
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> fv e
@@ -807,7 +831,8 @@ let rec fv (e : lexp) : (DB.set * mv_set) =
(* This should never signal any warning/error. *)
let rec get_type ctx e =
- match e with
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm (Float (_, _)) -> DB.type_float
| Imm (Integer (_, _)) -> DB.type_int
| Imm (String (_, _)) -> DB.type_string
@@ -838,7 +863,8 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
-> let ft = get_type ctx f in
(fun ft (ak,arg)
- -> match lexp_whnf ft ctx with
+ -> let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf ft ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Arrow (ak', v, t1, l, t2)
-> mkSusp t2 (S.substitute arg)
| _ -> ft)
@@ -854,7 +880,8 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
let (level, _, _) =
(fun (level, ictx, n) (ak, v, t) ->
- ((match lexp_whnf (get_type ictx t) ictx with
+ ((let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf (get_type ictx t) ictx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Sort (_, Stype _)
when ak == P.Aerasable && impredicative_erase
-> level
@@ -878,7 +905,8 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
| Case (l, e, ret, branches, default) -> ret
| Cons (t, (l, name))
- -> (match lexp_whnf t ctx with
+ -> (let (lwhnf, h) = lexp_whnf t ctx in
+ match lwhnf with
| Inductive (l, _, fargs, constructors)
-> (try
let fieldtypes = SMap.find name constructors in
@@ -912,8 +940,8 @@ let rec get_type ctx e =
(*********** Type erasure, before evaluation. *****************)
let rec erase_type (lxp: L.lexp): E.elexp =
- match lxp with
+ let (lxp', h) = lxp in
+ match lxp' with
| L.Imm(s) -> E.Imm(s)
| L.Builtin(v, _, _) -> E.Builtin(v)
| L.Var(v) -> E.Var(v)
@@ -1004,7 +1032,12 @@ let ctx2tup ctx nctx =
let offset = List.length types in
let types = List.rev types in
(*Log.debug_msg ("Building tuple of size " ^ string_of_int offset ^ "\n");*)
- Call (Cons (Inductive (loc, type_label, [],
+ let lexp =
+ Call
+ ((let lexp' =
+ Cons (
+ ((let lexp'' =
+ Inductive (loc, type_label, [],
SMap.add cons_name
( (fun (oname, t)
-> (P.Aimplicit, oname,
@@ -1018,22 +1051,24 @@ let ctx2tup ctx nctx =
* equivalent and preferable). *)
mkSusp t (S.shift offset)))
- SMap.empty),
- cons_label),
+ SMap.empty) in (lexp'', lexp'_hash lexp'')),
+ cons_label)) in (lexp', lexp'_hash lexp')),
List.mapi (fun i (oname, t)
-> (P.Aimplicit, mkVar (oname, offset - i - 1)))
- types)
+ types) in (lexp, lexp'_hash lexp)
| (DB.CVlet (name, LetDef (_, e), t, _) :: blocs)
- -> Let (loc, [(name, mkSusp e (S.shift 1), t)],
- mk_lets_and_tup blocs ((name, t) :: types))
+ -> let lp =
+ Let (loc, [(name, mkSusp e (S.shift 1), t)],
+ mk_lets_and_tup blocs ((name, t) :: types)) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
| (DB.CVfix (defs, _) :: blocs)
- -> Let (loc, defs,
+ -> let lp =
+ Let (loc, defs,
mk_lets_and_tup blocs (List.append
( (fun (oname, _, t)
-> (oname, t))
- types))
+ types)) in (lp, lexp'_hash lp)
| _ -> assert false in
mk_lets_and_tup (get_blocs nctx []) []
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ let occurs_in (id: meta_id) (e : lexp) : bool = match metavar_lookup id with
| MVal _ -> Log.internal_error
"Checking occurrence of an instantiated metavar!!"
| MVar (sl, _, _)
- -> let rec oi e = match e with
+ -> let rec oi e =
+ let (e', h) = e in
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> false
| SortLevel SLz -> false
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> oi e
@@ -189,21 +191,23 @@ and unify' (e1: lexp) (e2: lexp)
let changed = true (* not (e1 == e1' && e2 == e2') *) in
if changed && OL.set_member_p vs e1' e2' then [] else
let vs' = if changed then OL.set_add vs e1' e2' else vs in
- match (e1', e2') with
+ let (e1'', h1) = e1' in
+ let (e2'', h2) = e2' in
+ match (e1'', e2'') with
| ((Imm _, Imm _) | (Cons _, Cons _) | (Builtin _, Builtin _)
| (Var _, Var _))
-> if OL.conv_p ctx e1' e2' then [] else [(CKimpossible, ctx, e1, e2)]
- | (l, (Metavar (idx, s, _) as r)) -> unify_metavar ctx idx s r l
- | ((Metavar (idx, s, _) as l), r) -> unify_metavar ctx idx s l r
- | (l, (Call _ as r)) -> unify_call r l ctx vs'
+ | (l, (Metavar (idx, s, _) as r)) -> unify_metavar ctx idx s e2' e1'
+ | ((Metavar (idx, s, _) as l), r) -> unify_metavar ctx idx s e1' e2'
+ | (l, (Call _ as r)) -> unify_call e2' e1' ctx vs'
(* | (l, (Case _ as r)) -> unify_case r l subst *)
- | (Arrow _ as l, r) -> unify_arrow l r ctx vs'
- | (Lambda _ as l, r) -> unify_lambda l r ctx vs'
- | (Call _ as l, r) -> unify_call l r ctx vs'
+ | (Arrow _ as l, r) -> unify_arrow e1' e2' ctx vs'
+ | (Lambda _ as l, r) -> unify_lambda e1' e2' ctx vs'
+ | (Call _ as l, r) -> unify_call e1' e2' ctx vs'
(* | (Case _ as l, r) -> unify_case l r subst *)
(* | (Inductive _ as l, r) -> unify_induct l r subst *)
- | (Sort _ as l, r) -> unify_sort l r ctx vs'
- | (SortLevel _ as l, r) -> unify_sortlvl l r ctx vs'
+ | (Sort _ as l, r) -> unify_sort e1' e2' ctx vs'
+ | (SortLevel _ as l, r) -> unify_sortlvl e1' e2' ctx vs'
| (Inductive (_loc1, label1, args1, consts1),
Inductive (_loc2, label2, args2, consts2))
-> (* print_string ("Unifying inductives "
@@ -227,7 +231,9 @@ and unify' (e1: lexp) (e2: lexp)
and unify_arrow (arrow: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
: return_type =
- match (arrow, lxp) with
+ let (arrow', h1) = arrow in
+ let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ match (arrow', lxp') with
| (Arrow (var_kind1, v1, ltype1, _, lexp1),
Arrow (var_kind2, _, ltype2, _, lexp2))
-> if var_kind1 = var_kind2
@@ -250,7 +256,9 @@ and unify_arrow (arrow: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
- Lambda , lexp -> unify lexp lambda subst
and unify_lambda (lambda: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- match (lambda, lxp) with
+ let (lambda', h1) = lambda in
+ let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ match (lambda', lxp') with
| (Lambda (var_kind1, v1, ltype1, lexp1),
Lambda (var_kind2, _, ltype2, lexp2))
-> if var_kind1 = var_kind2
@@ -300,7 +308,8 @@ and unify_metavar ctx idx s1 (lxp1: lexp) (lxp2: lexp)
^ lexp_string (OL.get_type ctx lxp)
^ "\n" ^ "for " ^ lexp_string lxp ^ "\n");
[(CKresidual, ctx, lxp1, lxp2)] in
- match lxp2 with
+ let (lxp2', h) = lxp2 in
+ match lxp2' with
| Metavar (idx2, s2, name)
-> if idx = idx2 then
match common_subset ctx s1 s2 with
@@ -370,7 +379,9 @@ and unify_metavar ctx idx s1 (lxp1: lexp) (lxp2: lexp)
and unify_call (call: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
: return_type =
- match (call, lxp) with
+ let (call', h1) = call in
+ let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ match (call', lxp') with
| (Call (lxp_left, lxp_list1), Call (lxp_right, lxp_list2))
when OL.conv_p ctx lxp_left lxp_right
-> List.fold_left (fun op ((ak1, e1), (ak2, e2))
@@ -439,7 +450,9 @@ and unify_call (call: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs
- SortLevel, _ -> ERROR
and unify_sortlvl (sortlvl: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- match sortlvl, lxp with
+ let (sortlvl', h1) = sortlvl in
+ let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ match sortlvl', lxp' with
| (SortLevel s, SortLevel s2) -> (match s, s2 with
| SLz, SLz -> []
| SLsucc l1, SLsucc l2 -> unify' l1 l2 ctx vs
@@ -456,7 +469,9 @@ and unify_sortlvl (sortlvl: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- Sort, lexp -> ERROR
and unify_sort (sort_: lexp) (lxp: lexp) ctx vs : return_type =
- match sort_, lxp with
+ let (sort_', h1) = sort_ in
+ let (lxp', h2) = lxp in
+ match sort_', lxp' with
| (Sort (_, srt), Sort (_, srt2)) -> (match srt, srt2 with
| Stype lxp1, Stype lxp2 -> unify' lxp1 lxp2 ctx vs
| StypeOmega, StypeOmega -> []
@@ -557,4 +572,3 @@ and unify_inductive ctx vs args1 args2 consts1 consts2 e1 e2 =
* | None -> None)
* | _, _ -> None
* in test l1 l2 subst *)
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Alice de Berny pushed to branch alice at Stefan / Typer
a289d4c4 by irradiee at 2020-05-24T21:45:19-04:00
add hash to lexp representation
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- src/
- src/
@@ -156,3 +156,8 @@ let debug_lexp_decls decls =
) decls
+let print_hc_table = WHC.iter (fun e -> print_int (Hashtbl.hash e);
+ print_string "\t";
+ lexp_print e;
+ print_string "\n") hc_table
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ module AttributeMap = Map.Make (struct type t = attribute_key let compare = comp
type ltype = lexp
and subst = lexp S.subst
- and lexp =
+ and lexp = lexp' * int
+ and lexp' =
| Imm of sexp (* Used for strings, ... *)
| SortLevel of sort_level
| Sort of U.location * sort
@@ -173,6 +174,60 @@ let metavar_lookup (id : meta_id) : metavar_info
* let hc (e : lexp) : lexp =
* try Hashtbl.find hc_table e
* with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add hc_table e e; e *)
+ let lexp_hash (e, h) = h
+ let rec apply_lxor (map : int list) : int =
+ match map with
+ | [] -> 0
+ | e :: l -> e lxor (apply_lxor l)
+(* Hashtbl.hash for not lexp types
+ * TODO: find something else *)
+ let lexp'_hash expr =
+ match expr with
+ | Imm s -> Hashtbl.hash s
+ | SortLevel l
+ -> (match l with
+ | SLz -> Hashtbl.hash l
+ | SLsucc lp -> lexp_hash lp
+ | SLlub (lp1, lp2) -> (lexp_hash lp1) lxor (lexp_hash lp2))
+ | Sort (l, s)
+ -> (Hashtbl.hash l) lxor
+ (match s with
+ | Stype lp -> lexp_hash lp
+ | StypeOmega -> Hashtbl.hash s
+ | StypeLevel -> Hashtbl.hash s)
+ | Builtin (v, t, m) as e -> Hashtbl.hash e
+ | Var v -> Hashtbl.hash v
+ | Let (l, ds, e)
+ -> (Hashtbl.hash l) lxor
+ ((apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (n, lp, lt) = e in
+ ((Hashtbl.hash n) lxor ((lexp_hash lp) lxor (lexp_hash lt))))
+ ds)) lxor (lexp_hash e))
+ | Arrow (k, v, t1, l, t2)
+ -> ((Hashtbl.hash k) lxor (Hashtbl.hash v)) lxor
+ ((lexp_hash t1) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (lexp_hash t2)))
+ | Lambda (k, v, t, e)
+ -> ((Hashtbl.hash k) lxor (Hashtbl.hash v)) lxor
+ ((lexp_hash t) lxor (lexp_hash e))
+ | Inductive (l, n, a, cs)
+ -> ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (Hashtbl.hash n)) lxor
+ ((apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, n, lt) = e in
+ ((Hashtbl.hash ak) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash n) lxor (lexp_hash lt)))) a))
+ lxor Hashtbl.hash cs)
+ | Cons (t, n) -> (lexp_hash t) lxor (Hashtbl.hash n)
+ | Case (l, e, rt, bs, d)
+ -> ((Hashtbl.hash l) lxor (lexp_hash e)) lxor
+ ((lexp_hash rt) lxor ((Hashtbl.hash bs) lxor
+ (match d with
+ | Some (n, lp) -> (Hashtbl.hash n) lxor (lexp_hash lp)
+ | _ -> 0)))
+ | Metavar (id, s, v)
+ -> Hashtbl.hash expr
+ | Call (e, args) -> (lexp_hash e) lxor
+ (apply_lxor ( (fun e -> let (ak, lp) = e in
+ ((Hashtbl.hash ak) lxor (lexp_hash lp))) args))
+(* | Susp (lp, subst) -> (lexp_hash lp) lxor (Hashtbl.hash subst) *)
module WHC = Weak.Make (struct type t = lexp
(* Using (=) instead of `compare` results
@@ -180,11 +235,12 @@ module WHC = Weak.Make (struct type t = lexp
* `compare` checks == before recursing
* but (=) doesn't? *)
let equal x y = (compare x y = 0)
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ let hash = lexp_hash
-let hc_table : WHC.t = WHC.create 1000
-let hc : lexp -> lexp = WHC.merge hc_table
+(* TODO: maybe just a table ? *)
+let hc_table : WHC.t = WHC.create 1000
+let hc (e : lexp') : lexp = let h = lexp'_hash e in WHC.merge hc_table (e, h)
let mkImm s = hc (Imm s)
let mkSortLevel l = hc (SortLevel l)
@@ -201,8 +257,8 @@ let mkMetavar (n, s, v) = hc (Metavar (n, s, v))
let mkCall (f, es)
= match f, es with
| Call (f', es'), _ -> hc (Call (f', es' @ es))
- | _, [] -> f
- | _ -> hc (Call (f, es))
+ | _, [] -> (f, lexp'_hash f)
+ | _ -> hc (Call ((f, lexp'_hash f), es))
and lexp_head e =
match e with
@@ -231,15 +287,15 @@ let mkSLlub' (e1, e2) = match (e1, e2) with
-> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal" "lub of two SLsucc"
| ((SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _),
(SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _))
- -> SLlub (e1, e2)
+ -> SLlub ((e1, lexp'_hash e1), (e2, lexp'_hash e2))
| _ -> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal"
("SLlub of non-level: " ^ lexp_head e1 ^ " ∪ " ^ lexp_head e2)
let mkSLsucc e = match e with
| SortLevel _ | Var _ | Metavar _ | Susp _
- -> SLsucc e
+ -> SLsucc (e, lexp'_hash e)
| _ -> Log.log_fatal ~section:"internal" "SLsucc of non-level "
(********* Helper functions to use the Subst operations *********)
(* This basically "ties the knot" between Subst and Lexp.
* Maybe it would be cleaner to just move into
@@ -271,12 +327,16 @@ let hcs_table : ((lexp * subst), lexp) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1000
* ...
+(* let mkSusp e s = let susp = mkSusp_aux e s in (susp, lexp'_hash susp) *)
+(* argh *)
let rec mkSusp e s =
+ let (e', h) = e in
if S.identity_p s then e else
(* We apply the substitution eagerly to some terms.
* There's no deep technical rason for that:
* it just seemed like a good idea to do it eagerly when it's easy. *)
- match e with
+ match e' with
| Imm _ -> e
| Builtin _ -> e
| Susp (e, s') -> mkSusp_memo e (scompose s' s)
@@ -1012,4 +1072,3 @@ and subst_eq s1 s2 =
eq e1 (mkSusp e2 (S.shift o))
&& subst_eq s1 (S.mkShift s2 o)
| _ -> false
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Jean-Alexandre Barszcz pushed to branch master at Stefan / Typer
bf3c818e by Jean-Alexandre Barszcz at 2020-04-12T02:05:40-04:00
Add a nix shell
* shell.nix : When using nixpkgs/nixos, run `nix-shell` to get a shell
with Typer's dependencies available.
- - - - -
c39ff3d5 by Jean-Alexandre Barszcz at 2020-04-12T02:05:40-04:00
Improve the implementation of Sexp.dispatch
* src/ (sexp_dispatch) : Sexp.dispatch assumed that its
arguments were closures. Instead, we use eval_call and also accept
constructors, builtins, etc.
- - - - -
7b623a26 by Jean-Alexandre Barszcz at 2020-04-12T02:05:40-04:00
Add the inductive type `Sexp_wrapper` to match on sexps
* btl/pervasive.typer : Add the inductive type `Sexp_wrapper` to wrap
the Sexp values in typer code, and the function `Sexp_wrap` to do the
wrapping. This makes possible the use of pattern matching to
destructure Sexps instead of the more verbose calls to
- - - - -
8419c419 by Jean-Alexandre Barszcz at 2020-04-12T02:05:40-04:00
Fix lexp_whnf when the case scrutinee is a call
* src/ (lexp_whnf) : Make sure that we take the WHNF of the
function when the scrutinee of a case expression is a call, before
checking that the function is a constructor. Otherwise, expressions
like `case (let ... in (constructor ...))` fail to reduce, for
- - - - -
cc20d841 by Jean-Alexandre Barszcz at 2020-04-12T02:05:40-04:00
Fix some lexp constructor calls where hash-consing has been forgotten
- - - - -
6 changed files:
- btl/pervasive.typer
- + shell.nix
- src/
- src/
- src/
- src/
@@ -358,6 +358,18 @@ type-impl = lambda (x : List Sexp) ->
type_ = macro type-impl;
+%%%% An inductive type to wrap Sexp
+type Sexp_wrapper
+ | node Sexp (List Sexp)
+ | symbol String
+ | string String
+ | integer Integer
+ | float Float
+ | block Sexp;
+Sexp_wrap s = Sexp_dispatch s node symbol string integer float block;
%%%% Tuples
%% Sample tuple: a module holding Bool and its constructors.
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
+pkgs.mkShell {
+ name = "typer";
+ buildInputs =
+ with pkgs.ocamlPackages; [
+ pkgs.gnumake ocaml ocamlbuild findlib utop # tooling
+ zarith # ocaml libraries
+ merlin # for emacs
+ ];
@@ -552,20 +552,11 @@ and eval_decls (decls: (vname * elexp) list)
(String -> Sexp) -> (Int -> Sexp) -> (Float -> Sexp) -> (List Sexp -> Sexp)
-> Sexp *)
and sexp_dispatch loc depth args =
- let eval a b = eval a b depth in
- let sxp, nd, ctx_nd,
- sym, ctx_sym,
- str, ctx_str,
- it, ctx_it,
- flt, ctx_flt,
- blk, ctx_blk = match args with
- (* FIXME: Don't match against `Closure` to later use `eval`, instead
- * pass the value to "funcall". *)
- | [sxp; Closure(_, nd, ctx_nd); Closure(_, sym, ctx_sym);
- Closure(_, str, ctx_str); Closure(_, it, ctx_it);
- Closure(_, flt, ctx_flt); Closure(_, blk, ctx_blk)] ->
- sxp, nd, ctx_nd, sym, ctx_sym, str, ctx_str, it, ctx_it,
- flt, ctx_flt, blk, ctx_blk
+ let trace_dum = (Var ((loc, None), -1)) in
+ let eval_call a b = eval_call loc trace_dum depth a b in
+ let sxp, nd, sym, str, it, flt, blk = match args with
+ | [sxp; nd; sym; str; it; flt; blk] ->
+ sxp, nd, sym, str, it, flt, blk
| _ -> error loc "sexp_dispatch expects 7 arguments" in
let sxp = match sxp with
@@ -573,34 +564,17 @@ and sexp_dispatch loc depth args =
| _ -> value_fatal loc sxp "sexp_dispatch expects a Sexp as 1st arg" in
match sxp with
- | Node (op, s) ->(
- let rctx = ctx_nd in
- let rctx = add_rte_variable vdummy (Vsexp(op)) rctx in
- let rctx = add_rte_variable vdummy (o2v_list s) rctx in
- match eval nd rctx with
- | Closure(_, nd, _) -> eval nd rctx
- | _ -> error loc "Node has 2 arguments")
- | Symbol (_ , s) ->
- let rctx = ctx_sym in
- eval sym (add_rte_variable vdummy (Vstring s) rctx)
- | String (_ , s) ->
- let rctx = ctx_str in
- eval str (add_rte_variable vdummy (Vstring s) rctx)
- | Integer (_ , i) ->
- let rctx = ctx_it in
- eval it (add_rte_variable vdummy (Vinteger (BI.of_int i))
- rctx)
- | Float (_ , f) ->
- let rctx = ctx_flt in
- eval flt (add_rte_variable vdummy (Vfloat f) rctx)
+ | Node (op, s) -> eval_call nd [Vsexp op; o2v_list s]
+ | Symbol (_ , s) -> eval_call sym [Vstring s]
+ | String (_ , s) -> eval_call str [Vstring s]
+ | Integer (_ , i) -> eval_call it [Vint i]
+ | Float (_ , f) -> eval_call flt [Vfloat f]
| Block (_ , _, _) as b ->
(* I think this code breaks what Blocks are. *)
(* We delay parsing but parse with default_stt and default_grammar... *)
(*let toks = Lexer.lex default_stt s in
let s = sexp_parse_all_to_list default_grammar toks (Some ";") in*)
- let rctx = ctx_blk in
- eval blk (add_rte_variable vdummy (Vsexp b) rctx)
+ eval_call blk [Vsexp b]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
and print_eval_result i lxp =
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ and apply_inv_subst (e : lexp) (s : subst) : lexp = match e with
L.rev ncase)
cases in
mkInductive (l, label, nargs, ncases)
- | Cons (it, name) -> Cons (apply_inv_subst it s, name)
+ | Cons (it, name) -> mkCons (apply_inv_subst it s, name)
| Case (l, e, ret, cases, default)
-> mkCase (l, apply_inv_subst e s, apply_inv_subst ret s, (fun (l, cargs, e)
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ let rec push_susp e s = (* Push a suspension one level down. *)
L.rev ncase)
cases in
mkInductive (l, label, nargs, ncases)
- | Cons (it, name) -> Cons (mkSusp it s, name)
+ | Cons (it, name) -> mkCons (mkSusp it s, name)
| Case (l, e, ret, cases, default)
-> mkCase (l, mkSusp e s, mkSusp ret s, (fun (l, cargs, e)
@@ -177,7 +177,10 @@ let lexp_whnf e (ctx : DB.lexp_context) : lexp =
mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default) in
(match e' with
| Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name []
- | Call (Cons (_, (_, name)), aargs) -> reduce name aargs
+ | Call (f, aargs) ->
+ (match lexp_whnf f ctx with
+ | Cons (_, (_, name)) -> reduce name aargs
+ | _ -> mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default))
| _ -> mkCase (l, e, rt, branches, default))
| Metavar (idx, s, _)
-> (match metavar_lookup idx with
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TyDe submission
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Final TyDe 2019 submission
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cee2ec13 by Stefan Monnier at 2019-08-17T04:23:56-04:00
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e7585482 by Stefan Monnier at 2019-08-17T19:25:28-04:00
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5 changed files:
- + acmart.cls
- paper.tex
- refs.bib
- + slides.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+-*- outline -*-
+* Review #6A
+Overall merit
+3. Weak accept
+Reviewer expertise
+4. Expert
+Paper summary
+This paper introduces the Calculus of United Constructions (CUC), a dependently
+typed calculus similar to the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), but
+with special attention to implementation efficiency.
+The paper first reviews several implementation inefficiencies with inductives
+types a la CIC.
+It then present CUC, feature by feature, motivating each feature with the
+implementation inefficiency it solves.
+The key idea in CUC is to encode inductive types via sums, products, and
+recursive types, and pay special attention to eliminating sums and products
+Finally, the paper concludes by giving a syntactic model of CUC in CIC, and a
+partial model of CIC in CUC.
+Comments for author
+## High-level
+I liked the paper a lot.
+The usual presentation of inductive types is exceedingly and unnecessarily
+complex, and does not lend itself to optimization.
+Very little work has been presented studying simpler presentations.
+This paper does a nice job of analyzing a simpler presentation and, informally,
+its performance characterization.
+However, the discussion of performance is pretty informal, all at the level of
+intuition and comparison to C-like statements.
+It's not immediately clear to me that the Coq -> OCaml -> x86 compiler doesn't
+do something incredibly clever to optimize many of these cases some of the time.
+In fact, the paper points out that there are known ways to do solve some of
+these inefficiencies.
+This raises the question "if compilers are smart enough, why bother with all
+I'd like to see some *evidence* (e.g., benchmark comparison CUC vs CIC?) that
+this calculus will pay off, but there's no hint of that in the paper.
+My intuition, of course, is that the compiler isn't always smart enough, so this
+is worthwhile, and I still feel pretty positive about the paper.
+The writing could use some work.
+The transitions are a little sudden at times.
+This makes it a little difficult to figure out the precise motivation and whether I'm completely following the author's train of thought.
+- there is no abstract
+- the intro starts with Typer (a somewhat unfamiliar language; usually one moves
+ from old, familiar information to new, unfamiliar)
+- the intro jumps from the design ideas of Typer to CoC, without any transition.
+And there are a few imprecise or unnecessary words in various places.
+This makes it difficult to figure out what claims precisely are, and evaluate them.
+- in the intro: "... single-constructor datatypes is not *really* problematic
+ in terms ...", could omit "really"
+- still in intro: "... it becomes *annoying* when extracting data out of those tuples ...",
+ what does annoying mean here?
+- bottom of page 2: "*Arguably* one could change Coq such that default
+ branches get additional ...". One could or could not change Coq; it's only
+ "arguably" a good idea.
+## $\Pi\Sigma$
+CUC is quite similar to the language ΠΣ by Altenkirch et al.
+While I agree with the one comment the paper makes about their work, I would
+appreciate a detailed comparison, and you have space for it.
+E.g., your `switch` statement looks pretty similar to their `case`, even in
+terms of performance (intuitively).
+## Projection `e.i`
+It was unclear to me until late in the paper that the projection syntax `e.i`
+was mere syntactic sugar, and not an expression missing from your presentation
+of CUC.
+I would use a different symbol than $\equiv$ to indicate that this definition is
+syntactic sugar.
+But actually, it seems to me that you can remove this syntax very easily, by
+writing the typing rule for tuple elimination as follows:
+> ...
+> ————-———-———-———-———-———-——-
+> $\Gamma \vdash_U
+> let\,\,\vec{x}\mathrel{=}e_1\mathrel{in}e\mathrel{:}let\,\,\vec{x}\mathrel{=}e_1\mathrel{in}\tau$
+It's not immediately obvious that this is well-founded, but it is since the type
+of $\tau$ cannot be dependent.
+## CUC to CIC
+Regarding the translation from CUC to CIC (Section 5.3), the first sentence
+needs to be rephrased.
+It reads "... translating *any* type derivation of CIC to an equivalent expression in CUC ...".
+You later point out that, actually, this doesn't always work due issues with the
+universe hierarchy, so it is not true that *any* type derivation can be translated.
+(Also, "translating *type derivations* into *expressions*"?)
+However, isn't this problem solved by adding cumulativity to CUC?
+* Review #6B
+Overall merit
+4. Accept
+Reviewer expertise
+4. Expert
+Paper summary
+This paper presents the calculus of united constructions (CUC), a variant of
+the calculus of inductive constructions (CiC) where the notion of inductive
+family has been split up into labeled records, non-disjoint unions, equality
+types, and inductive fixpoints. The main objective of this calculus is to
+provide a type theory that can easily be compiled to efficient code, and can
+serve as a core language for a reflection-based surface language. The paper
+further provides two translations: a translation by erasing type annotations
+to obtain efficient code, and a translation from CiC showing conservativity
+and (relative) consistency.
+Comments for author
+I really enjoyed reading this paper since it provides careful and detailed
+motivation for all of its design decisions, and in particular pays attention
+to the often-neglected subject of efficiency and compilation of type
+theoretic languages. The primitive 'switch' operator is especially
+interesting since it allows the implementation of catchall cases without
+losing any information from the branches that were not taken, which is
+a common complaint among users of other languages.
+However, the second half of the paper feels very cramped and would probably
+benefit by removing some parts to expand others. For example, the
+translation from CIC to CUC feel like it didn't add much, so it could be
+removed to make more space for the (more important) translation in the
+opposite direction.
+I also felt that many claims about the supposed impact of design decisions
+on the efficiency are rather vague and are not backed by any evidence (see
+for example the remark about garbage collection at the end of section 2.1),
+so the effective impact of these decisions remains at the level of an
+educated guess.
+Nevertheless, I found there were a lot of new insights in this paper that
+the TyDe audience in particular would find very interesting, so I gladly
+recommend it for acceptance.
+Questions for the authors:
+- Some of the type annotations in the syntax (e.g. the Δ in the tuple
+constructor and the τ and p in the fold constructor) look like they are
+redundant information. Even though they are erased at runtime, they could
+still cause at typechecking time, so wouldn't it be better to remove them
+from the syntax completely?
+- The paper makes no mention of eta-equality for function or record
+types. Since this is quite an important property in practice, I was
+wondering whether this would be easy to add.
+- A potential pitfall to the language design where datatypes are encoded in
+terms of smaller components is that it makes it very hard to print good
+error messages to the user of the system. Do you know of a solution to this
+problem in the case of CUC?
+- How does CUC compare to the core language of the Lean proof assistant?
+This would be interesting since like CUC, Lean focuses on efficiency
+and reflection.
+- A technical question: the typing rule for 'let fold' (the third rule in
+Figure 7) brings the parameters of the inductive type into scope for the
+body e2, but the corresponding computation rule throws away the parameters
+(i.e. it doesn't substitute anything for the variables 'z'). How do you
+ensure that these parameters are not used?
+Minor remarks and typos:
+- The standard reference for Agda is Ulf Norell's thesis (Towards
+a practical programming language based on dependent types)
+- The title of section 2 is not very accurate, something like "Problem
+description" would be clearer.
+- The last paragraph of section 2.2 seems to be out of its intended context,
+I would suggest rewording it.
+- In the first sentence of section 3.2, "inductive types" should be replaced
+by "non-recursive types" since the μ type has not been introduced yet at
+this point.
+- The first typing rule in Figure 7 is confusing since it is formulated for
+an arbitrary type τ, whereas it is only used for types of the form (x1 : A1)
+... (xn : An) -> Set_l.
+- In the first sentence of section 4, "castto" should be "cast to"
+* Review #6C
+Overall merit
+5. Strong accept
+Reviewer expertise
+3. Knowledgeable
+Paper summary
+The paper describes the calculus of united constructions (CUC), a new
+foundational calculus for dependently-typed programming. CUC partitions
+datatype representations into tuples, unions, equality constraints, and
+recursive types, rather than supporting these all through a single idea of
+inductive type definition. The resulting system, while having more forms
+than CIC, also admits more efficient implementation, and refines the typing
+of case branches.
+Comments for author
+This is an excellent paper. I found it well-motivated and easy to read; the
+proposed formalisms are intuitive and expressive. I strongly recommend
+its acceptance.
+Some detailed comments:
+- The typing rule for `let` in Fig. 2 seems to include some implicit
+subtyping, in the |x| < |\Delta| case. Is this intentional, and is it
+useful? It's not discussed in the text.
+- First sentence of section 4: "castto" -> "cast to"
+* Review #6D
+Overall merit
+3. Weak accept
+Reviewer expertise
+3. Knowledgeable
+Comments for author
+## Minor points
+- You'll need an abstract.
+- p2: "an value"
+- p2: "the fact the"
+- p11: "be compiling them"
+- p12: "Conor" has one "n"
+(This is not a formal review, but only comment by Jeremy Gibbons.)
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+ \or % acmlicensed
+ Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+ ACM\@.
+ \or % rightsretained
+ Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
+ \or % usgov
+ \or % usgovmixed
+ Association for Computing Machinery.
+ \or % cagov
+ Crown in Right of Canada.
+ \or %cagovmixed
+ Association for Computing Machinery.
+ \or %licensedusgovmixed
+ Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+ ACM\@.
+ \or % licensedcagov
+ Crown in Right of Canada. Publication rights licensed to
+ ACM\@.
+ \or %licensedcagovmixed
+ Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+ ACM\@.
+ \or % othergov
+ Association for Computing Machinery.
+ \or % licensedothergov
+ Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+ ACM\@.
+ \or % ic2w3www
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+ under Creative Commons CC-BY~4.0 License.
+ \or % ic2w3wwwgoogle
+ IW3C2 (International World Wide Web Conference Committee), published
+ under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND~4.0 License.
+ \fi}
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+ permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to
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+ owner\hspace*{.5pt}/author(s).
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+ Government and is in the public domain. Non-exclusive copying or
+ redistribution is allowed, provided that the article citation is
+ given and the authors and agency are clearly identified as its
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+ ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored
+ by an employee, contractor, or affiliate of the United States government. As such,
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+ publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for
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+ copyright to this work and grants to ACM a nonexclusive,
+ royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow
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+ \or % cagovmixed
+ ACM acknowledges that this contribution was co-authored by an
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+ in Right of Canada retains an equal interest in the copyright.
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+ As such, the Canadian government retains all interest in the
+ copyright to this work and grants to ACM a nonexclusive,
+ royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow
+ others to do so, provided that clear attribution is given both to
+ the authors and the Canadian government agency employing them.
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+ or affiliate of the national government of Canada. As such, the
+ Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or
+ reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government
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+ \or % othergov
+ ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored
+ by an employee, contractor or affiliate of a national government. As
+ such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to
+ publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for
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+ or affiliate of a national government. As such, the Government
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+ this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes
+ only.
+ \or % iw3c2w3
+ This paper is published under the Creative Commons Attribution~4.0
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+ \or % iw3c2w3g
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+ (CC-BY-NC-ND~4.0) license. Authors reserve their rights to
+ disseminate the work on their personal and corporate Web sites with
+ the appropriate attribution.
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+ % and the present \@mkbibcitation definition is never used
+ % in this case. The conditional remains useful if the user
+ % explicitly sets \settopmatter{printacmref=true}.
+ \if@ACM@journal@bibstrip
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+ \@acmVolume, \@acmNumber \@article@string (\@acmPubDate),
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+ In \textit{\@acmBooktitle}%
+ \ifx\@acmEditors\@empty\textit{.}\else
+ \andify\@acmEditors\textit{, }\@acmEditors~\@editorsAbbrev.%
+ \fi\
+ ACM, New York, NY, USA%
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+ % \numexpr rounding to nearest
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+ \two@digits{\theACM@time@hours}:\two@digits{\theACM@time@minutes}{. }%
+ Page \thepage\ of \(a)startPage--\pageref*{TotPages}.%
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+ \else\shortauthors\fi}
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+ \@acmNumber, Article \@acmArticle. Publication date: \(a)acmPubDate.}%
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+ \@acmNumber, Article \@acmArticle. Publication date: \(a)acmPubDate.}%
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+ \@acmNumber, Article \@acmArticle. Publication date:
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+ \@acmNumber, Article \@acmArticle. Publication date:
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author = {Stefan Monnier},
+ booktitle = {Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs},
institution = {Université de Montréal - DIRO},
+ pages = {193-208},
title = {Typer: {ML} boosted with type theory and {S}cheme},
year = {2019},
- url = {\~{}monnier/typer-overview-
- 2019.pdf},
@@ -18,32 +18,12 @@
year = {2000},
- author = {Ana Bove and Peter Dybjer and Ulf Norell},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Theorem Proving in
- Higher-Order Logics},
- key = {TPHOLs09},
- month = aug,
- pages = {73-78},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- title = {A Brief Overview of {A}gda – A Functional Language
- with Dependent Types},
- volume = {5674},
- year = {2009},
- abstract = {We give an overview of Agda, the latest in a series
- of dependently typed programming languages developed
- in Gothenburg. Agda is based on Martin-Löf’s
- intuitionistic type theory but extends it with
- numerous programming language features. It supports a
- wide range of inductive data types, including
- inductive families and inductive-recursive types,
- with associated flexible pattern-matching. Unlike
- other proof assistants, Agda is not tactic-based.
- Instead it has an Emacs-based interface which allows
- programming by gradual refinement of incomplete
- type-correct terms.},
- url = {\~{}ulfn/papers/tphols09/
- tutorial.pdf},
+ author = {Ulf Norell},
+ school = {Chalmers university},
+ title = {Towards a Practical Programming Language Based on
+ Dependent Type Theory},
+ year = {2007},
@@ -74,7 +54,6 @@
Furthermore, I show how this method facilitates the
implementation of new high-level language
- url = {},
@@ -132,7 +111,6 @@
combination of SMT automation and constructive
proofs, enabling a tactic-free style of programming
and proving at a relatively large scale.},
- url = {},
@@ -165,7 +143,6 @@
programmers to work with total and partial functions
uniformly, providing a smooth path from functional
programming to dependently-typed programming.},
- url = {},
@@ -180,8 +157,6 @@
title = {Inductive definitions in the system {Coq}---rules and
year = {1993},
- url = {
@@ -211,8 +186,6 @@
different reduction rules from the ones used in [5]
in order to obtain a decidable conversion relation
for the system.},
- url = {
@@ -297,7 +270,6 @@
systems. In that way the well-known
propositions-as-types interpretation obtains a nice
canonical form.},
- url = {},
@@ -309,6 +281,29 @@
year = {1989},
+ address = {Nice, France},
+ author = {Martin Sulzmann and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and
+ Simon {Peyton Jones} and Kevin Donnelly},
+ booktitle = {Types in Language Design and Implementation},
+ key = {{TLDI}'07},
+ month = jan,
+ pages = {53-66},
+ title = {System F with Type Equality Coercions},
+ year = {2007},
+ abstract = {We introduce System F_C , which extends System F with
+ support for non-syntactic type equality. There are
+ two main extensions: (i) explicit witnesses for type
+ equalities, and (ii) open, non-parametric type
+ functions, given meaning by top-level equality
+ axioms. Unlike System F, F_C is expressive enough to
+ serve as a target for several different
+ source-language features, including Haskell's
+ newtype, generalised algebraic data types, associated
+ types, functional dependencies, and perhaps more
+ besides.},
author = {Thierry Coquand},
booktitle = {Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
@@ -317,6 +312,132 @@
year = {1992},
+ author = {Alexandre Miquel},
+ booktitle = {International conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and
+ Applications},
+ key = {TLCA'01},
+ pages = {344-359},
+ title = {The implicit calculus of constructions: extending
+ pure type systems with an intersection type binder
+ and subtyping},
+ year = {2001},
+ abstract = {In this paper, we introduce a new type system, the
+ Implicit Calculus of Constructions, which is a
+ Curry-style variant of the Calculus of Constructions
+ that we extend by adding an intersection type
+ binder-called the implicit dependent product. Unlike
+ the usual approach of Type Assignment Systems, the
+ implicit product can be used at every place in the
+ universe hierarchy. We study syntactical properties
+ of this calculus such as the βη-subject reduction
+ property, and we show that the implicit product
+ induces a rich subtyping relation over the type
+ system in a natural way. We also illustrate the
+ specificities of this calculus by revisiting the
+ impredicative encodings of the Calculus of
+ Constructions, and we show that their translation
+ into the implicit calculus helps to reflect the
+ computational meaning of the underlying terms in a
+ more accurate way.},
+ address = {Budapest, Hungary},
+ author = {Bruno Barras and Bruno Bernardo},
+ booktitle = {Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
+ Computation Structures},
+ month = apr,
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+ title = {Implicit Calculus of Constructions as a Programming
+ Language with Dependent Types},
+ volume = {4962},
+ year = {2008},
+ abstract = {In this paper, we show how Miquel’s Implicit
+ Calculus of Constructions (ICC) can be used as a
+ programming language featuring dependent types. Since
+ this system has an undecidable type-checking, we
+ introduce a more verbose variant, called ICC∗ which
+ fixes this issue. Datatypes and program
+ specifications are enriched with logical assertions
+ (such as preconditions, postconditions, invariants)
+ and programs are decorated with proofs of those
+ assertions. The point of using ICC∗ rather than the
+ Calculus of Constructions (the core formalism of the
+ Coq proof assistant) is that all of the static
+ information (types and proof objects) is transparent,
+ in the sense that it does not affect the
+ computational behavior. This is concretized by a
+ built-in extraction procedure that removes this
+ static information. We also illustrate the main
+ features of ICC∗ on classical examples of
+ dependently typed programs.},
+ address = {Budapest, Hungary},
+ author = {Nathan Mishra-Linger and Tim Sheard},
+ booktitle = {Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
+ Computation Structures},
+ month = apr,
+ pages = {350-364},
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+ title = {Erasure and Polymorphism in Pure Type Systems},
+ volume = {4962},
+ year = {2008},
+ abstract = {We introduce Erasure Pure Type Systems, an extension
+ to Pure Type Systems with an erasure semantics
+ centered around a type constructor indicating
+ parametric polymorphism. The erasure phase is guided
+ by lightweight program annotations. The typing rules
+ guarantee that well-typed programs obey a phase
+ distinction between erasable (compile-time) and
+ non-erasable (run-time) terms. The erasability of an
+ expression depends only on how its value is used in
+ the rest of the program. Despite this simple
+ observation, most languages treat erasability as an
+ intrinsic property of expressions, leading to code
+ duplication problems. Our approach overcomes this
+ deficiency by treating erasability extrinsically.
+ Because the execution model of EPTS generalizes the
+ familiar notions of type erasure and parametric
+ polymorphism, we believe functional programmers will
+ find it quite natural to program in such a setting.},
+ author = {Giuseppe Castagna and Tommaso Petrucciani and
+ Kim Nguyên},
+ booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming},
+ key = {ICFP'16},
+ month = sep,
+ pages = {378-391},
+ title = {Set-theoretic types for polymorphic variants},
+ year = {2016},
+ abstract = {Polymorphic variants are a useful feature of the
+ OCaml language whose current definition and
+ implementation rely on kinding constraints to
+ simulate a subtyping relation via unification. This
+ yields an awkward formalization and results in a type
+ system whose behaviour is in some cases unintuitive
+ and/or unduly restrictive. In this work, we present
+ an alternative formalization of polymorphic variants,
+ based on set-theoretic types and subtyping, that
+ yields a cleaner and more streamlined system. Our
+ formalization is more expressive than the current one
+ (it types more programs while preserving type
+ safety), it can internalize some meta-theoretic
+ properties, and it removes some pathological cases of
+ the current implementation resulting in a more
+ intuitive and, thus, predictable type system. More
+ generally, this work shows how to add full-fledged
+ union types to functional languages of the ML family
+ that usually rely on the Hindley-Milner type system.
+ As an aside, our system also improves the theory of
+ semantic subtyping, notably by proving completeness
+ for the type reconstruction algorithm.},
address = {Portland, Oregon},
author = {Matthias Blume and Umut A. Acar and Wonseok Chae},
@@ -353,47 +474,57 @@
(currently for PowerPC) and optimizes the
representation of sums by eliminating closures
generated by the dual construction.},
- url = {},
- author = {Giuseppe Castagna and Tommaso Petrucciani and
- Kim Nguyên},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming},
- key = {ICFP'16},
+ address = {Freiburg, Germany},
+ author = {Stefan Monnier},
+ booktitle = {Programming Languages meets Program Verification},
+ key = {PLPV'07},
month = sep,
- pages = {378-391},
- title = {Set-theoretic types for polymorphic variants},
- year = {2016},
- abstract = {Polymorphic variants are a useful feature of the
- OCaml language whose current definition and
- implementation rely on kinding constraints to
- simulate a subtyping relation via unification. This
- yields an awkward formalization and results in a type
- system whose behaviour is in some cases unintuitive
- and/or unduly restrictive. In this work, we present
- an alternative formalization of polymorphic variants,
- based on set-theoretic types and subtyping, that
- yields a cleaner and more streamlined system. Our
- formalization is more expressive than the current one
- (it types more programs while preserving type
- safety), it can internalize some meta-theoretic
- properties, and it removes some pathological cases of
- the current implementation resulting in a more
- intuitive and, thus, predictable type system. More
- generally, this work shows how to add full-fledged
- union types to functional languages of the ML family
- that usually rely on the Hindley-Milner type system.
- As an aside, our system also improves the theory of
- semantic subtyping, notably by proving completeness
- for the type reconstruction algorithm.},
- url = {},
+ pages = {33-40},
+ publisher = {ACM Press},
+ title = {The {S}wiss Coercion},
+ year = {2007},
+ abstract = {Recent type systems allow the programmer to use types
+ that describe more precisely the invariants on which
+ the program relies. But in order to satisfy the type
+ system, it often becomes necessary to help the type
+ checker with extra annotations that justify why a
+ piece of code is indeed well-formed. Such annotations
+ take the form of term-level type manipulations, such
+ as type abstractions, type applications, existential
+ package packing and opening, as well as
+ \emph{coercions}, or \emph{casts}. While those
+ operations have no direct runtime cost, they tend to
+ introduce extra runtime operations equivalent to
+ $\eta$-redexes or even empty loops in order to get to
+ the point where we can apply that supposedly free
+ operation. We show a coercion that is like a pacific
+ Swiss army knife of coercions: it cannot cut but it
+ can instantiate, open, pack, abstract, analyze, or do
+ any combination thereof, reducing the need for extra
+ surrounding runtime operations. And all that, of
+ course, for the price of a single coercion, which
+ still costs absolutely nothing at runtime. This new
+ coercion is derived from Karl Crary's coercion
+ calculus~\cite{Crary00}, but can also replace Crary
+ and Weirich's \kw{vcase}~\cite{Weirich99}. It
+ additionally happens to come in handy to work around
+ some limitations of value polymorphism. It is
+ presented in the context of Shao et al.'s Type System
+ for Certified Binaries~\cite{Shao02}. Other than the
+ coercion itself, another interesting aspect of this
+ work is a slightly unusual proof technique to show
+ soundness of the type erasure using a pure type
+ assignment language, making the no-op nature of our
+ \kw{cast} more obvious.},
address = {Baltimore, MD},
author = {James Chapman and Pierre-{\'E}variste Dagand and
- Connor McBride and Peter Morris},
+ Conor McBride and Peter Morris},
booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming},
key = {ICFP'10},
month = sep,
@@ -416,59 +547,21 @@
or infinite regress.},
- author = {David Christiansen and Edwin Brady},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming},
- key = {ICFP'16},
- month = sep,
- pages = {284-297},
- title = {Elaborator Reflection: Extending {I}dris in {I}dris},
- year = {2016},
- abstract = {Many programming languages and proof assistants are
- defined by elaboration from a high-level language
- with a great deal of implicit information to a highly
- explicit core language. In many advanced languages,
- these elaboration facilities contain powerful tools
- for program construction, but these tools are rarely
- designed to be repurposed by users. We describe
- elaborator reflection, a paradigm for metaprogramming
- in which the elaboration machinery is made directly
- available to metaprograms, as well as a concrete
- realization of elaborator reflection in Idris, a
- functional language with full dependent types. We
- demonstrate the applicability of Idris’s reflected
- elaboration framework to a number of realistic
- problems, we discuss the motivation for the specific
- features of its design, and we explore the broader
- meaning of elaborator reflection as it can relate to
- other languages.},
- url = {
- reflection.pdf},
- author = {Denis Firsov and Aaron Stump},
- booktitle = {Certified Programs and Proofs},
- pages = {215-227},
- title = {Generic Derivation of Induction for Impredicative
- Encodings in Cedille},
- year = {2018},
- abstract = {This paper presents generic derivations of induction
- for impredicatively typed lambda-encoded datatypes,
- in the Cedille type theory. Cedille is a pure type
- theory extending the Curry-style Calculus of
- Constructions with implicit products, primitive
- heterogeneous equality, and dependent intersections.
- All data erase to pure lambda terms, and there is no
- built-in notion of datatype. The derivations are
- generic in the sense that we derive induction for any
- datatype which arises as the least fixed point of a
- signature functor. We consider Church-style and
- Mendler-style lambda-encodings. Moreover, the
- isomorphism of these encodings is proved. Also, we
- formalize Lambek's lemma as a consequence of expected
- laws of cancellation, reflection, and fusion.},
- url = {},
+ author = {Martin Odersky and Philip Wadler},
+ booktitle = {Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
+ key = {POPL'97},
+ month = jan,
+ title = {Pizza into Java: Translating Theory into Practice},
+ year = {1997},
+ abstract = {Pizza is a strict superset of Java that incorporates
+ three ideas from the academic community: parametric
+ polymorphism, higher-order functions, and algebraic
+ data types. Pizza is defined by translation into Java
+ and compiles into the Java Virtual Machine,
+ requirements which strongly constrain the design
+ space. Nonetheless, Pizza fits smoothly to Java, with
+ only a few rough edges.},
@@ -501,7 +594,30 @@
translating several high-level constructions, that
ΠΣ is suitable as a core language for dependently
typed programming.},
- url = {\~{}psztxa/publ/pisigma-new.pdf},
+ author = {Denis Firsov and Aaron Stump},
+ booktitle = {Certified Programs and Proofs},
+ pages = {215-227},
+ title = {Generic Derivation of Induction for Impredicative
+ Encodings in Cedille},
+ year = {2018},
+ abstract = {This paper presents generic derivations of induction
+ for impredicatively typed lambda-encoded datatypes,
+ in the Cedille type theory. Cedille is a pure type
+ theory extending the Curry-style Calculus of
+ Constructions with implicit products, primitive
+ heterogeneous equality, and dependent intersections.
+ All data erase to pure lambda terms, and there is no
+ built-in notion of datatype. The derivations are
+ generic in the sense that we derive induction for any
+ datatype which arises as the least fixed point of a
+ signature functor. We consider Church-style and
+ Mendler-style lambda-encodings. Moreover, the
+ isomorphism of these encodings is proved. Also, we
+ formalize Lambek's lemma as a consequence of expected
+ laws of cancellation, reflection, and fusion.},
@@ -513,6 +629,18 @@
year = {2010},
+ address = {Budapest, Hungary},
+ booktitle = {Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
+ Computation Structures},
+ month = apr,
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+ title = {Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
+ Computation Structures},
+ volume = {4962},
+ year = {2008},
address = {Portland, Oregon},
booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming},
@@ -522,18 +650,6 @@
year = {2006},
- booktitle = {International Conference on Theorem Proving in
- Higher-Order Logics},
- key = {TPHOLs09},
- month = aug,
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- title = {International Conference on Theorem Proving in
- Higher-Order Logics},
- volume = {5674},
- year = {2009},
booktitle = {Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
key = {POPL'14},
@@ -594,6 +710,33 @@
year = {1989},
+ booktitle = {International conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and
+ Applications},
+ key = {TLCA'01},
+ title = {International conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and
+ Applications},
+ year = {2001},
+ address = {Freiburg, Germany},
+ booktitle = {Programming Languages meets Program Verification},
+ key = {PLPV'07},
+ month = sep,
+ publisher = {ACM Press},
+ title = {Programming Languages meets Program Verification},
+ year = {2007},
+ booktitle = {Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
+ key = {POPL'97},
+ month = jan,
+ title = {Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
+ year = {1997},
booktitle = {International conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and
@@ -615,6 +758,15 @@
year = {1997},
+ address = {Nice, France},
+ booktitle = {Types in Language Design and Implementation},
+ key = {{TLDI}'07},
+ month = jan,
+ title = {Types in Language Design and Implementation},
+ year = {2007},
booktitle = {Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
key = {POPL'16},
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+%% \documentclass{slides}
+\newcommand \CourseName {~~~~~~~~CUC}
+\newcommand \Subst[3] {#1[#2/#3]}
+\newcommand \Infer[1][] {\inferrule*[right=#1]}
+\newcommand \Rname[1] {#1}
+\newcommand \Ferase[1] {{#1*}}
+\newcommand \Fforget[1] {\lfloor#1\rfloor}
+\newcommand \Jtype[2][\Gamma] {#1 \vdash #2~:~}
+\newcommand \Jcic \Jtype
+\newcommand \Jcon[2][x;y] {#1 \vdash #2\;\;\kw{con}}
+\newcommand \Jsmall[2][\Gamma] {#1 \vdash #2\;\;\kw{small}}
+\newcommand \Type[1] {\kw{Type}_{#1}}
+\newcommand \Tmax[1] {#1~\sqcup~}
+\newcommand \TEarw[1][\ensuremath{k}] {\stackrel{\kw{#1}}{\to}}
+\newcommand \TEapp[2][\ensuremath{k}] {#2@^{\kw{#1}}}
+\newcommand \Lam[3][\ensuremath{k}] {\lambda #2 \: #3 \TEarw[#1]}
+\newcommand \Arw[3][\ensuremath{k}] {(#2 \: #3) \TEarw[#1]}
+\newcommand \ArwS[2][\ensuremath{k}] {#2 \TEarw[#1]}
+\newcommand \App \TEapp
+\newcommand \Ind[3] {\kw{Ind}(#1\:#2)\langle#3\rangle}
+\newcommand \Con[2] {\kw{Con}(#1,#2)}
+\newcommand \Case[3] {\langle#1\rangle\kw{Case}~#2 ~\kw{of}~\langle#3\rangle}
+\newcommand \Fix[3] {\kw{Fix}_{#1}~#2:#3~=~}
+\newcommand \ArwM[3][\ensuremath{k}] {\overrightarrow{(#2\:#3)\TEarw[#1]}\,}
+\newcommand \LamM[3][\ensuremath{k}] {\lambda\overrightarrow{#2\:#3\TEarw[#1]}\,}
+\newcommand \AppM[3][\ensuremath{k}] {#2~\overrightarrow{\TEapp[#1]{}#3}}
+\newcommand \IndE[2] {\kw{Ind}(#1)\langle#2\rangle}
+\newcommand \ConE[1] {\kw{Con}(#1)}
+\newcommand \CaseE[2] {\kw{Case}~#1 ~\kw{of}~\langle#2\rangle}
+\newcommand \FixE[1] {\kw{Fix}~#1~=~}
+\renewcommand \thepagetail {/87\hspace{-5pt}}
+\begin{myslide}{} %Title page
+ \begin{center}
+ \vfill
+ {\huge
+ Inductive Types Deconstructed \medskip \\
+ The Calculus of \smallskip \\ United Constructions
+ }
+ \vfill \vfill
+ Stefan Monnier \\ \texttt{monnier(a)} \\
+ Université de Montréal
+ \vfill
+ \end{center}
+\renewcommand \righthead {Introduction}
+%% - Inductive/data types: big and bloated.
+%% - Inefficient projection from tuples.
+%% - Impossibility to project separately from a case-test.
+%% - why not do it like SML?
+%% - No type refinement in default branches.
+%% - Done here for CIC but usable elsewhere
+%% - Give a bit of Typer context (can't throw away types yet!)
+%% - Decomposition into: tuples, unions, recursion, equality
+%% - tagged tuples
+%% - equality
+%% - unions
+%% boolean blindness
+%% - recursion
+%% - erasure
+%% - consistency
+%% Union themes:
+%% - wage
+%% - grievance procedure
+%% - representation
+%% - union organizer
+%% - rights!
+%% - right to organize
+%% - bargaining power
+%% - negotiation
+%% - contract negotiation
+%% - go on strike
+%% - lockout
+%% - labor dispute
+%% - capital
+%% - exploitation
+%% - unfair labor practice
+%% - scab
+\begin{myslide}{Inductive types}
+ \hfill Inductive types \hfill||\hfill GADTs \hfill||\hfill Datatypes
+ \hfill\mbox{}
+ \vfill
+ \SMCenterLine{Swiss army knives of data types:}
+ \SMCenterLine{Sum types + Product types (+ Recursive types + Indexed types)}
+ \vfill
+ Love/hate relationship:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[${+}$] Handy packaging of all those constructs
+ \item[${-}$] Big and bulky: can't always fit in my pockets
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vfill
+ %% \SMCenterLine{The calculus of United Constructions}
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ Here's how to break them {down into their constituents }!}
+\newcommand \RedStep [1] {%
+ \switch[][\boolean{firstactivation}]{#1}{{\color{red}{#1}}}%
+\newcommand \RedReStep [2] {%
+ \reswitch[\value{step}=#1][\boolean{firstactivation}]{#2}{{\color{red}{#2}}}%
+\begin{myslide}{Sample definition}
+ %% \vfill
+ \stepwise{
+ \vspace{-15pt}
+ %% \vfill
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{
+ \kw{type}~~\id{NList}~\RedReStep 5 \alpha~\RedReStep 4 n \\[-3pt]
+ ~~\begin{array}{l@{~}l@{~}l}
+ \mid \id{\RedReStep 1 {nil}} &
+ : &
+ \id{NList}~\RedReStep 5 \alpha~\RedReStep 4 0 \\[-3pt]
+ \mid \id{\RedReStep 1 {cons}} &
+ : \RedReStep 2 {\alpha} \to \RedReStep 2 {\id{\RedReStep 3 {NList}}~\RedReStep
+ 5 \alpha~\RedReStep 4{n'}} \to & \id{NList}~\RedReStep 5 \alpha~\RedReStep 4{(S~n')}
+ \end{array}
+ }
+ \end{displaymath}
+ \vfill
+ %%
+ Canonical example using all the features:
+ \vfill
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{cl}
+ \texttt{\RedStep {nil | cons}} &
+ Sum type \\
+ \texttt{\RedStep {cons~x~xs}} & Product type \\
+ \texttt{\RedStep {NList}} & Recursive type \\
+ $\color{black}\RedStep{n}$ & Indexed type \\
+ $\color{black}\RedStep{\alpha}$ & Parameterized type \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \RedStep {} %FIXME: For some reason, the last step is skipped otherwise!
+ \vfill %Helps vertical alignment!
+ }
+\begin{myslide}{Sample use}
+ \stepwise{
+ %% \vspace{-10pt}
+ %% \switch[\value{step}=3]{\mbox{}%% \newline
+ %% \mbox{}}{}
+ Constructors and destructors:
+ {\small
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{
+ \id{map} : (?\alpha \to~?\beta) \to \id{NList}~~?\alpha~~\RedReStep 4 {?n}
+ \to \id{NList}~~?\beta~~\RedReStep 4 {?n}; \\[-3pt]
+ \id{map}~~f~~xs = \kw{case}~~\RedReStep 3 {xs} \\[-3pt]
+ ~~\begin{array}{l@{~}l}
+ \mid \id{\RedReStep 1 {cons}}~~\RedReStep 2 {y~~ys} &
+ \Rightarrow \id{cons}~(f~y)~(\id{map}~f~ys) \\[-3pt]
+ \mid \id{\RedReStep 1 {\_}} & \Rightarrow \id{nil}
+ \end{array}
+ }
+ \end{displaymath}}
+ %% \begin{center}
+ %% \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ %% \texttt{cons (f x) (map f xs)} & Constructor \\
+ %% \texttt{nil} & Constructor \\
+ %% \texttt{case} & \TAlign{Does-it-all Destructor!}
+ %% \end{tabular}
+ %% \end{center}
+ %%
+ \texttt{case} destructor does it all:
+ \vfill
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \RedStep{Select} the right branch (Sum type)
+ \item \RedStep{Extract} the fields (Product type)
+ \item \RedStep{Unfold} the type (Recursive type)
+ \item \RedStep{Refine} the type within branches (Indexed type)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vfill %Helps vertical alignment!
+ }
+\renewcommand \righthead {Apertizer}
+\begin{myslide}{Grievances from Product types}
+ Extraction of a single tuple field
+ \hfill$\Rightarrow$\hfill \kw{case} expression of size $\color{black}O(N)$
+ %%
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ x.1 ~~~~~⇒~~~~~
+ \texttt{case}~~x~~|~~\texttt{tuple}~x_1~x_2~...~x_n\texttt{~=>~}x_1
+ \end{displaymath}
+ Can't extract fields separately from a constructor test
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{\texttt{case}~~x \\
+ ~~|~\texttt{cons}~\_~\_\texttt{~=>~}
+ ~...~
+ \MAlign{\texttt{case}~~x \\
+ ~~|~\texttt{cons}~~y~~ys\texttt{~=>~} ... \\
+ ~~|~~?\texttt{~=>~}?
+ }
+ }
+ \end{displaymath}
+ Fine for high-level language, limiting for low-level language
+\begin{myslide}{First rejected offer}
+ \SMCenterLine{¿ Promise to increase the wage of the optimizer ?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Live with suboptimal source code
+ \item Hope later optimization phases will generate the better code
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vfill \pause \vfill
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ Not good enough !}
+ Working on Typer, an ML/Haskell with dependent types and macros
+ We need to type check the lower-level code:
+ \SMCenterLine{We want to implement such optimizations via metaprogramming}
+\begin{myslide}{Second rejected offer}
+ %% \SMCenterLine{¿ Do it like Standard ML ?}
+ \SMCenterLine{¿ Standard ML:~~tuples + disjoint sums ?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Each datatype constructor takes exactly one argument
+ \item Add separate Tuple types
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vfill\pause\vfill
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ Not good enough !}
+ Now $\id{cons}(x,y)$ uses up 2 heap objects:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{picture}(200,15)
+ \put(30,0){\fbox{$~\id{cons}~$ ${\color{black}\mid}$ \hspace{3em}}}
+ \put(130,0){\fbox{${~~~~x~~~~}$ ${\color{black}\mid}$ ${~~~~y~~~~}$}}
+ \thicklines
+ \put(75,3){\vector(1,0){50}}
+ \end{picture}
+ \end{center}
+ \vfill
+ %% \SMCenterLine
+ {Don't want to rely on optimizer to merge them back (see 1st offer)}
+\begin{myslide}{Grievances from Sum types}
+ {\small
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{
+ \id{map} : (?\alpha \to~?\beta) \to \id{NList}~~?\alpha~~?n \to \id{NList}~~?\beta~~?n; \\[-3pt]
+ \id{map}~~f~~xs = \kw{case}~~xs \\[-3pt]
+ ~~
+ \begin{array}{l@{~}l}
+ \mid \id{cons}~~y~~ys & \Rightarrow \id{cons}~(f~y)~(\id{map}~f~ys) \\[-3pt]
+ \mid \_ & \Rightarrow \id{nil}
+ \end{array}
+ }
+ \end{displaymath}
+ }
+ \vfill
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ doesn't type check !}
+ \vfill
+ \vfill
+ \SMCenterLine{
+ The default branch does not know that $xs$ is $\id{nil}$}
+ \vfill
+%% FIXME!!
+%% \begin{myslide}{The case for unionization}
+%% Inductive types alienate the constructs they employ
+%% Sum, Product, Recursive, and Indexed types deserve more respect
+%% End the oppression of inductive types
+%% Let its constituents negotiate their own contract
+%% \end{myslide}
+\renewcommand \righthead {Main dish}
+\begin{myslide}{The Calculus of United Constructions (CUC)}
+ Lower-level definition for the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC)
+ Deconstruct inductive types into:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{l@{~~⇒~~}l}
+ Product types & \emph{Labeled} tuples \\
+ Sum types & \emph{Non-disjoint} union types \\
+ Recursion & Good old ${\color{black}\mu}$-types \\
+ Indexed typed & Equality types \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \vfill
+ ¡ Put the labels on the products rather than the sums !
+ Same approach applicable to other settings, e.g.\ GADTs, datatypes
+ \end{center}
+\newcommand \EmptyCtx {\bullet}
+\newcommand \Ttagvar {l}
+\newcommand \Tuple[2][\Ttagvar] {\kw{Tuple}_{#1}~#2}
+\newcommand \tuple[2][\Ttagvar] {\kw{tuple}_{#1}~}%% ~{#2}
+%% \newcommand \tuple[3][\Ttagvar] {\{ #3 : #2 \}_{#1}}
+\newcommand \TLabel {\id{Label}}
+\newcommand \Let[2] {\kw{let}~#1 = #2~\kw{in}~}
+\newcommand \Tproj[1] {#1.}
+\begin{myslide}{Labeled tuples}
+ \vspace{-10pt}
+ %%
+ {\small \begin{displaymath}
+ \color{mathgreen}
+ \texttt{cons 7 nil}
+ ~~{\color{black}\Rightarrow}~~
+ \tuple[\color{red}\textsf{cons}] \Delta {(7,\texttt{nil})}
+ ~~{\color{black}:}~~
+ \Tuple[\color{red}\textsf{cons}]
+ {(\textsf{Int}, \texttt{NList}~\textsf{Int}~0)}
+ \end{displaymath}}
+ Good Old Tuples Types™ plus label annotation and dependent types
+ %%
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ %% \begin{array}{l@{\;:\;}l}
+ %% \TLabel & \Type 0; \\
+ %% `Tcons Int Tnil : Types 0` comparable to `cons Int nil : list Type₀`
+ %% `list Int : Type₀` and `list Type₀ : Type₁` so `Types 0 : Type₁`!
+ %% \id{Types}_\ell & \Type {\ell+1}; \\
+ %% \id{Tnil}_\ell & \id{Types}_\ell; \\
+ %% \id{Tcons} &
+ %% \MAlign{\Tarw{t}{\Type{\ell_1}}
+ %% {\Tsarw{(\Tsarw{t}{\id{Types}_{\ell_2}})}
+ %% {}} \\
+ %% \;\;\id{Types}_{(\Tmax{\ell_1}{\ell_2});}} \medskip \\
+ %% \id{Values}_\ell & \Tsarw{\id{Types}_\ell}{\Type {\ell}}; \\
+ %% \id{Vnil}_\ell & \id{Values}_\ell~{\id{Tnil}_\ell}; \\
+ %% \id{Vcons}_\ell &
+ %% \MAlign{
+ %% \Tarw{x}{\tau}{\Tsarw{\id{Values}_\ell~{(f~x)}}{}} \\
+ %% \;\; \id{Values}_\ell~{(\id{Tcons}~\tau~f)};
+ %% } \medskip \\
+ %% \Tuple[]{} & \TLabel \to \id{Types}_\ell \to \Type \ell; \\
+ %% \end{array}
+ \begin{array}{lc@{\;\;}c@{\;\;}l@{}}
+ %% \textsl{(label)} & l &\in& \mathcal{L} \\
+ %% \textsl{(index)} & i &\in& \mathbb{N} \\
+ \textsl{(ctxt)} & \Delta &::=& \EmptyCtx ~|~ \Delta,x\:\tau \\
+ \textsl{(term)} & e,\tau &::=&
+ ... \MAlign{~|~ \Tuple[{\color{red}\Ttagvar}] \Delta
+ ~|~ \tuple[{\color{red}\Ttagvar}] \Delta {\vec e}
+ %% ~|~ \Tproj e i
+ ~|~ {\Let {\vec x} {e_1} {e_2}}} \\
+ \textsl{(sugar)} & {\Tproj e i} &\equiv& \Let {\vec x} {e} {x_i}
+ \end{array}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ Labels on tuples are cheap
+ %% FIXME: BiBoP
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Can often be stashed in a pre-existing heap object header
+ \item At worst, adds a single word to heap objects (or use BiBoP)
+ \end{itemize}
+\newcommand \Teq[1] {#1 \equiv}
+\newcommand \Trefl {\kw{refl}~}
+\newcommand \TJ[2] {\kw{J}~#1~#2~}
+\begin{myslide}{Equality type}
+ (Labeled) Tuples let us build \emph{non-indexed} single constructor types
+ To support \emph{indexing}, CUC provides an Equality type:
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \begin{array}{lc@{\;\;}c@{\;\;}l}
+ \textsl{(term)} & e,\tau &::=&
+ ... ~|~ \Teq{e_1}{e_2} ~|~ \Trefl{e} ~|~ \TJ{e_\equiv}{e_f}{e}
+ \end{array}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ \texttt{NList} can be (re)defined without indexing:
+ \vspace{-5pt}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{\kw{type}~~\id{NList}~\alpha~n \\[-3pt]
+ ~~
+ \begin{array}{ll@{~~}l}
+ \mid & \id{nil} & (n \equiv 0) \\[-3pt]
+ \mid &\id{cons} & \alpha~~(\id{NList}~\alpha~n')~~(n \equiv S~n')
+ \end{array}
+ }
+ \end{displaymath}
+ So \texttt{nil} returns $\tuple[\textsl{nil}]{Δ}{(\Trefl 0)}$
+ Saves us from the \emph{convoy pattern}
+ %%
+ and
+ %% Eliminates the need for
+ Coq's
+ $\color{mathgreen}\texttt{in}~\tau_1~\texttt{return}~\tau_2$
+ %% in \texttt{case}
+\newcommand \TUnion[1] {#1~\cup~}
+\newcommand \TUnionSmart[1] {#1~\cup'~}
+%% Note: The first arg is not needed for type-checking, but it is
+%% needed for the reduction rules (so a cast from \tau to \tau can be dropped).
+\newcommand \TUcast[2] {\kw{cast}~#1{\subseteq}#2~}
+\newcommand \TUcase[6] {
+ \kw{switch}~#1~|~#2~#3~#3_\equiv\Rightarrow #4~|~#5~#5_\equiv\Rightarrow #6}
+\begin{myslide}{Non-disjoint union types}
+ Using labeled tuples and union types, we can (re)define \texttt{NList}:
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \MAlign{
+ \kw{type}~\id{NList}~\alpha~n \\
+ ~~=~\MAlign{
+ \Tuple[\textsl{nil}]{(\Teq{n}{0})} \\
+ \cup~\Tuple[\textsl{cons}]{(n' : \textsl{Nat}, \alpha, \id{NList}~\alpha~n', \Teq{n}{S~n'})}
+ }
+ }
+ %% = (tuple)
+ %% | nil (n ≡ 0)
+ %% | cons α (NList α n') (n ≡ S n'}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ Union types have no run-time representation/cost !}
+ But \texttt{nil}'s $\tuple[\textsl{nil}]{Δ}{(\Trefl 0)}$ doesn't have type
+ $\id{NList}~\alpha~0$:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item We need a weakening constructor to coerce from $\tau_1$ to
+ $\TUnion{\tau_1}{\tau_2}$
+ \end{itemize}
+ We also need a strengthening construct, which tests the labels
+\renewcommand \righthead {Dessert}
+\begin{myslide}{Union types's constructs}
+ \vspace{-15pt}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \begin{array}{lc@{\;\;}c@{\;\;}l}
+ \textsl{(term)} & e,\tau &::=&
+ ... ~\MAlign{
+ |~ \TUnion{\tau_1}{\tau_2} \\
+ |~ \TUcast{\tau_1}{\tau_2}e \\
+ |~ {\MAlign{\TUcase {e %% \\
+ } {\Ttagvar}{x}{e_\Ttagvar %% \\
+ }{y}{e_d}}}
+ }
+ \end{array}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ $\color{mathgreen}\TUcast{\tau_1}{\tau_2}e$ weakens $e$ from ${\tau_1}$ to ${\tau_2}$
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Turns into a no-op after type erasure
+ \end{itemize}
+ $\color{mathgreen}\kw{switch}$ jumps to either $e_\Ttagvar$ or $e_d$
+ according to the label on tuple $e$
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item $e_d$ is a catch-all case; can be chained for multiple branches
+ \item No \emph{boolean blindness}: $x$, $x_\equiv$, $y$, $y_\equiv$ remember the
+ test's result
+ \end{itemize}
+ \SMCenterLine{¡ Builds on labeled tuples and equality types !}
+\begin{myslide}{Details of \kw{switch}}
+ \vspace{-10pt}
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ {\MAlign{\TUcase {e %% \\
+ } {\Ttagvar}{x}{e_\Ttagvar %% \\
+ }{y}{e_d}}}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ $e$ has to have a union type where all alternatives are (labeled) tuples
+ $x$ and $y$ are bound to $e$ but with a refined type
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item $x$ keeps alternatives with label $\Ttagvar$ and $y$ only keeps the
+ others
+ \item For $e : \texttt{NList}~\alpha~n$, if $\Ttagvar$ is $\textsl{nil}$,
+ $x$ has type $\Tuple[\textsl{nil}](\Teq{n}{0})$
+ \item The default branch is not left in the cold:
+ $y : \Tuple[\textsl{cons}](...)$
+ \item The typing rule encodes the usual coverage check
+ \end{itemize}
+ $x_\equiv$ (resp $y_\equiv$) is bound to a proof that $x$ (resp $y$) is equal to $e$
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Needed for dependent elimination
+ \end{itemize}
+\newcommand \Tmu[4][] {\mu_{#1} #2\:#3 . #4}
+\newcommand \Tfold[1][\tau~{\vec p}] {\kw{fold}~}%% ~#1
+\newcommand \Tunfold[1][\tau~{\vec p}] {\kw{unfold}~}%% ~#1
+\newcommand \Tletfold[3][\tau~{\vec p}] {\Let{\Tfold[#1]{#2}}{#3}}
+\renewcommand \righthead {Coffee}
+ Support for recursive types and recursive functions
+ \begin{displaymath}
+ \begin{array}{lc@{\;\;}c@{\;\;}l@{}}
+ %% \textsl{(index)} & i &\in& \mathbb{N} \\
+ \textsl{(term)} & e,\tau%% ,p
+ &::=&
+ ... ~\MAlign{
+ |~ \Tmu[i]{x}{\tau}{e}
+ ~|~ \Tmu{x}{\tau}{e} \\
+ |~ \Tfold{e}
+ %% ~|~ \Tunfold{e}
+ ~|~ \Tletfold{x}{e_1}{e_2}
+ } \\
+ \end{array}
+ \end{displaymath}
+ In principle, these are standard fixpoint constructs
+ For the purpose of proving consistency by translation to CIC:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item $\color{mathgreen}\Tmu[i]{x}{\tau}{e}$ mimics CIC's recursive functions
+ ($i$ is induction argument)
+ \item $\color{mathgreen}\Tmu{x}{\tau}{e}$ mimics CIC's positivity check
+ \item $\color{mathgreen}\Tletfold{x}{e_1}{e_2}$ is preferred over
+ $\color{mathgreen}\Tunfold{e}$
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{myslide}{Polymorphic variants comparison}
+ Restrictive form of polymorphic variants:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Labels kept abstract: could be small integers
+ \item No polymorphic \kw{case} analysis
+ \item Upcasts need to be explicit
+ \end{itemize}
+ In return we get simple integration into existing PTS
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Easily bolted on the side of CC, CCω, ...
+ \end{itemize}
+\renewcommand \righthead {The bill}
+ Defined the Calculus of United Constructions
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item a lower-level alternative to the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
+ \end{itemize}
+ Separates each ingredient of inductive types
+ Lends itself to a simple and efficient implementation
+ Refines the types even in the default branch of \texttt{switch}
+ Proved consistent by translation to the CIC
+\begin{myslide}{Future work}
+ Translate all of CIC to CUC
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The ingredients are there, but the details still need to be worked out
+ \end{itemize}
+ Levitation: Use inductive types to define $\tau_1 \subseteq \tau_2$ and friends
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item See title of the slide
+ \end{itemize}
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