[gambit-list] Thanks and Thoughts For "Scheme on Skis" :)

Guillaume Cartier gcartier at jazzscheme.org
Fri Nov 2 08:38:28 EDT 2007

On 11/2/07, Marijn Schouten (hkBst) <hkBst at gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Rouan van Dalen wrote:
> > Ok so on to the scheme community's new web framework : "Scheme on Skis"
> (thanks Marc).
> I have the impression that hop <http://hop.inria.fr/> can do a lot of what
> you
> want.
> How incompatible are Gambit and Bigloo? Is there any chance of porting Hop
> to
> Gambit?

At the MSLUG meeting organized during the OOPSLA 2007 I asked Manuel Serano
that exact same question and the answer was :

"Don't even think about it! There are alot of bigloo specific stuff in Hop"

I find it hard to believe any Scheme code could be that hard to port to
Gambit but that was his answer.

On a personal note, I loved the Hop code I saw as it seemed (first
impressions) to make web development really clean and mostly Scheme based.
The one thing I didn't like about Hop is that instead of hooking a
high-level API into the new emerging rich-application Javascript frameworks
like ExtJS, it redoes all the job itself. I haven't looked at Hop's source
code, but I'd guess the rich-application javascript side must be a *big*
part of the framework and as a web developer I want to be able to use any
kick-ass rich-application API I want.

PS: Personally I *love* Marc's new Scheme on skis name but I think we should
find some other nice and short name. Using the same blabla on blabla name as
Rails is not a good to start showing how original Scheme is!


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