[gambit-list] Question about compilation using gsc

C K Kashyap ckkashyap at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 09:18:43 EST 2017

Here's an observation that I have -

I have "f1.scm" that defines a function f1 and f2.scm that defines f2
(which calls f1)

1. If I do gsc -o out -exe f1.scm f2.scm - out gets generated but I get the
error unbound2/operator not a procedure

2. However, if I do gsc -out f2.scm f1.scm, things work fine

So my question is, is that expected as in, I must ensure that the list of
files are in the right order (in terms of dependencies)? or am I missing
some option?

Also, I'd appreciate some pointers to using definitions from another file -
I found (##include) - is that the way to go?

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