[gambit-list] man _gambit func_

Pavel Dudrenov dudrenov at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 04:11:28 EST 2009

A part from explicitly clicking on a link, I find it disturbing when a
command causes some other program to open, and steal focus from emacs.
At that point my brain switches in a different gear and causes me to
get distracted from the problem at hand.

What you guys are describing sounds really good and w3m is one way out
of the small annoyance described above. But it would be nice if this
thing fetches the contents of the wiki page, parses them, then
displays the results in a temp buffer - kind of like what
describe-function does. That might be the more emacs user friendly way
to do it.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:22 AM, Adrien Piérard
<pierarda at iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>> My plan is to call an external script (in
>> ~~bin) which will do the brunt of the work.  This script has to be
>> generated by the configure script so that it calls up the correct
>> browser for the system.
> Nah, this script has to use a Scheme variable (or an environment variable)
> to select the browser or the command to run.
> Setting it to firefox may just be the right default value, and others will
> call w3m or whatever as they want it.
> Deciding what to run at compile time of gambit is useless work.
> Also, looking at slime may be nice, the hyperspec integrates quite well
> (should it be or not installed locally).
> Can the wiki be fetched dumped on a parsable format on a local machine (say,
> HTML)?
> P!
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