[gambit-list] man _gambit func_

Marc Feeley feeley at iro.umontreal.ca
Wed Feb 11 09:32:47 EST 2009

On 11-Feb-09, at 4:11 AM, Pavel Dudrenov wrote:

> A part from explicitly clicking on a link, I find it disturbing when a
> command causes some other program to open, and steal focus from emacs.
> At that point my brain switches in a different gear and causes me to
> get distracted from the problem at hand.

I agree and that is why by default the "lynx" text-only browser is  
used if it is available.  That way the documentation appears in the  
terminal in which the REPL is running.  I've been using this for a few  
days and its really very slick and fast!

> What you guys are describing sounds really good and w3m is one way out
> of the small annoyance described above. But it would be nice if this
> thing fetches the contents of the wiki page, parses them, then
> displays the results in a temp buffer - kind of like what
> describe-function does. That might be the more emacs user friendly way
> to do it.

It shouldn't be too hard to add this feature to gambit.el .


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