[gambit-list] Full coding environment for iOS, on an iPad

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Thu Oct 27 20:12:33 EDT 2011

On 2011-10-27, at 1:44 PM, Joe Doyle Ardent wrote:

> 	Although I'm not an Apple fan, I can't help but be impressed by 
> this:
> http://createdigitalmotion.com/2011/10/codify-elegant-creative-coding-directly-on-the-ipad-no-computer-needed/
> What makes it so great is that it takes advantage of the platform itself 
> to help with coding.  You want a sprite?  Type in the sprite-invoking 
> method ("sprit()"), then *touch the code on the screen of your iPad* and 
> a graphical chooser pops up to let you choose which sprite to invoke.
> 	I'm presuming that you can't share the code you write on your 
> tablet with other users (one of the reasons I don't like Apple), but the 
> fact that this programming app is allowed seems like it would make a 
> Gambit environment feasible (sorry if that is old news).  Of course, 
> this is way more than a Lua-based dev environment, so it's not like 
> you could just bundle an editor and Gambit for the tablet and have this.
> 	But still, it's cool.

You mean something like Gambit REPL (which is available for iPad)!


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