[gambit-list] Http Client confusion

Mikael mikael.rcv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 15:26:59 EST 2012

Ah, noted Sack uses the syntactictower branch's module naming scheme for
SRFI:s. Let me know if I should email over one with the non-syntactictower

Apart from what's released online yet, Sack has stable HTTPS server
support, let me know if you want it.

Release of improved HTTPS client support as well as an asynchronous HTTP*
client API (akin to the API exported by the web browser XHR object) is


2012/11/28 Mikael <mikael.rcv at gmail.com>

> Dear Matthew,
> The (std net/http-*) modules are obsolete and should be taken out of any
> repo that's online.
> They're replaced with the Sack HTTP middleware that's both a client and
> server, found on github.com/pereckerdal/sack/ .
> Re Black Hole, it might that you have benefit of using the
> "legacy"=non-syntactictower branch, this is what I'm doing since years with
> excellent results.
> I personally intend to revise the package bundles and the
> "master"=syntactictower branch of Black Hole one of these days.
> Re a package bundle for "legacy" BH, there's
> https://github.com/pereckerdal/std , and if you want a more updated
> version please let me know and I'll send it over.
> Please tell if you have any further enquiry or something is somehow not
> working really smooth, regarding BH, libraries for it, or Gambit.
> With warm regards,
> MIkael
> (Re the state of BH documentation and support, basically there's been a
> kind of a glitch there due to the syntactictower version making some
> structural leaps while at the same time bringing some PITA bugs.
> Non-syntactictower is more tried and tested than syntactictower, though
> syntactictower *is really well made* and technologically better, so there's
> a little bit of work ahead of tweaking syntactictower to work as good as
> non-syntactictower, and then bring symmetry between these two branches in
> terms of package name use and alike.
> Sorry for this. In the meantime, if you want a smooth safe path, go with
> the 'legacy' branch, Sack for HTTP functionality, and
> https://github.com/pereckerdal/std or the updated version of it that I
> provide, for bundled libraries.)
> 2012/11/28 Matthew Phillips <matthew at phillipsoft.biz>
>> So no luck on this one either. I'm close to doing the dreaded
>> right-it-yourself
>> but would rather not, so far I'm not having luck with BH.
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