[gambit-list] Garbage Collection & Circular References

Jussi Piitulainen jpiitula at ling.helsinki.fi
Tue Feb 18 04:14:59 EST 2014

William Soukoreff writes:

> I'm new to Scheme, and new to Gambit, so I apologize if my question
> is silly.

You'll find that GC and wills work fine when you correct something
whose effect is not specified by the definition of the language:


> (define (circ-obj name)
>    (let* ((data '(a . b) )
>           (func (lambda () (println "executing func for object \"" name
> "\" proc: " data))))
>       (set-car! data func)
> ;      (set-cdr! data fund)
> ;      (set! data func)
>       func))

It is an error to set-car! a quoted pair (or any quoted datum). Scheme
is not required to detect such errors, but the effect may not be what
you expect. For example, Gambit could allocate just one pair, not a
fresh pair every time.

Change '(a . b) to (cons 'a 'b) to create a mutable pair.


> Notice that the will for object "three" never gets called, which I
> think means that the object hasn't been recollected by the garbage
> collector.
> Anyway, all I'm really hoping for is an indication as to whether
> such circularly referenced objects should or should not be garbage
> collected.

Yes, such objects should get collected. The collector can and should
remove objects that are no longer live in the sense of being
accessible though a traversal that starts from root objects like
global variables and code that is currently being executed.

This, too, is technically not specified by the language definition.
Officially all objects live forever, but in practice unreachable
memory can be recycled.

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