May 30 June 1, 2011 - Marrakech, MOROCCO
Submission Deadline: extended to March 14, 2011
The 10th edition of FTFC (10th Low Voltage Low Power Conference) will be
held in Marrakech, Morocco on May 30 June 1, 2011.
The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE CAS society and will be
co-organized by Ecole Nationale de Siences Appliquees de Marrakech, Ecole
Marocaine des Sciences de l'Ingenieur de Marrakech, Institut Supérieur
dElectronique de Paris, and Universite de Montreal.
FTFC is dedicated to advances in designing low-voltage low-power systems,
covering the manufacturing process, circuit simulation tools and synthesis,
system-level design and optimization.
The fields of application are numerous, including distributed networks,
sensors, implants, SOCs, and embedded systems. It was held for the first
time in Paris in 1997.
The conference proceedings will be published on IEEE Xplore.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Technologies and emerging technologies for Low Power and Low Voltage,
variability issues
* Wireless communication circuits and networks, RF circuits
* Digital, Analog and mixed-signal circuits
* Power management and power optimization techniques
* Ultra Low Power implants, sensors, body area networks and wearable
* Low Voltage and Low Power computer-aided design
The Program Chairs invite the authors to submit on-line a 4-page manuscript
following the IEEE guidelines.
Important dates
* Proposal for tutorials and special sessions: February 26, 2011
* Deadline for paper submission: extended to March 14, 2011
* Notification of acceptance: April 7, 2011
* Deadline for submission of final paper: April 15, 2011
El Mostapha Aboulhamid, Professeur
<BLOCKED::mailto:Aboulham@iro.UMontreal.CA> EM.Aboulhamid(a)UMontreal.CA
Phone:+1 (514) 343-6822
FAX: (514)343-5834
Université de Montréal
DIRO, CP 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville
Montréal (Québec) Canada
H3C 3J7
DIRO, Bureau 3243, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt
2920 Chemin de la Tour
Montréal QC H3T 1J4