[gambit-list] Release of the Gambit 'python' module

Marc-André Bélanger marc-andre.belanger at asciimail.com
Wed Sep 7 14:08:24 EDT 2022

Hi all Gambit users,

Pr. Feeley and I have just released a new module for Gambit. The 'python' module is available at https://github.com/gambit/python. It is a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to CPython which combines a low-level API with a syntactic interface that allows Gambit users to interface with Python code. The module also offers a Foreign Procedure Call mechanism that bridges the CPython and Gambit threading models.

For example, it is now possible for Gambit users to import Python modules as such:

> \import math
> (cos \math.pi)

This module requires a recent Gambit version compiled with the '--enable-multiple-threaded-vms' option. The GitHub repo contains a short README with instructions as well as a few examples to get you started. We will be giving a talk about our work at the upcoming Scheme Workshop (https://icfp22.sigplan.org/details/scheme-2022-papers/7/An-FFI-between-Gambit-Scheme-and-CPython). You can get a preprint of the accompanying article at https://andykeep.com/SchemeWorkshop2022/scheme2022-final22.pdf .

We had fun developing this and while there are still a couple of known kinks, the software is generally quite stable and enjoyable. Please notify us of any problems, or just to showcase your work!


Marc-André Bélanger

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