[gambit-list] Gambit version for medical apps?

Gorges, Matthias MGorges at cw.bc.ca
Tue Jul 5 12:56:34 EDT 2016

Hi Marc,
> I guess the best approach would be to create a "v4.7.0-lts" branch
> in the Gambit git repo.  Then any fixes to issues that are discovered
> could be added to that branch specifically.
That would be great - Our team can propose a few patches we would need to have in there. Certainly the amd64 support needed to build for iOS from 4.7.3. Additionally see Adam's remark below.

> 2016-07-05 10:01 GMT+08:00 Adam <adam.mlmb at gmail.com<mailto:adam.mlmb at gmail.com>>:
> I agree that 4.7.0 is good. I use it too and have for very long.
> I also experienced some issue when attempting to upgrade. (And some Gambit internals
> changed after this also so a few Black Hole internals would need upgrade which take time.)
> I'm essentially not aware of any bug in 4.7.0 (except for |will-execute!| which
> by design leaks memory on all versions).
> (Ah right, and a compile-time error on Linux, #ifdef USE_select needs to be
> changed to #ifdef USE_POSIX in lib/os_time.h , that is all.)
> As development of the master branch progresses, a newer release of Gambit
> that is stable could be identified and a new "lts" branch could be created.
> This would happen every 2 years or so, similarly to Ubuntu.
Maybe a bit longer than that as we would already be past the 2-year mark for 4.7.0. (or 4.7.2 for that matter).

> Due to the overhead of doing this, I would appreciate if someone stepped
> forward to oversee the management of this process.  Matthias, would you
> be willing to do this?
I have never written a compiler before so I need to have a discussion with Chris to identify what our team can do to help.

Thanks Matthias

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